精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:This is a girl ._______(她的)name is Alice.
小题2:Nice to m_______ you!
小题3:—What′s your n________?   -Jane.
小题4:This is my brother(兄弟). H_______name is Tony.
小题5:Her name is Zhang Lingling. Her l______ name is Zhang.

小题3: name
小题4: His 
小题5: last 

小题2:根据题干,本句的意思是“遇见你很高兴。”故用Nice to meet you。所以填meet。
小题5:根据Zhang Lingling可知,zhang“张”应该是姓,也就是family name或last name。所以本题填last。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

1. Beijing is the _____________(首都) of China.
2. Here are two______________(照片)of Jim’s family.
3. There are                  (四十)students in our room.
4. My favourite sport is                (跑步).
5. My father is a _______________(经理)
6. The little river is b____________ my house. My house is in front of it.
7.They are twin          (兄弟).
8. Betty with Tony         (be) in Class Three.
9. The apples are                        (在…上面)the tree.
10.Our teachers are very good. We all love_______________(他们)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:People like using the Internet because they can get lots of ________ (信息) from it.
小题2:The girl ________ (听见) something unusual from behind and turned around.
小题3:The little boy can play the ________ (钢琴) very well.
小题4:Hearing the amazing news, the girl opened his eyes ________ (张得很开地).
小题5:Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Can you please ________ (重复) it?
小题6:This weekend, there is a good ________ (film) on. Let’s go and see it.
小题7:The restaurant is popular because the food there is very ________ (tasty, nice to eat).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

I am a middle s 小题1:  student now. I h 小题2:  four new classmates. T小题3:  are Lucy, Sally, Alan a 小题4:  Carl. Lucy and Sally a小题5: girls. Alan and Carl are boys. Lucy is tall. She is slim, t 小题6:. Sally is not tall. She is small and thin. Alan is Lucy’s cousin. He i 小题7:  big and strong. He is v 小题8:  helpful. Carl is a short boy. He is f 小题9:  England. All m 小题10:  new classmates are polite. We are good friends.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:She is old enough to look after __________(she).
小题2:Mr Black is very angry, because the students are playing ____(noise ) in the classroom.
小题3:He is ________(thin) of the twins.
小题4:The ________(40) student is a top student.
小题5:The ________(high) of the big man is a secret.
小题6:I have a good online friend __________(call) Jack.
小题7:You should spend as much time as you can ______(practice) English.
小题8:Our teacher told us that light __________(travel) faster than sound.
小题9:Maybe the photos of the pets are those __________(visit).
小题10:Rose, ______(not play) football in the street.
小题11:Mary looks ________(happy) today because she hasn’t passed the exam.
小题12:I think Olympic Games is one of ________(exciting) events in the world.
小题13:__________(luck) , no one lost his way in the hiking.
小题14:I want to go to some places of ____________(interesting) in South China.
小题15:What about __________(ski) with me this Sunday afternoon.
小题16:Why not _______(go) out for a walk after lunch?
小题17:She met a friend of ____(she) on her way home.
小题18:Mr Wang often tells us _________(not stay) out too late.
小题19:The boy is ___________(music). He likes singing and dancing.
小题20:Last week, they had a good time_________(climb) the West Hill.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

I __1_ (相信)it’s very ___2__ (重要的)to have a healthy lifestyle. Usually I get up__3_(早),then I love to __4__(喝)a glass of milk. I  __5_(离开) home at 6:30. I never __6__(乘)a bus to go to school, I always walk there although it takes me about__7__(四十)minutes to go to school, I do morning exercise__8__(一次)a day. It helps me to study__9___.(更好)and I hardly ever have a __10__(感冒). I really enjoy my life.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

词汇运用 根据首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺的单词(共10小题每小题1分计10分)
小题1:Here is your birthday ______(['preznt] ).
小题2:How many ______(tooth) does the special animal have?
小题3:How ______ (happy) the boy with glasses sings!
小题4:Young people think trainers make them feel ______(comfort).
小题5:Kitty is in the classroom. She is _____(write) a letter to her friend.
小题6:Jane ______ (练习) speaking English every morning.
小题7:People in the West like _______(庆祝) Thanksgiving Day.
小题8:My hobby is collecting beautiful _______(邮票).
小题9:Shanghai is a big and _______(现代化的) city.
小题10:Jay Chou is one of the most ____(受欢迎的) singers in China now.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:A set of k________ is on the table.
小题2:My uncle’s d________ are my cousins.
小题3:It’s an E________ book.
小题4:---How do you s________ your last name?
--- H-A-N-D.
小题5:Is that your Chinese d________?
小题6:I always get up at 6:30 in the m________.
小题7:--Excuse me! Is this your watch?
--- No, it isn’t. It’s not m________.
小题8:The dog is u________ the table.
小题9:---What’s your f________ name?
小题10:T________ for your help.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

根据句意及中文提示补全单词 ( 共10分,每小题1分)
小题1: I have been to Beijing___________(两次) with my parents.
小题2:Do you like ________(古典的) music?
小题3:It is __________(容易) to learn Japanese than English.
小题4: He always ___________(忘记) his parents` advice.
小题5:The ___________(难题) is too hard for most of us. Maybe Tony can solve it.
小题6: After two hours` walk, he felt very ____________.(累)
小题7: Beijing Opera is a kind of ___________(传统的) music.
小题8:You have to hold your _____________(呼吸) before you shoot.
小题9: In the _____________(西方) countries, Christmas Day is the most important day.
小题10: Our children have grown up and have children of their _______(自己的).

