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---Which is your favourite drink, juice, water or milk?

--- Thanks, but I’m sorry I like ________ of them. I like coffee most.

A. nothing B. no one C. none D. not all




试题分析:句意:你最喜欢的饮料是什么,果汁,水还是奶?谢谢,但很抱歉,我都不喜欢他们。我最喜欢咖啡。Nothing没有事;no one没有一个人; none没有; not all不是所有的。根据I like coffee most可知最喜欢的不是果汁,水或奶,所以选C




科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省泰州市海陵区八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If you _______ , I will _______ myself.

A. don’t come; mop up it B. don’t come; mop it up

C. won’t come; mop up it D. won’t come; mop it up



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省泰兴市八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Please_______the painting on the wall and _______the washing machine later.

A. put up; put in B. put out; put inC. put in; put upD. put up; put down



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省江阴市青阳片八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Now, most people have watches. As we know, Switzerland(瑞士) is famous for its watches. ___ , the watch was not _ in this country. It was the British who did. Many years ago, an Englishman traveled to Italy and on his way he went a small town in Switzerland. This Englishman traveled in a carriage(马车) inside which there was a carriage watch. This was the __ kind of watch. A blacksmith’s(铁匠) assistant hoped to see the watch. He __ what it was. __ he asked the Englishman about it. “ It is a carriage watch,” said the Englishman. “ This machine can tell the ___ but now it isn’t working.”

At once the blacksmith’s assistant decided to try to __ it. So the traveler handed him the watch. He was very __. So it was not surprising that he was __ in showing it right. He even remembered how it was made. As soon as the traveler had gone, he made a watch of exactly the same kind.

So the watch-making was started in Switzerland. Today Swiss watches are sold all over the world.

1.A. So B. And C. However D. For

2.A. brought B. invented C. came D. appeared

3.A. on B. at C. in D. through

4.A. earliest B. latest C. nicest D. cheapest

5.A. knew B. wondered C. thought D. wrote

6.A. Because B. After C. So D. Since

7.A. time B. price C. address D. number

8.A. repair B. steal C. make D. buy

9.A. hardworking B. strong C. forgetful D. clever

10.A. difficult B. hard C. glad D. successful



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省江阴市青阳片八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Why is the girl called Kitty so sad? ---_________, I think.

A. Because she passed the maths test

B. Because of she failed the maths test

C. Because of her bad points in the maths test

D. Because her failed the maths test



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省江阴市要塞片八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Do you always agree with your teacher? Sometimes you might have a different a 1. to a Maths problem. Or maybe they scold(责备) you when you don’t think you did anything w 2. .

What do you do then? A story on sina.com said that more and more students choose to s 3. out and sometimes even shout(喊叫) at their teachers.

It’s i 4. for students to say what they think. In the past, few Chinese students dared(敢于) to speak d 5. to their teacher. It was an unwritten rule(不成文的规定) that what the teachers said is always right. But now students are b 6. to think more of themselves and dare to say what they think right.

But students should choose the right way to speak out. We should respect(尊重) teachers. They are older than you and know more things. So, never use i 7. words when speaking to them. And don’t make them u 8. when you don’t agree with them.

Try to find the right time to talk to your teacher. For e 9. , talk about the problem after class.

R 10. to talk about it in a friendly way.



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省江阴市要塞片八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

The ideal (理想的) teacher may be young or old, tall or short, fat or thin. He should ______ his subject very well and like learning something about other subjects. The ideal teacher must be full of strong feelings of wonder or interest. He must ____ teach anything he himself is not ___ in. He should be like a man who can act and should not be afraid to ____ his feelings and tell other people what he likes and what he doesn't like clearly. He must like his students and respect them, and he must also respect himself and be proud of his work. __ he doesn’t, he cannot respect his students and _ respect from them. The ideal teacher should have an ___ of his students and be able to get on well with them. He needs students’understanding, too. The ideal teacher should be kind and ____ and he should give hope to his students to learn knowledge. The ideal teacher should see his students’ ___ so that he can know how to encourage the growth of ____ of his students. The ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and makes himself better along with his students.

  So what about the teacher around you?

1.A. like B. know C .choose D. remember

2.A. never B. ever C. even D. still

3.A. weak B. well C. interested D. strict

4.A. hold B. show C. pass D. keep

5.A. Since B. As C. If D. Because

6.A. give B. lose C. change D. win

7.A. excuse B. idea C. exercise D. understanding

8.A. forgetful B. helpful C. quick D. lucky

9.A. lists B. mistakes C. cards D. differences

10.A. each B. every C. one D. either



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省江阴市八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


What would you think if you saw a fish walking? Would you look again i 1. you saw a fish climbing a tree? There is a fish that does b 2. of these things. It is called the tree-climbing fish.

It is believed that a traveller to India first told about the tree-climbing fish. The fish was h 3. up in a tree. What was the fish doing in that tree? How did it get there? The traveller t 4. a bird might have put it there.

The next day the traveller saw a fish come out of the w 5. . It was hard to believe, but up the road went the fish. It used its fins (鱼鳍) and tail to pull i 6. along. It stopped to eat some worms. After the fish ate, it walked slowly over to a tree. Up, up it c 7. . When it got high up in the tree, it took a rest.

The traveller was s 8. to see these things and told other people about the tree-climbing fish. The people wanted to know w 9. this fish looked like. He explained the one he saw was dark brown and about one foot long.

People can f 10. the tree-climbing fish not only in India but also in the Philippines, Thailand, Pakistan, and other places. At one time, people saw the fish in Florida, America. Because the weather there was too terrible, it was not able to live there any longer.



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省无锡市新区八年级第一学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Vivien worked very hard at all her lessons. __________, she became the top student in her class.

A. In order toB. As a resultC. As usualD. For example


