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To protect the environment, China has put a ban(禁令) on thin plastic bag (plastic bag thinner than 0.025 mm). From June 1,2008, China stopped the production, sale and use of these plastic bags to the public.
Plastic bags can cause “white pollution”, because they can take 400-1,000 years to break down. They pollute the soil(土壤) and water. Plastic bags also cause a serious danger to animals. Animals often mistake plastic bags for food. Thousands of them die each year after eating plastic bags.
So what kind of bags will be the best to use when we are shopping? Recently some students made their own shopping bags. Most students used old clothes to make their bags. They painted pictures like the Olympic rings on them. But Li Mei had a more traditional way to make her hag. She weaved(编织) a bamboo(竹子) basket. It was not an easy job. With her grandfather’s help, Li Mei spent the whole afternoon making it.
What can we do? Refuse plastic bags and persuade(说服) people to use environmentally friendly(对环境无害的) shopping bags instead of plastic ones. Try to recycle the ones we have.
小题1:Did Li Mei make her shopping bag by herself?
小题2:Why do plastic bags cause a serious danger to animals?
小题3:What kind of material did most students use to make their shopping bags?
小题4:When did China stop the production, sale and use of these plastic bags?
小题5:According to the passage, what should we do to protect the environment? (One example is OK.)

小题1:No, she didn’t. 
小题2:Animals often mistake plastic bags for food. Thousands of them die each year after eating plastic bags.
小题3:Old dothes.
小题4:June 1,2008 
小题5:Refuse plastic bags and persuade people to use environmentally friendly shopping bags instead of plastic ones.

小题1:细节题。由倒数第二段She weaved a bamboo basket. It was not an easy job. With her grandfather’s help, Li Mei spent the whole afternoon making it.李蕾编织了一个竹篮子,这不是个容易的活,在她爷爷的帮助下,李蕾花费了整个下午制作它。可知,李蕾不是独自制作的购物袋。
小题2:细节题。由第二段Plastic bags also cause a serious danger to animals. Animals often mistake plastic bags for food. Thousands of them die each year after eating plastic bags.可知,塑料袋对动物也有严重的危害,动物常常误食塑料袋,每年都有成千上万的动物因为吃了塑料袋而死亡。
小题3:细节题。由第三段Most students used old clothes to make their bags.可知,大多数的学生用他们的旧衣服制作购物袋。
小题4:细节题。由第一段From June 1,2008, China stopped the production, sale and use of these plastic bags to the public.可知,从2008年6月1日开始,中国停止向公众生产,出售和使用这些塑料袋。
小题5:细节题。由最后一段What can we do? Refuse plastic bags and persuade people to use environmentally friendly  shopping bags instead of plastic ones. Try to recycle the ones we have.可知,我们应该拒绝使用塑料袋,鼓励人们使用可重复利用的环保的购物袋。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

As a city with a long history, Yangzhou is among the f  小题1:  24 cities in China that enjoy the title(称号) of Historical and Cultural City approved by the State Council. B 小题2:  the year 2014,Yangzhou will mark its 2500th anniversary of the founding of the city.
Throughout history, Yangzhou has been 小题3:  for its gardens. However, during the late Qing Dynasty, Yangzhou gardens were 小题4:  destroyed because of the city’s decline(衰落) and the wars.
Since the foundation of the PRC, Yangzhou gardens have been better p 小题5:  and developed. Famous gardens like the Slender West Lake, Ge Garden, He Garden…are under effective protection. In 1996, Yangzhou became o 小题6:  of the first Garden Cities in Jiangsu Province and in 2003 ,it w 小题7:  the title of the National-level Garden City.
Yangzhou gardens are generally characterized(总体风格) as being 小题8:  and fresh. The design is usually based on the principles of following the natural landscape, using rocks, pools, lakes, or rivers in a garden scene, and decorating(装饰) gardens with famous 小题9: and ancient trees. In this w小题10:  , the style of Yangzhou gardens can be characterized by combining the greatness of North China and the beauty of South China. Living in the world like this, people are sure to have a healthier life.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分)
Martin, Henry, Margaret, Joseph和Alex五个人都想要参加各自喜欢的俱乐部。请仔细阅读第1-4题中的个人情况说明,然后从A到D的四个项目中,选出符合个人要求的最佳选项,并回答第5小题。
小题1:Martin wants to learn how to be a team leader and how to organize activities.
小题2:Henry is interested in gardening and taking care of flowers and plants.
小题3:Margaret wants to have a try in the making of TV programs.
小题4:Joseph hopes to be given a chance to act in a play. 
Club information
A.This club is a group of students who are interested in the art of TV broadcasting. Members learn how to use equipment in our television studio. They also work as part of a team to produce TV programs.
Advisor: Mr. Koehler
B.The aim of this club is to help the members to develop their own leadership skills by organizing different kinds of activities. The members meet every Tuesday from 3:00 to 4:00.
Advisor: Mr. Wells
C.This club for students in Grades 2 and 3 helps plant and take care of the School Front Garden and the Butterfly Garden.
Advisor: Mr. Michael
D.This club produces musical and nonmusical plays in which 75 to 100 players can act depending on which play is chosen. The plays like Dinosaurs Alive, Disney Days and so on have been enjoyed by many people. All students are welcome.
Advisor: Mrs. Sands
小题5:Alex likes basketball very much and wants to become a member of the school team. What club will he choose?
A.Do you want to play with classmates? You can take part in kinds of activities.
B.Do you want to become a Kobe or a James in our school? Our club has invited a retired NBA player, who will help you a lot.
C.Do you want to travel all the world? We will invite a famous traveler to introduce the world.
D.Please take part in our club. The teachers will help you practice spoken English.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One afternoon ,Mrs Stone decided to visit her friend Mrs King . Mrs king lived in a nice house with a large garden far from the city center .Mrs Stone took her dog with her . While the women were having coffee outside the house , the dog was running around in the garden . The two friends were very unpleasantly surprised when the dog appeared after some time with a dead rabbit in his mouth. Mrs King began to feel sick because she knew that her neighbor kept rabbits in a hutch (兔窝 ) in his garden . As the dog and the rabbit were both covered with earth and dirt , the women took the rabbit and carefully cleaned it in the bathroom .When it got dark ,they went quietly through the trees into the neighbor’s garden and put the dead rabbit into the hutch .
The next afternoon .Mr king’s neighbor , the one with the rabbit ,found her in the garden called her over . She walked towards the neighbor and she felt very afraid because she knew that she did something wrong “You know what ? ”her neighbor said , “ Yesterday morning I found one of my rabbits dead in the hutch . So I put it in the ground in the garden and this morning ,”he started to whisper( 耳语 ), “It’s back to the hutch ! I’m going to take it to a right pet cemetery ( 墓地)      
1 . Who was the owner of the dog ?
2 .Why were Mrs Stone and Mrs King very unpleasantly surprised ?
3 .Where did Mrs Stone and Mrs King put the dead rabbit ?
4.The rabbit wasn’t bitten to death by the dog , was it ?
5.How would Mrs King’s neighbor deal with the rabbit ?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

  Mr and Mrs Jones live(居住) in Paris. Mr Jones takes a bus to the bank(银行) every day. He is a clerk. He often goes out in the morning and comes back in the evening. Mrs Jones works in a school. She usually goes to work at eight in the morning and gets home at about five-thirty in the afternoon. So they have no time to look after their little son, Jerry. Who looks after Jerry? His aunt, Mary. She is Mr Jones’ sister.
小题1:Where do the Jones live?
小题2:What’s Mr Jones’s job?
小题3:What time does Mrs Jones come home?
小题4:How many kids do they have?
小题5:Who looks after Jerry?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:As we are growing up, we should know that the i  of a person’s morality(品德) is far more important than his or her knowledge itself.
小题2:It’s reported that there were more than sixty d     caused by car accidents in the last two months. How sad I am when I hear the news!
小题3:On the afternoon of December,31, all the classes in our school o    parties to celebrate the New Year’s coming.
小题4:According to an a      Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water.
小题5:As young people, although they have more opportunities in their lives than grown—ups , they still should be more r    instead of being much too romantic(浪漫的) when they consider their jobs.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

American schools begin in September a_____小题1:______ a long summer holiday. There are two terms(学期) in a school year: the f________小题2:______ term is from September to J__小题3:________ , and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they f______小题4:______  high school(中学). High school students have only four or five s_____小题5:______ to learn each term. They u_____小题6:____  go to the same classes every day and they have to do their h_____小题7:_______  for every class. After high school, many students go to college(大学). They can go to a small one or a l ____小题8:_______ one. Students have to s______小题9:________ a lot of money on their studies. So many college students w_____小题10:______  after class to make money.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A. like         小题1: 85% of  the students like learning English at school.
B. be alike     小题2:I’ll be a new man when I  return to  Huzhou.
C. not busy     小题3:He is free every night.
D. most         小题4:In some ways they  look the same .
E. at last      小题5:They both  enjoy  going to parties.
F. go back to   小题6:Finally , he got a very good job.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

任务型阅读。 (10 分)
阅读下列短文,根据短文中的内容完成表格。(每空一词 )
From: Lily @126.com
To: Alice@yahoo.com.cn
Sent: 10:40 a.m. June 16th
Subject: My best friend
Dear Alice,
Thank you for your last letter. I enjoyed reading it very much . You tell me about your best friend. In this letter I will tell you about mine. Her name is Trudy. Trudy has long, dark brown hair and green eyes. She is 13 years old, the same age as me, but a little taller.
We sit together in class and help each other with our schoolwork. We always go home together after school and walks in the park or play computer games for half an hour.
Trudy likes to play the piano and she can play it well. I am learning to play the flute (长笛). We practice together every day.
Trudy is always happy and helpful. I love to stay with her
Lots of love,
Type(类型) of this article
An      小题1:      .  
My     小题2:     friend.
My best friend---    小题4:     
She has     小题5:    ,dark brown hair, green     小题6:  .
She is 13 years old.
Afterschool activity
We often play     小题8:     games or walk in the park .
She can play the    小题9:     .
She is _____小题10:_____ and helpful.

