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work out,   give seats to,    leave …… alone,   be willing to,    all over

1. This English problem is very difficult. I can not _________ it _________ .

2. — Are you _________________ take them home?

  —Yes, of course.

3. The baby is too small, you shouldn’t _________ him at home _____________ for too long.

4. The boy press the doorbell and we can hear the sound ___________ the house.

5. Lily is very polite , she often _____________ the elderly.

 1. work out  2. willing to  3. leave alone  4. all over  5. gives seats to


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

My friend,Li Gang is ______university student who comes from Shanghai .
        A.   an             B.a           C. the


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

           Miss Swan didn’t want to be a Sunday school teacher any longer. The were all rude and never listened to her. ”I can’t stay here .any longer. I give up.” She shouted at the students.” Cool. ”Rick said. He was the most impolite kid in this school.
  Two months later, Miss Betty Ray came to the school .She looked young and thin. The students thought that she wouldn't’ stay very long.
  Betty introduced herself, and when she was looking for something in her bag, all of the kids laughed. ”Have any of you ever been to another state?” She asked nicely .A few hands went to.” Has anyone traveled more than five hundred miles? ” One hand went up.” Has anyone visited another country? ”No hands went to , The teens were puzzle(遗憾).
  Finally, Betty took a map of the world from her bag,” What else do you have in there? Lunch?” Someone laughed. Betty smiled and answered,” Cookies for large,” Cool,” Rick said.”
  Then she pointed at a place on the map,” I was born here ,’she said Everyone guessed where it was ,”Is that Texas ?” someone sitting in the back asked,” Not even close , It is India,” Her eyes twinkled with joy,” Why were you born over there?” Betty smiled ,”My parents were missionaries(传教士)there, and that is where and how they lived.” Wow, this is as exciting as TV!” Rick became interesting in his teacher.
  “You don’t have to be a missionary. Everyone can do something in this world to help another,” Miss Betty said. Then she told them her stories about far away places and what the people were like there and how they lived.” Wow, this is as exciting as TV! ”one young girl told her.
  Day by day the student grew to love her. The more they liked her, the lovelier she became, Betty taught that Sunday school class for twenty years. Her hair turned gray. Every year she received letters from some student s. There was a doctor, a scientist a businessman and many teachers among them.
(    )1.Three months ago Miss Swan was a teacher in Sunday school bur she didn't like the job because the students were rude.
(     ) 2.In Sunday school no one had visited another country when Miss Betty asked them at the first class .
(     ) 3.Betty’s parents were missionaries in that place where she was born.
(     ) 4.Day by day , the students liked Miss Betty and before Miss Betty they liked Swan , too.
(     ) 5. The passage tells us students who had been taught by Miss Betty were all doctors , scientists , businessmen and teachers.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

_________ weather it is?

A. What nice B. How nice C. What a nice D. How nice the


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


When you have a cold, you must be unhappy (不快乐) because your body becomes hot, and there are pains (疼痛) all over. You don’t want to work, you stay in bed, feeling terrible.

What makes you ill? It’s germs. Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you can’t find them with your eyes but you can see them with a microscope (显微镜). They are very small and there could be hundreds of them in or on a very small thing.

Germs are always found in dirty water. When you look at dirty water under the microscope, you can see them in it.

Germs are found not only in water. They are also found in air and dust (灰尘). If you cut your finger (手指), and if some of the dust goes into the finger, it will become big and red, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes germs will go into your body and you will have pain everywhere.

(    )1.The word germ means (意思是)___________.

              A.细菌                  B.废气                  C.煤气                  D.空气

(    )2.You can see germs____________.

       A. when you are ill                             B. only when you use a microscope    

C. when you cut your finger                D. everywhere around you

(    )3.A microscope is used for____________.

       A. making very big things look much smaller    B. making very small things look much bigger

C. helping you see things clearly              D. killing(杀死) germs

(    )4.Your parents won’t allow(允许) you to drink dirty water because___________.

       A. dirty water will make you dirty  B. there are many germs in it and germs can make you ill

C. you can see many germs in it    D. it will make your finger red and big

(    )5.The writer(作者) talks about__________.

              A. how to keep dirty water clean                 B. how to look after your fingers

C. how to find germs in the dirty water       D. what can make you ill


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Here ______ some milk for your mother.

A. is             B. has              C. have            D. are


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Our English teacher is kind______. She often smiles.

A. for us          B. by us             C. from us              D. to us


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Jack loves traveling by train. Traveling by train is very comfortable. Most of the trains are air-conditioned, warm in winter and cool in summer. Jack usually chooses a non-smoking section, taking a seat by the window so he can enjoy the outside views. If it is a night train, the experience can be more exciting. He just sleeps the whole night and the next day he will be in a new city. By the way, he never has to worry about his meals. The train provides food around the clock.

Traveling by train has another advantage(优点): you may meet some old friends or you can listen to people talking about something of your interest. Last week when he was on a train, for instance(例如), he ran into a primary school classmate. They didn’t expect(预期)that they could bump into(偶遇)each other that way. They talked about many things: the games they played, the jokes they made on their classmates and the funny things they had done.

Answer the following questions(根据短文内容,回答问题)

1. What does Jack love?

He loves traveling                    .

2. Why does Jack love traveling by train?

Because traveling by train                      .

3. What section does he usually choose?

He usually chooses a                 .

4. Does the train provides food all day and night?


5. Who did Jack run into last week?

A                           .

6. What do you think of Jack according to the passage?

He likes to travel              .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even though they are different in color?”

It was a serious question. I 1 for a while, and then said, “I’ll explain it sooner. Let’s go to a fruit shop. I have something interesting to show you.”

At the fruit shop, we bought some apples in different 2 —red, green and yellow ones. After we got home, I told Adam, “It’s time to 3 your question now.” I put one apple of each kind colour on the table. Adam 4 carefully. He had a 5 look on his face.

“People are like apples. They come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. On the 6 , some of the apples may not even look as delicious as 7 .” While I was talking, Adam was

8 each one carefully. Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮) them, placing them back on the 9 , but in a different place.

“Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”

He said, “I 10 tell. They all look the same now.”

“Take a 11 of each one. See if that helps you decide 12 one is which.”

He took big bites, and then a huge smile came across his face. “People are 13 like apples! They are all different, but once you take off the outside, they’re pretty much the 14 on the inside.”

He totally 15 it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.

1. A. discussed B. waited C. answered D. thought

2. A. colours B. tastes C. sizes D. shapes

3. A. solve B. answer C. tell D. improve

4. A. listened B. found C. smelled D. watched

5. A. worried B. sad C. curious D. glad

6. A. outside B. upside C. beside D. inside

7. A. others B. the others C. the other D. another

8. A. checking B. listening C. drawing D. picking

9. A. sofa B. chair C. bedside table D. table

10. A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. needn’t

11. A. feel B. touch C. bite D. look

12. A. what B. which C. that D. who

13. A. just B. always C. only D. never

14. A. delicious B. kind C. different D. same

15. A. made B. took C. got D. did

