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  One Thursday afternoon, Mrs Clarke locked the door and went to the women's dub(俱乐部) as usual. When she came home she f ________ (1) something unusual. Had someone got in? There was no sign of forced entry (强行进入). Had a ________ (2) been taken? She found her camera and watch missing.

  The following Thursday she went o ________ (3) at her usual time, but she didn't go to the club. Instead, she took a s ________ (4) walk in a park nearby and came home. She let herself in through the back door and sat down to wait and see what would happen.

  It was 4 o'clock w ________ (5) the bell rang. Mrs Clarke was making tea at that moment. The bell rang again. But Mrs Clarke didn't go to a ________ (6) it. Then she heard her letter-box being opened. Mrs Clarke moved quietly towards the door w ________ (7)a kettle(壶) of boiling water. A piece of wire(电线) appeared through the letter-box and then a hand. The wire turned a ________ (8) caught around the knob(旋钮) on the door Lock.

  Mrs Clarke raised the kettle and poured the water over the h ________ (9). A sharp cry was heard outside as the wire fell to the floor. Before long, two p ________ (10) came and caught the thief.


(1) found (felt);(2) anything;(3)out;(4)short;(5)when;(6)answer;(7)with;(8)and;(9)hand;(10)policemen


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:写作题

     请根据下列图画内容和所给的词语提示,以“How John Keeps Fit"为题,写一篇字数在80词左右的英语短文。
    提示词语:always,take exercise,like,sports,such as,go to bed, get up, take care of,
take a bath(洗澡),every day, wash, before meals, all kinds of, healthy food, like, fruit, so. look, healthy

                                               How John Keeps Fit
     It's important for us to keep healthy.  John gives us a good example.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

下列5幅图画告诉了我们中学生小明在课堂内外是如何对待英语学习的。请你根据这5幅图画,以“How Xiao Ming Studies English”为题对小明的表现进行描述,说明这些表现对他学习英语带来的不良后果,并对英语学习的态度谈点自己的看法。



3.词语提示:复习review vt.            考试成绩差get bad marks

How Xiao Ming Studies English

Xiao Ming is a middle school student.





