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Katrina works in the TV station.She is a(n) _______.

A. teacher         B. farmer             C. interviewer            D. policewoman


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年人教版初中英语八年级上册第一单元练习卷 题型:其他题


1.The old man ____________(锻炼)every morning.

2.I often __________ (购物)on weekends.

3.We must _________(保持 )our classroom clean.

4.There are some _______(不同) between the two pictures.

5.He ____________ (几乎不)goes to restaurant for dinner.

6.Katrina doesn't often _______ (喝)coffee,,she likes green tea.

7.My eating _________(习惯) are not very good.

8.Everyone must _______(设法) to work hard.



科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Katrina is an American girl. She is 22 years old. She is an English teacher in a middle school in
Beijing. Her brother is Mike. He is 24 years old. He is a soldier (士兵). Now he works in Washington.
What about Katrina's parents? They are in New York. What does her father do? He is a doctor in a big
hospital. What does her mother do? Her mother is a nurse in the same (相同的) hospital. They work
very hard. How old are they? Her father Mr Smith is 47 and her mother is 46 years old.
Name Relations (关系) Age Job Work place
Katrina 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ A middle school
Mike 4. ______ 5. ______ soldier Washington
Mr Smith father 6. ______ 7. ______ A big hospital
Mrs Smith mother 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______


科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

     Katrina is twelve years old. In the past(在过去),she hardly ever   1   (do) any exercise. She didn’t like    2    (drink) water, too. So she looked very     3    (healthy). She didn’t feel like doing anything. On weekends and during vacations, she always watched TV at home. Also, she was very quiet in class. She never put up her hand to answer the teacher’s questions.
     A few weeks ago, Katrina told her parents she often wanted    4    (sleep)in class. She wanted to listen carefully in class, but she couldn’t. Her parents were very worried about her. At last, they decided   5   (take) her to see a doctor. The doctor told Katrina that she should    6   (exercise) more.
     Now Katrina exercises three times a week. She often walks or joins in other activities. And she is good at    7   (swim). How happy she is! Tomorrow is Saturday, she    8   (plan)to go bike riding with her friends Tina and Tara. Now she does well in her school work and has more friends.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. The old man _____ (锻炼) every morning.
2. I often _____ (购物) on weekends.
3. We must _____ (保持 ) our classroom clean.
4. There are some _____ (不同) between the two pictures.
5. He _____ (几乎不) goes to restaurant for dinner.
6. Katrina doesn't often ______ (喝) coffee, she likes green tea.
7. My eating ______ (习惯) are not very good.
8. Everyone must ______ (设法) to work hard.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Parts of China had the heaviest rainfall this year in its history, killing more than 400 people. Some 770 people have been killed by flooding in South Asia. And it is a similar story in the world.

More than 50 people were killed in Sudan. Hundreds had to leave homes in northern England as the water rose. In Colombia, houses disappeared under rising floodwaters and some 50,000 people had to move to safe places.

    As people fought the worst floods in history, experts warn such things may become more often because of climatic change and that lessons still need to be learnt to reduce the losses(减少).

Floods may leave fewer deaths than earthquakes, wars or tsunamis(海啸) ,and the world pay less attention to it, but they can cause similar damage(毁坏).

    Climate change could make the problem worse. Many scientists say the world is warming because of carbon emissions(碳排出量)from human activities, making weather more unpredictable(不可测).

    Experts say that flood defenses(防洪) have made people feel no safety, especially in the most developed countries. "With floods, the first thing to learn is that you cannot stop them," said Professor Graham Chapman at Lancaster University. "You have to have a society that learns to live with them."

    In 2005 Hurricane (飓风)Katrina visited New Orleans, USA, and caused great losses. It showed that even a developed country like the United States could not face the flood if it was not fully prepared.

"Flood plains(平原)are not bad places to live," said Nottingham University's Thorne. "Most of the world's great civilizations (文明) grew up along rivers -- people are always going to live there. But you have to have plans for flooding."

1. From the first two paragraphs we know that ____.

A. there were serious floods all over the world this year

B. China had the heavier rainfall than other countries this year

C. many people in England were killed because the water rose

D. worldwide floods caused deaths in most countries this year

2. Experts think that lessons about floods still need learning because_______.

A. people pay no attention to flooding 

B. more floods may appear

C. floods will cause similar damage   

D. floods will be the main losses

3. According to Professor Graham Chapman, flood defenses________.

A. can keep people safe    

B. can influence climate change

C. are not able to stop floods 

D. let people pay less attention to floods

4. Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans caused great losses partly because___.

A. the United States is a developed country

B. Americans didn't learn flooding lessons.

C. people knew nothing about flooding

D. people didn't prepare fully to face Hurricane Katrina

5.What did Thorn think of plains along rivers?

A. It’s dangerous to live there       

B. It is comfortable to live and work there.

C. The places fit for humans to live   

D. They are centers of culture in the world

