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1. What's his favorite subject?
2. What language does she speak?   
3. When do you have P.E.?
4. Where are you from?  
5. Why does she like math best?
6. What's in the bedroom?  
7. Do you sleep late in the morning?
8. What can he do?  
1. His favorite subject is P.E.
2. She speaks English.
3. I like P.E. on Tuesday.
4. I’m from the U.S.A.
5. Because it’s interesting.  
6. There’s a desk and a chair in the bedroom.
7. No, I don’t.
8. He can make a cake.

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(8分)材料   苏云金芽孢杆菌生长到一定阶段,菌体内一端形成芽孢,另一端形成一种被称为伴孢晶体的蛋白质晶体。菌体破裂后释放出芽孢和伴孢晶体,伴孢晶体本身并无毒性,是毒素的前体。当昆虫吞食伴孢晶体后,在肠道内碱性环境条件和特定的蛋白酶的作用下,伴孢晶体变成毒素分子,能使小肠上皮细胞萎缩退化,昆虫停食,最后脱水死亡。科学家利用苏云金芽孢杆菌的这个特性,在实验室大量培养,制成生物农药,洒在农作物上,让害虫吃后中毒死亡。或利用基因工程技术,把苏云金芽孢杆菌的抗虫基因转到农作物体内,培育出抗虫品种。请根据上述材料回答下列问题:

(1)上图中,切断a处的工具酶是____________ ,切断b处的酶是             ______。
(5)转基因工程改良动植物品种,最突出的优点是_____________________________ 。
①________________                       _____________
②_____________________                          _____。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)
1.Helen Monson has always been interested in helping her community. Her first volunteer experience was for the American Red Cross when she was in high school. When she was a school teacher, she also found time to volunteer. One year, she organized a Super Saturday Fun Day for kids in the community. She also used to volunteer at the Mint Festival every year. One summer, she served food, another year she organized an art programme.
2.After she retired, she started volunteering to help the old. When her father was older, he was not able to see as well as he used to, which made her sad because he had always enjoyed reading. She decided it would be fun to read to elderly people in her community. She also helped one woman write her stories. Ann was almost 100 years old, and Helen wrote down information about her life when she visited her. She put the information in a book and got it published. Ann was very excited to share her life story with her children and her grandchildren.
3.After a hurricane(飓风) destroyed some southern cities, Helen volunteered again for the American Red Cross. She prepared food and answered phones in a care centre. She says, “I have always liked the Red Cross because the organization helps people in need no matter what.”
4.One day, Helen read an article in the newspaper about refugees(难民) who needed to learn English. Now, she meets once a week with Sahra, a 38-year-old woman, from Somalia. Sahra is living and working in a town about 30 minutes’ walk from where Helen lives. They work on reading and writing skills. Helen gave Sahra a camera and asked her to take pictures of her daily life. She developed the pictures, and then asked Sahra questions about them. In the end, they wrote a book together and used the photos in the book. This helped Sahra learn many new words about her everyday life.
5.Helen says, “The most rewarding(有益的) part of volunteer work is becoming friends with the people I help. They enrich my life as well as I enrich theirs.”
【小题1】When was Helen’s first volunteer experience for the American Red Cross?
【小题2】What did Helen do after she retired?
【小题3】Why was Ann excited when her book got published?
【小题4】Where did Helen work when she volunteered again for the American Red Cross?
【小题5】How far is Sahra living and working from Helen’s home?
【小题6】Did Helen help Sahra to learn English?
【小题7】What can you learn from Helen?


科目:初中英语 来源:2010年重庆市西南师大附中初一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Perhaps once you got free plastic bags when you shopped at the supermarket. But now things have changed already.
Since June 1, 2008, China has banned(禁止) its shops and supermarkets providing free plastic bags. Shoppers have to pay for bags if they need them. “We hope it will encourage people to use cloth bags and baskets for their vegetables,” said a spokesman from the Chinese government. “Plastic bags have led to a big waste of energy and on the other hand, they pollute(污染) the air, rivers and soil. It takes around 1000 years for the bags to break down. They are also dangerous to wildlife, which eats them without knowing.”
A large number of Chinese people have begun to make their own cloth bags. Li Linwei, a student in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, made a bag out of an old dress of her mother’s. “ I have given it to my grandmother as a Mother’s Day present. From now on, she will use it when she goes shopping.” said the girl.
1. Since what time, supermarkets have been stopped from providing free plastic bags?
2. Without free plastic bags, what will people use when they go shopping according to the passage?
3. Do plastic bags pollute the environment?
4. How long will it take the plastic bags to break down?
5. What present did Li Linwei give her grandmother on Mother’s Day?


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年仁爱版初中英语八年级上册Unit4Topic1练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Trees are useful to man in three important ways.

The first important way is that they provide(提供) man with food, wood and the other products. Trees provide not only man with food, but also many animals with food. Without trees many animals could not live on the earth. It’s not easy for man to live on the earth, either.

The second important way is that trees give us shade(阴凉). On a hot summer day, people are eager(渴望) to have a rest under the tree after they have a long walk. You can imagine how important the shade of a tree is to man and animals.

The third important way is that trees help to prevent droughts and floods(防止干旱和洪水). However, in many parts of the world, man hasn’t realized the third way. They were cutting trees down in large numbers. In the end they find that they have lost the best friends they had.


1. How many important ways are trees useful to man?


2. Trees only provide man with food, don’t they?


3. On a hot summer day, what do trees give us?


4. What does the underlined word “they” means?


5. What’s the best title of the passage?




科目:初中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省鞍山市初二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

New York is one of (A)_______ (excite) cities in the world.

You might want to do some shopping in New York. Fifth Avenue is probably New York’s most famous shopping street, but if you go, be prepared to “window shop” only. This is shopping for the rich. There are other, less expensive shopping areas(区域)nearby, and you’ll soon (B)come across famous stores such as Bloomingdales, Macy’s and FAO Schwartz.

And if you’ve brought your rollerblades, then a visit to Central Park is a must. This is a large, open park right in the middle of Manhattan, but if you thought that people came here to relax, sits down for a few minutes and get away from the rush of New York life, then you’d be wrong. Nobody sits in Central Park: they run, jog(慢跑), and most of all they rollerblade.

When you leave New York, you might be tired, even poor and overweight, but the one thing you won’t be is bored!   



2.Why would you probably only “window shop” in Fifth Avenue?


3.What is Bloomingdales?


4.What don’t people do in Central Park?



