精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:A shark is a dangerous         (动物) that lives in the sea.
小题2:Lin Shuhao did a good job in the basketball match last month. He is my favorite         (明星).
小题3:John is       (幸运的) enough to be chosen for the swimming club.
小题4:It has been the        (第十) day since we climbed the Great Wall.
小题5:He borrowed my iPhone 4s and hasn’t        (归还) it to me.


小题1:animal 考查名词。句意:鲨鱼是一种很危险的动物,生活在海里。
小题2:star 考查句话。句意:林书豪去年在篮球比赛中表现出色,他是我最喜欢的明星。
小题4:tenth 考查序数词。句意:自从我们爬上长城这已经是第十天了。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--- How does he go to Chong Qing?
A.Take trainB.By trainC.By the trainD.By trains


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The boy is often seen ___________________(play) the guitar in the next room.
小题2:A third of the population of Taixing _________________(have) their own cars.
小题3:Tell your parents ________________(true) what you have done, or they’ll worry about you.
小题4:Of all the teachers, Mr Green is _______________________(strict) with us.
小题5:In school, teachers always care about the students’ __________________(safe) and fitness.
小题6:They won’t play games until their homework ___________________(complete) tomorrow.
小题7:--- What do you think of the movie ?
--- I have never seen a ______________________(wonder) one.
小题8:Could you tell me how much the pig _______________(weigh) when it was born ?
小题9:Here are the __________________(enter) to the cinema.
小题10:How handsome they are in those ______________________(act) clothes !
小题11:--- Excuse me, Mr King. You’d better not smoke here. Look at the sign!
--- Sorry, I __________________(not see) it.
小题12:Look! The little sheep ___________________(eat) grass happily with their mother.
小题13:--- Why not park our car here ?
--- Look at the sign. They don’t allow ________________(park) cars here.
小题14:The __________________(able) should be helped kindly instead of being looked down on.
小题15:Do you know how soon they ___________________(leave) for London ? Sorry, I’ve no idea. 


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Do you know the girl _______is singing in the classroom?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:There are many            (different) between the two girls.
小题2:We have to go shopping             (two) a week, on Saturday and Wednesday.
小题3:There’s            (little) air on the top of the mountain than that at the foot of it.
小题4:-What is the tall           (build) next to the post office?  -It’s a library.
小题5:Mike does his homework as            (careful) as Mark.
小题6:Beijing is one of                             (beautiful) cities in China.
小题7:Where did you hear that             (say)?
小题8:Which is the           (far) city of all?
小题9:The water in the lake is becoming            and           . (bad)
小题10:I didn’t feel like          (eat) anything this morning.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:After the terrible __    _____ (地震), many people in the building were missing.
小题2:My pet dog lost his life in the ____   __(洪水), and everyone felt sorry for it .
小题3:You can see people dancing and singing ____   ___ (到处) in the Park.
小题4:Have you _______ (曾经) thought of moving to a big city ?
小题5:I hope you can ____   ___ (拖地) up the floor soon


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Are these buses?
A. it is                 B .these are            C. they are.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Mr. Green uses a lot of games in his ___________.(teach )
小题2:My uncle _________(dead) three years ago.
小题3:She _______(forget) to turn off the light when she left the room.
小题4:We can see many_______________( farm) working on the farm..
小题5:France is in _______________(west) Europe.
小题6:We can learn many_____________things about the tower if we listen to the guide carefully.(interest)
小题7:The cat is so small, and we should take good__________(careful) of it.
小题8:My mother often encourages me ____________(study) hard and enter a famous university.
小题9:The statue(雕像)is in the______________(central) of the park.
小题10:The rich man donated( 捐赠 )a lot of money. The___________(receive) are from the poor countryside.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I'm going to t___________ some acting lessons in Shanghai..
小题2:They told me stories about the past and how things u________ to be.
小题3:I look f_________ to hearing from you .
小题4:She was a________   to tell her parents about her problems.
小题5:When I grow up, I want to be an e _____________.

