精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:I’d like to write him a letter, but I don’t know his a___________.
小题2:J___________ the English club at school was the best way to improve her English.
小题3:If I had a million dollars, I would give it to medical r_____________.
小题4:Lucy was very t_____________, so she drank two glasses of water.
小题5:You can have any of these cakes e___________ this one ,it’s for my mom.


小题1:考查名词。句意 我想给他写信但是不知道他的地址。His后应该用名词,故用address。
小题2:考查动词。句意 在上学期间加入英语俱乐部是提高英语的最好方式。动名词做主语。故用Joining。
小题3:考查名词。句意 如果我有一百万,我会把它用于医疗研究。medical是形容词,形容词后应该用名词,故用research。
小题4:考查形容词。句意 露西非常渴,因此她喝了两杯水。因为系动词后应该用形容词,故用thirsty。
小题5:考查介词。句意 除了给我妈妈的这块蛋糕,你可以吃任何一块。except除了,根据句意故用except。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:February is the       month of the year.
小题2:The box is very light, so I can lift it by    .
小题3:I can’t help you      you tell me what’s wrong.
小题4:As a citizen, we mustn’t do anythingthe law.
小题5:Lucy was very , so she drank two glasses of water.
小题6:Susan's parents were disappointed when they knew Susan    the exam.
小题7:If I   my father's birthday, please reminded me.
小题8:The book to Alice because her name is on it.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Tara’s hair is longer than _______.
A. me             B. my           C. mine


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:“We don’t want to be treated             (different) from others,” the disabled said.
小题2:When a strong wind came from the northwest, the heavy smoggy(雾霾的) air over Wuxi city began to            (appear). 
小题3:It’s lucky to have so much             (value) experience in learning English during the course.
小题4:I can’t understand his             (silent) on such an important matter.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Her father tried to stop smoking , and finally he s     .
小题2:As for young parents, they should be p      with their kids.
小题3:Have you ever h      of the old saying “Every coin has two sides”? 
小题4:We won't get there on time u     we leave earlier.
小题5:U     , many people got hurt in the fire accident on the bus in Xiamen last week.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I have no idea _______________ (是否) to stay or leave at the moment.
小题2:One of the ______________ (不利条件) of living in the countryside is that you can’t buy everything you want easily.
小题3:I’m wondering if the boy was deeply __________ (影响) by some unhealthy websites.
小题4:I sat _______________ (紧靠) the wall, so he didn’t notice me at all.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Good for Lisa. She just w____the singing competition.
小题2:Jay Chou is so t_______in music that he is very popular among young people.
小题3:After learning how to be good with others, the little boy is now much f________than before.
小题4:When I reached the top of the hill, I couldn’t see the buildings b______because of the rain!
小题5:May has to eat vegetables although she d_______them.
小题6:There isn’t e_______ food for ten people, so I’ll go and get more.
小题7:Knowing how smart she is, I don’t feel s______why she can get good grades.
小题8:As we all know, almost 70 p______ of our earth is covered by the water.
小题9:This summer, q______a few visitors came to Hangzhou on vacation.
小题10:The boy s_____to be so interested in the book that he didn’t notice what happened outside.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Mr. Green put a lot of _________(努力)into arranging the concert.
小题2:Today the growth of economy(经济)is becoming a serious problem in many countries ___________ (遍及)the world.
小题3:When you feel relaxed, you are calm and not_______(担心) .
小题4:He hates to be like others and always tries to do everything ______(不同).
小题5:I don't ______(怀疑) that he will make progress.
小题6:How ___________(surprise) it was to meet you again in London!
小题7:You can call me if you want to get __________  (far) information about the concert.
小题8:The boy always does everything quickly while he is a little ______( patient).
小题9:Finally, he worked out the difficult math problem ______ (success).
小题10:It’s my pleasure to give you some useful ________________ (suggest).
小题11:The Greens ______________ (have) supper when someone knocked at the door.
小题12:Have you seen the new film _________ (direct) by Feng Xiaogang yet? It is a comedy.
小题13:Work hard, and you __________(succeed) in the coming exam.
小题14:I have difficulty in __________(advise) him to give up smoking.
小题15:Baihai Park is a wonderful place for children. It is well worth ______ (visit).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:This book is ________.我的
小题2:These are my ___________.朋友
小题3:This TV show is very __________.[?b?:ri?]
小题4:He often 经常 ____________看 football games on TV.
小题5:Jim has two _____________词典.They’re in the desk.
小题6:It’s an __________['?ntr?st??] book. I like reading it very much.
小题7:Gina is not tidy. Her things are e__________.
小题8:I’m nine years old. What a________ you?
小题9:Look at the ________[kl?k]. It’s three ten.
小题10:You can read books in the school l_________.

