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Kara likes getting e-mail from Fumi. Kara is a third-grader in Arizona(亚利桑那), and Fumi is in third grade in Japan.They are e-pals who send e-mails every week. Fumi sent Kars photos and descriptions of her home.
The first room in Fumi’s house is a small entryway. People who enter the home remove their shoes. They put on different shoes with soft soles. That seemed odd ot Kara. She wears her street shoes in the house.
Kara likes the photo of Fumi and her family eating. They gather around a table, just like Kara and her family, Kara’s family sits on chairs, but Fumi’s family sits on cushions on a strau mat on the floor. The table is low to the ground. What seems to be a wall behind Fumi’s family is actually a door without knobs. Fumi explained that the door slides open. It is made from strong paper glued to thin strips of wood. “I could never play ball in that house!” thought Kara.
小题1: Why did the author write the passage?
A.to explain how to have an e-pal
B.to tell the history of e-mail
C.to compare homes in Japan and in Ameria
D.to show that homes in Arizona are better than homes in Japan
小题2:What does Fumi usually do before getting into the house?
A.Take off the shoes.
B.Put on her street shoes
C.Wear her different shoes with high heels.
D.Have slippers on.
小题3:How is Fumi different from Kara?
A.Fumi lives in the United States.
B.Fumi’s family sits on the floor to eat.
C.Fumi’s family eats around a table.
D.Fumi is in the third grade.
小题4:What is the same about Fumi’s and Kara’s homes?
A.Families sit around a table to eat.
B.People wear soft-soled shoes inside.
C.The floors are covered with straw mats.
D.They are in the same country.
小题5:Kara and Fumi both__________.
A.take their shoes on when they get home.
B.live in houses with doors made from paper
C.learn about a new place from their e-pal
D.sit on chairs during dinner


试题分析:本文主要讲述了Fumi和 Kara是笔友,他们发送电子邮件来描述彼此的家的不同情况,可以看出两个国家的不同。
小题1:细节理解题。由第一段Fumi sent Kars photos and descriptions of her home. Fumi发送Kars照片来描述在日本和在美国的家。可知选C。
小题2:细节理解题。由第二段People who enter the home remove their shoes. They put on different shoes with soft soles.可知Fumi在进到房子之前,要先拖鞋。可知选A。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文中第三段Kara’s family sits on chairs, but Fumi’s family sits on cushions on a strau mat on the floor.可知Fumi的家人坐在地毯上吃饭,可知选B。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文中第三段They gather around a table, just like Kara and her family他们相同的是他们全家都是围着桌子坐在一起。故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

At present, almost everyone has a mobile phone, but have you ever thought that cell phones      be bad for your health? A study shows that heavy mobile phone use may cause hearing loss(失聪).
This study shows that people who use cell phones for about an hour a day have a       time hearing some similar sounds, especially in their right ears. It is getting harder for       to tell the difference between the sounds of“s”and“f”,and“t”and“z”.
Researchers studied 100 people who used cell phones and       them with 50 people who did not. The study lasted for 12 months. What the researchers found was that cell phone users had more hearing       than those who did not use cell phones.
Besides this, our ears have many little       inside them. Too much noise will cause these hairs to get weak and       die. When these hairs die, it affects our ability to listen.
However, cell phone users don’t care too much       this study. One man said,“I’d be more worried about people who       MP3 players. They put those earphones in their ears and listen to very       music. I think that is more likely(更有可能的) to cause hearing loss than a cell phone.”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When Wang Hai went to Yucai Middle School two years ago, he worked hard and did very well in his lessons. He was also _______ in sports. He ran to school every day to build up his _______. His parents were very _____ him and bought him a computer as a birthday present.
However, something began to change. He stopped ______ early and never ran to school any more. He _____ his interest in studying.
One day in the middle of the night. Wang Hai’s mother discovered the cause of the _____ . He played computer games till midnight. It had a ____ effect on him and must be stopped.
The next day Mother had a ______ talk with Wang Hai. She took the computer away, she told him he wasn’t ______ enough to control himself. Wang Hai was happy he had a wonderful mother and _____ not to do that again.
A.worried B.unusualC.activeD.nervous
A.surprised atB.strict with C.angry withD.satisfied with
A.getting upB.putting upC.foundD.took


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hi! We are Lucy and Lily. We are sisters. We are studying in a high school. We are always wanting the weekends to come. Because on weekends there are different kinds of outdoor activities, such as going to the park, going shopping, playing ball games and so on.
We usually go to the park on Saturdays. We often take some bread, meat, water and milk with us. It’s Saturday today. We are in the park again. Father is fishing in a boat on the lake(湖). Mother is sitting and reading under the tree. We are flying a kite. Now we are drinking some water. Do you think we are happy?
小题1:Lucy and Lily are ________.
小题2:What do Lucy and Lily usually do on Saturdays?
A.Play ball games.B.Go to the park.
C.Go for a picnic.D.Go shopping.
小题3:How many people can we know from the passage?
小题4:What are Lucy and Lily doing now?
A.They are fishing.
B.They are reading.
C.They are flying a kite.
D.They are drinking some water.
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Lucy and Lily like the weekends.
B.Lucy and Lily often take some food with them.
C.It’s Sunday today.
D.Lucy and Lily’s father is in the park, too.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Long Lake Camp For Teens

Have fun every minute of every day at Long Lake Summer Camp! Every day is perfect because you can not only enjoy activities but also make new friends.
Long Lake Rock Camp
Our Rock Camp is different from anywhere else. We can offer you all the band lessons. We add a special Rock Guitar this summer. You can practice with your friends every day.
Long Lake Dance Camp
All our wonderful dance camp teachers are returning this summer. We will again offer you all the very best dance camps for modern dance, hip hop, musical theater and more.
Long Lake Music Camp  
There is something for every interest, whether you sing or play an instrument. You also can develop your music skills.
Long Lake Film Camp
Long Lake Film Camp offers great film making chances. With our help, you can make your own film. Try it! Most importantly, our video experts share their experience of the art of film making.
Cost: $1000 — $1999
Ages: From 10 to 16
Camp Address: 199 Washington Avenue, Dobbs Ferry , New York 10522
Tel: 800 767 7111
E-mail:  marc@longlakecamp.com
小题1:How many kinds of camps are mentioned in this passage?
小题2:If you want to practise dancing, you can choose ______.
A.Long Lake Rock CampB.Long Lake Dance Camp
C.Long Lake Music CampD.Long Lake Film Camp
小题3:What can you do at Long Lake Film Camp?
A.Watch some famous films.B.Learn how to make a film.
C.Ask for advice on dancing.D.Create a special rock band.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Little Mike’s grandmother died weeks ago. He missed her very much. One afternoon Mike went to the city park where his grandmother used to go. There he saw an old lady. She looked very kind. She was sitting there, watching pigeons(鸽子). Little Mike went up and sat next to her. He took out his food and drinks and gave some to her. She smiled at him. Her smile was very sweet and Mike wanted to see it again. She seemed to understand him, so once again she smiled. Mike was very happy.
They sat there all the afternoon, eating and talking. As it was dark, Mike got up to leave. Before he left, he hugged the old lady and she gave him her sweetest smile.
When Mike got home, his mother was surprised by the happy look on his face. “ I met an old lady in the park. Her smile was like the smile I used to see on Grandmother’s face.”
The old lady also returned to her home happily. She told her son she had food and drinks with a little boy. “ He was as lovely as Bill.” She said. Her son was surprised, because he had never been so happy since Bill, her grandson, died weeks ago.
小题1:Little Mike went to the park and ________.
A.played with pigeons
B.fed pigeons
C.met an old lady
D.saw a friend of his grandmother’s
小题2:The old lady’s smile showed ________.
A.she hated to meet the boy
B.she wanted to get some drinks
C.she missed her son
D.she liked the little boy
小题3:Mike felt very happy because ________.
A.he gave the old lady some food and drinks
B.the old lady’s smile was like his grandmother’s smile
C.he met his grandmother in the city park
D.he saw many lovely pigeons in the park
小题4:Mike and the old lady ________.
A.were good to each other(相互)
B.knew each other well
C.often met in the park
D.did nothing that afternoon
小题5:What do we learn from the story?
A.When one feels unhappy, he must go to a park.
B.Old people are always kind and happy
C.Children should be polite to old people .
D.When people get on well, they feel happy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I like winter best.          it is very cold ,it is good for skating. I often go skating on Sundays         my friends. When it snows , everything turns white. Trees and house are           with thick snow. How beautiful the world          !My friends and I like to make snowmen. Sometimes we make snowballs and           them to each other. That’s a very interesting game. In winter we have a holiday, and the Spring Festival is in winter,too.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mrs Smith works in a museum in London. She’s       in all kinds of old things and she has collected a lot of stamps. But she prefers the vases. So she often spends her holidays in China. She visited a lot of museums in Beijing, Xi’an and other         . She goes to the markets and tries to buy some nice old vases.
Last month the        woman travelled in Hangzhou. She went to a shop one afternoon and foumd a beautiful vase there. She looked at it for a long time and was sure it was        about seven hundred years ago. She liked it very much and paid a lot of money for it. She was so happy that she couldn’t fall        that night. On her way to England , she took good care of it.
小题1:A. interests   B. interesting  C. interested
小题2:A. towns     B. cities      C. countries
小题3:A. American  B. English    C. German
小题4:A. kept      B. made      C. found
小题5:A. asleep     B. sleep      C. sleeping


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

International travelers, whether traveling for business or pleasure, will find themselves solo from time to time. Here are a few ways to meet new people and perhaps even get new travel chances.
Make yourself friendly
Be relaxed and polite. Remember to put yourself in social activities. Restaurants, shops and parks are all great places to meet people. If you want to make local friends in a country, stay near the place the locals often visit.
Show your photo album(影集)
Keep a small photo album in your bag when you travel. Photos of family, friends and pets will help your new friends learn more about you and give you things to talk about. They will share their own stories with you, and it will help you learn more about your new friends.
Share something special
Can you help your new friends improve their Chinese? Can you cook a traditional Chinese meal? By sharing your skills, you can have a close friendship with your new friends that they won’t soon forget.
Give some gifts
Many foreigners love Chinese goods but have to pay a lot when buying them in their homeland, so you’d better prepare some gifts such as silks, tea and works of art. They are always popular.
Exchange flats
If you and your new friends get along well, you can give them your information and plan to exchange flats for your next trip. Then you can visit their countries and stay in their houses while they stay in yours. In this way you will improve your friendship and live like a local abroad, but pay less for traveling.
小题1:The underlined word “solo” in the passage means “__________”.
小题2:In which way can’t a photo album help you?
A.Giving you a topic to talk about.
B.Clearing your worries about your pets.
C.Helping your new friends to learn more about you.
D.Encouraging (鼓励) your new friends to talk about themselves.
小题3:From the passage we can learn that __________.
A.exchanging flats is popular in China
B.goods in foreign countries are cheaper
C.sharing your special skills can help you develop friendship
D.international travelers always get into trouble
小题4:This passage is mainly about how to ___________.
A.travel more often both at home and abroad
B.improve friendship with foreigners
C.make friends when traveling in foreign countries
D.prepare for a business trip

