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What’s your dream job? A pilot or a dancer? Do you know about your dream job? Here are three kinds of jobs. Are they your dream jobs?

    Dancer: Dancers express ideas, stories and sounds with their bodies. Dancers work in musical shows. There is usually dancing in operas, TV programs, movies and music videos. Many dancers need to sing, act and dance at the same time. When they have no musical shows, they spend most of their time on training and the training is really hard.

    Pilot: Pilots fly airplanes and helicopters(直升飞机) to do many kinds of work. Most pilots fly people and things from one place to another. Some pilots test new planes, do police work, or help people who are in danger. It’s a dangerous job but it’s many young boys’ dream job.

    Reporter: Reporters get different information and write news or stories. The news and stories usually appear in newspapers or magazines. Some reporters appear on TV or radio. To get information, reporters often go out to meet and talk with different people. It’s a really interesting job.

(   )1. How many kinds of jobs are mentioned in this passage?

A.1                       B.2                         C.3                         D.4

(   )2. What do the dancers do ?

A.They work for TV stations.

B.They tell stories and make sounds.

C.They express ideas, stories and sounds with their bodies.

D.They often talk with different people.

(   )3. When do dancers have the dancing training?

A.When they dance in operas.

B.When they have no musical shows.

C.When they have time.

D.When they express ideas.

(   )4. Which statement is Not true?

A.Many young boys want to be pilots when they are older.

B.Many dancers need to sing, act and dance at the same time.

C.Being a pilot is a dangerous job.

D.People can’t see or listen to reporters on TV or radio.

(   )5. From the passage we know that ________.

A.People can read only news in newspapers or magazines.

B.Being a reporter is the most dangerous.

C.For dancers, the training is really interesting.

D.Some pilots can do police work and help people who are in danger.


科目:初中英语 来源:2016届江苏灌云陡沟中学初一上学期第一次过关检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—你若想知道别人的名字,你可以说: _____

A. Hello, What’s you name?                 B. Hello, your name is what?

C. Hello, what’s your name?      D. Hello, What’re your name?



科目:初中英语 来源:2016届内蒙古七年级上学期九月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.I’m from China , I’m chinese . ___________

2.What’s you mother’s job ? _________

3.Is that your brother .  ___________

4.These are my perants . ____________

5.This is my friend . He name is Tony Smith . ____________



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届山东省莱州市七年级上学期期中学业水平测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Good a_________,Helen.

2.The boy is Tom.His l_________ name is White.

3.Wang Xin’s E_________ name is Alice.

4.Nice to m_________ you.

5.Is that your c_________ game?

6.Jane is a teacher in that _________.(学校)

7.Lucy’s ruler is_________.(黄色的)

8.Your _________ (夹克衫)is nice.

9._________ (八)is my lucky(幸运)number.

10.What’s you phone_________?(号码)

11.How_________ (be)Helen?

12._________ (She)name is Jane.She is my friend.

13.Hello,_________ (me)name is Xiaomi.

14.His _________ (one)name is Tony.

15.Please_________ (call)685—6034.



科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. Tom's favorite day is__________(星期二).
2. I have a P.E.class on__________(星期四).
3. We call it Black__________(星期一).
4. They have a music class on__________(星期五)afternoon.
5. __________(星期三)is between Tuesday and Thursday.
6. -What's you favorite subject?


科目:初中英语 来源:山东省期中题 题型:句型转换

1. My little brother is playing football over there. (用every afternoon改写句子)
    My little brother _______ _______ over there every afternoon.
2. Tom often does his homework at school. (改为否定句)
    Tom _______ often _______ his homework at school.
3. What's the matter with you? (改为同义句)
     ①What's _______ _______ you?
     ②What's _______ _______?
4. David has a bad headache at the moment. (改为否定句)
    David _______ _______ a bad headache at the moment.
5. The Blacks went to the Great Wall last year. (用next month改写句子)
     The Blacks _______ _______ to the Great Wall next month.

