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 The weather is getting hotter. You are thirsty playing basketba ll or riding home from school. A cold drink may be just the thing. But be careful what you are drinking. Something that looks cool may not be good for your health. There are plenty of u energy drinks" on the market. Most of them have beautiful colors and cool names.   The lists on them tell you they are helpful to your health. Sounds great!But after a careful check you may find that most energy drinks have lots of caffeine(咖啡因) in them. These drinks are especially aimed at young people, students, busy people and sports players. Makers sometimes say their drinks make you better at sports and can keep you awake. But be careful not to drink too much.

  Caffeine makes your heart beat fast. Because of this,the International Olympic Committee has limited(限制) its use. Caffeine in most energy drinks is at least as strong as that in a cup of coffee or tea. Possible health dangers have something to do with energy drinks. Just one box of energy drink can make you nervous, have difficulty sleeping and can even cause heart problems. Scientists say that teenagers should be discouraged from taking drinks with a lot of caffeine in them.

(   ) 1. Many people like drinking energy drinks because of the following EXCEPT that

     A. they have beautiful colors and cool names

    B. they have lots of caffeine

    C. they can keep them awake and better at sports

    D. they are said to be helpful to health

(   ) 2. The main reason for people not to drink too much energy drinks is that they may cause        .

     A. heart problems    B. nervousness

    C. sleeping difficulty    D. possible health dangers

(   ) 3. The underlined word "discouraged" can be replaced(替换) with"          

A. encouraged    B. stopped    C. helped    D. disliked

(   ) 4. From the passage we can know that          .

     A. advertisements are important in getting people to buy energy drinks

    B. energy drinks are helpful to teenagers' study

    C. sports players need to drink a lot of energy drinks

    D. energy drinks are especially aimed at teenagers

(   ) 5. Which of the following can be the best title(标题) of the passage?

     A. What's the Use of Energy Drinks?

    B. Who Can Drink Energy Drinks?

    C. What's That in Energy Drinks?

    D. Why Can't We Buy Energy Drinks?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:











参考词汇:travel with a group(团队旅游) ,travel alone(个人旅游) ,arrange(安排) Recently, we have discussed the ways to go traveling. Here is the result. Some students choose to travel with a group.       


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 What is time? We can't s 1it and we can't catch hold of it. But we can feel it pass by. Time is a 2 with us in our lives. When we wash our faces, time r 3 away in front of us. And when we play,time goes by q 4  Time is fair(公平的) to everyone of us. If we make the b 5 use of it,time will give us a lot,or we will m 6 a lot. The lost time will not be found again.

  Today, time is becoming more and more valuable(宝贵的) to us. We often h 7 people say,"Time is money" ,"Time is life". It warns(警告) us not to waste(浪费) any time.

  My friends, we must keep in mind:Time and tide wait for no man(岁月不等人) .Now we are still y 8   . It is the best time for us to learn m 9 . We must make good use of every m10 and be the master(主人) of time.

1.        2.         3.        4.        5.      

6.        7.        8.        9.        10.      


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  What would you do if a stranger gave you some medicine and said it would keep you slim or help you do well in exams? Would you take it?

  Students at Shenzhen Luohu Foreign Language Middle School have learned to keep themselves safe by saying "no". In fact,what those strangers want to give them are drugs(毒品) .

  Drugs are dangerous to your health!u Because teens don't know much about drugs, they might want to try them," said Zhang Dongsheng, the director of Shenzhen Drug Control Office.

  Now,many schools arrange(安排) courses or organize some activities to help students know about drugs.

  Liang, 16,was a good student before trying drugs. One day, some old friends told him it would be fun. After taking drugs only once,he found it very hard to stop. Liang began to spend all his time and money on drugs. Soon,he stopped going to school and started stealing(偷窃) .In the end,he was put in prison.

  In China,taking drugs is becoming a big problem for teens. According to a survey, about one million people in China were using illegal(违法) drugs last year,and 72% of them were young people. Worse still, there are about 10,000 drug users under 16 now.

  Zhang has some good advice on staying clean. He said, "Drugs are dangerous. Never try them,even if you're curious!It is the most important for you to keep safe and healthy.”

(   ) 1. Which statement is right about drugs?

     A. Drugs do harm to your health.

    B. Drugs help you do well in exams.

    C. Drugs keep you slim and lovely.

    D. Drugs make you stay well.

(   ) 2. According to this passage, many schools arrange courses or some activities to           now.

     A. know more about cigarettes

    B. relax

    C. know about drugs

    D. learn some Chinese culture

(   ) 3. Teens want to try drugs because          .

     A. they are 18 years old

    B. they are curious about drugs

    C. they have enough money

    D. they know about the harm of drugs

(   ) 4. From Liang's story, we can know that it is notto give up drugs even if one tries only once.

A. easy    B. hard    C. foolish    D. possible

(   ) 5. What does the phrase ustaying clean" here mean?

     A. Being clean and tidy.    B. Keeping clothes clean.

    C. Wearing clean clothes.    D. Staying away from drugs.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

 There are some people who just can't make up their minds by themselves. They often ask the a 1 of their friends and then do the opposite of what their friends have said.

  My brother, Mike,is such a person. He can never decide what to do and always asks my i 2 . I try to help him as well as I can. But he never t 3my advice. Yesterday I answered his questions in a different way. "Look," he said,s 4 me a letter. "What do you think I should do?"

  The letter was an o 5 of a job. It seemed to be a good chance for a young doctor. Mike would be s 6 to Africa to work. The job would pay very well,and he would be able to travel and visit many i 7 places.

  "What do you think, Peter?" he asked. "Should I go? If I take the job,I'll have to stay longer. But it will be a wonderful time for me,what should I do?""Don't go.”I told him. "You would be u 8 ." "Don't go?" he looked very surprised at my answer.

  As you've probably g 9,Mike took the offer. I don't know if he found that I r10 wanted him to take the job.

1.        2.         3.       4.      5.      

6.      7.      8.       9.      10.     


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

                Learning How to Learn    $22

  Children who read this book show great interest in study. Many pictures will help them understand it easily and quickly.

                    Basic Study Guidebook      $36    

  Read this book and learn:

  What the three barriers(障碍) to study are and what to do about them; 

  What to do if you are   tired of(厌倦) a subject;

  Children read it to improve the ability to study.

    How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children      $35 

  Read this book and learn: 

  How to look up words in a dictionary; 

  What the different marks in a dictionary mean; 

  How to use a dictionary to pronounce words correctly.

  Buy this book and help children unlock(开启) their education. What's more,you'll just pay 60% for it before May10,2009.

(   ) 1. "    " can tell you what to do if you are tired of a subject.

     A. Study Skills for Life

    B. Learning How to Learn

    C. Basic Study Guidebook

    D. How to Use a Dictionary Picture Book for Children

(   ) 2. Many pictures in the book"Learning How to Learn" can          .

     A. make children read slowly

    B. make children understand the book easily

    C. make the book boring

    D. make children draw beautifully

(   ) 3. According to the ads,the three books are for.

A. the old    B. parents    C. children    D. men 

(   ) 4. If you buy the three books on May2nd,2009, you will just pay          for them.

A.$93    B.$71     C.$80      D.$79

(   ) 5. The purpose of the three ads is to          .

     A. sell these books to the children

    B. help children learn English

    C. help children learn about nature

    D. use a dictionary to pronounce correctly


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Black wallet with some money.

Come to Room 502 in the evening, or call 9796788.

SUMMER JOB Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Do you want to work for a magazine? Then come and work for us as a reporter. Please call Karen at 5558823.


Join us for a 10-mile country walk.

On Saturday, October 5th.

At Market Square at 2 p. m.

Call Jeff at 3338651 for more information.


A club for single people looking for new friends. Ages: 2S-40

Activities:parties, swimming, concerts, dances...

We meet every Friday at 8:30 p. m. in 28 Garden Street. Tel: 7026449 E-mail:singleclub @ yahoo,com

(   ) 1. If you have lost a black wallet, you can callto ask for it.

     A. 3338651     B. 8947659  C. 7026449    D. 9796788

(   ) 2. Mr Green wants to go hiking with his children. They should meet at Market Square

     A. at 8:00 a. m. on Saturday morning    B. at 2:00 p. m. on October 5th

    C. at 6:00 on Monday    D. on Sunday morning

(   ) 3. Who can join the Singles' Club?

     A. A 23-year-old young man.    B. A 28-year-old single man.

    C. A 50-year-old single lady.    D. A 28-year-old married woman.

(   ) 4. Alice wants to practise writing stories in her summer holiday. She may    for more information.

     A. send an e-mail to singleclub@ yahoo,com

    B. join Hiking Club

    C. call Karen

    D. call Mr Jones

(   ) 5. From the four passages, we know they are from         .

     A. story books    B. science magazines

    C. newspapers    D. text books


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Collin先生35岁,爱打高尔夫球,并且水平很高。他也爱打篮球,但水平有限。


3. 儿子Georgel2岁,他运动和音乐都爱,并想加人两种俱乐部。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

In Wuhan there is a big zoo. There are 1 1    of animals in it. Some animals are very f 2   ,but some are dangerous(危险的) .

There are two big elephants in the zoo. They c 3    from Africa. The elephants are very k 4    . I w 5    to ride(骋) on them. The elephants eat a lot of grass every day. They like k 6    very much because they sometimes get bread and bananas to eat from kids. The elephants like bananas very much.

There are some scary tigers and 1 7    in the zoo,too. They like eating meat and they eat m 8    meat every day. They are very 1 9    . They always sleep during the day. Don't touch(触摸) t 10   . They are very dangerous.

1.        2.         3.        4.         5.       

6.        7.         8.        9.         10.       

