精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
shop  vegetable  they  read  look
小题1:Mike ____ like his father.
小题2:—Tom and Bill are my friends. Do you know ____?
—Yes. We are in the same class.
小题3:Would you like to go ____ with me this afternoon?
小题4:—Why not ____ English now?
—Good idea.
小题5:Many children don’t like eating ____.


小题1:look like 看起来像;主语是Mike 第三人称单数形式,故谓语用looks。句意:马克看起来像他的父亲。
小题2:代替Tom and Bill故用复数,又作为动词know的宾语,故用宾格 them。句意:——汤姆和比尔是我的好朋友,你认识他们吗?——是的,我们在同一个班。
小题3:go shopping 去购物,故为shopping。句意:今天下午你愿意和我一起去购物吗?
小题4:read English 读英语。Why not + do sth.?为什么不做某事呢?故用read。句意:——现在为什么不读英语呢?——好主意。
小题5:eat vegetables吃蔬菜,因为蔬菜种类多,故用复数形式vegetables。句意:许多孩子不喜欢吃蔬菜。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

At the 2011 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, we saw a famous singer, Han Geng. He is a member of the popular Korean band Super Junior. He is the小题1: o_______ member of the group that comes from China.
Han Geng began to learn dancing小题2: a________ the age of twelve. He learned Chinese traditional dance and ballet at school. In 2001, he took part in a competition and stood out from 小题3:m_______ than 3,000 persons. His handsome appearance and cool dancing 小题4:w_______ praises (赞扬) from Korean fans. In 2003, he went to South Korea to take lessons in singing , dancing and acting.

He joined Super Junior in 2005. 小题5:B_________ he is not Korean, he can’t appear on certain programmes. Sometimes he had to wear a mask on the stage. “ I didn’t feel sad. I just wanted to show my best to the people,” Han said. Han Geng studied very 小题6:h_______. He slept for four hours every day and spent most of his free time小题7: l________ dancing and singing. Everyone 小题8:w______ surprised to see that he made progress(进步).
Now Han Geng is a successful pop star. He is a hero for 小题9:b________ Chinese and Korean fans. Han Geng is also active in many charities to help those people in小题10: n________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:—In the past, parents couldn’t afford an education for their children.
—Yes. But now great changes have taken place in China.
—The government will            (提供)poor people with nice houses.
—Sounds wonderful.
小题2:We believe we’ll            (成功)in finishing the hard work.
小题3:          (垃圾)pollution influences our environment.
小题4:Edison made many great            (发明)in his life.
小题5:He couldn’t find a            (合适的)place to take photos.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Miss Wang teaches ____ English. We all like ____.
A. us; her          B. we; her      C. our; her


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Do you know the girl _______is singing in the classroom?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I have a P.E. class on _____________(星期一).
小题2:May I _________(借)your English book?
小题3:There is a __________(邮票) show in the school hall
小题4:I think___________(美术) is very interesting.
小题5:You must return my bike ______  _________(按时,准时).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:After the terrible __    _____ (地震), many people in the building were missing.
小题2:My pet dog lost his life in the ____   __(洪水), and everyone felt sorry for it .
小题3:You can see people dancing and singing ____   ___ (到处) in the Park.
小题4:Have you _______ (曾经) thought of moving to a big city ?
小题5:I hope you can ____   ___ (拖地) up the floor soon


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:We are            of our country.  (主人)
小题2:He is a boy          glasses every day. (戴)
小题3:Mr Green will buy three            for us.  (排球)
小题4:Simon likes badminton. Lin Dan is one of his           .  (偶像)
小题5:The girl’s and the boy’s           are Lucy and Tony.  (名字)
小题6:Jim is a new member of the            Club.  (dance)
小题7:Their father            reading newspapers every evening.  (enjoy)
小题8:Shall we go            this afternoon?  (run)
小题9:He         doesn’t knoe how to look after a dog. (real)
小题10:There are two American            in our basketball team. (play)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:With his friends' help, he _______ (成功) at last.
小题2:The movie is well ________ (值得)seeing.
小题3:Dick has worked in China since he ________ (毕业) from the college four years ago.
小题4:We shouldn’t spit in _________(公共的).
小题5:Computer is more and more popular now. It has a huge _________ (影响) on our life.
小题6:We should brush our_________ (牙齿) every day.
小题7:China has already carried out the one-child _________ (政策) to control the population.
小题8:To our _______________(惊讶), she left without saying anything.
小题9:This picture is ________________(相似的) to that one.
小题10:Air pollution is ____________(有害的) to people’s health.
小题11:Thanks to their hard work, the environment has _______________ (改善) a lot.
小题12:Michael has made great ___________________(进步) in his study.
小题13:We are ____________ (骄傲的) of our hero.
小题14:Do you learn anything else _______ (除了) Chinese at school?
小题15:Can you _______ (翻译) this English sentence into Chinese?
小题16:________(呼吸) deeply if you are nervous.
小题17:There are several pairs of shoes ________(在……下) the bed.
小题18:Sichuan food is very ________(不同的) from Guangdong food.
小题19:Mr. Green's car was made in ________(德国) in the 1980s.
小题20:________comes after Friday.
小题21:She wants to ________(邀请) some friends to her new house.
小题22:It's cool and the ________ (叶子) fall from the trees in autumn.

