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You can’t always predict a heavy rain or remember your umbrella. But designer Mikhail Belvacv doesn’t think that forgetting to check the weather report before heading out should result in you getting wet. To protect people from the rain, he created lampbrella, a lamp post with its own rain sensing umbrella.
The designer says he comes up with the idea after watching people get wet on streets in Russia. “Once, I was driving on a central Saint Petersburg street and saw the street lamps lighting up people trying to hide from the rain. I thought it would be all right to have a canopy(伞蓬)built into a street lamp.” he said.
The lampbrella is a street lamp fitted with an umbrella canopy. It has a built-in electric motor which can open or close the umbrella in need. Sensors(传感器)then make sure that the umbrella offers the walkers whenever it starts raining.
In addition to the rain sensor, there’s also a 360° motion sensor on the street lamp which finds out whether anyone’s using the lampbrella. After three minutes of not being used the canopy is closed.
According to the designer, the lampbrella would move at a low speed, so as not to cause harm to the walkers. Besides, it would be grounded to protect from possible lightning strike. Each lampbrella would offer enough protection for several people. Being fixed at 2 meters off the ground, it would only be a danger for the tallest of walkers.
While there are no plans to take lampbrella into production, Belyacv says he recently introduced his creation to one Moscow Department, and insists this creation could be fixed on my street where a lot of people walk.
小题1:Who designed lampbrella?
小题2:Why did Belyacv create lampbrella?
小题3:How soon is the the canopy closed if it’s not being used?
小题4:Would each lampbrella offer enough protection for only one person or several people?
小题5:What is the main idea of the passage?

小题1:Mikhail Belvacv
小题2:To protect people from the rain.
小题3:After three minutes.
小题4:For several people.
小题5:Why Belvacv creates the lampbrella and how the lampbrella works.

试题分析:路上行走突然下雨人们会为没有带雨伞而苦恼,现在一位发明家 Mikhail Belvacv有了新的发明,那就是在灯柱下安一个雨伞,短文介绍了这个新发明的用途与如何使用的方法。发后人们出行不会为没有带雨伞而遇到雨天而烦恼了。
小题1:细节理解题。 Who designed lampbrella?句意:谁设计的“路灯雨伞。原句designer Mikhail Belvacv发明者体现答案。 Mikhail Belvacv
小题2:细节理解题。 Why did Belyacv create lampbrella?句意:为什么belyacv创建“路灯雨伞”?
To protect people from the rain, he created lampbrella句意:保护人们免受雨水,他创造了“路灯雨伞”
故填:To protect people from the rain.
小题3: 细节理解题。How soon is the the canopy closed if it’s not being used? 句意:如果不被使用多久能封闭?原句After three minutes of not being used the canopy is closed. 句意:三分钟后,未被使用的树冠关闭。故填:After three minutes.
小题4: 细节理解题。 Would each lampbrella offer enough protection for only one person or several people? 句意:将每个“路灯雨伞”提供足够的保护只是一个人或几个人?
原句:Each lampbrella would offer enough protection for several people.每个“路灯雨伞”将提供几个人足够的保护。故填:For several people.
小题5: 细节理解题。 What is the main idea of the passage?句意:这篇文章的中心思想是什么?
在通读短文之后明了两件事一个为什么发明和如何让这个发明工作。故填: Why Belvacv creates the lampbrella and how the lampbrella works.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Air is very important to everything that lives. But the air we breathe is g  小题1:  dirty. People all over the world are looking for w 小题2:  to make it clean again.
Have you ever watched the smoke from chimneys(烟囱) r 小题3:  high in the air? Have you s  小题4:___ the smoke from cars and trucks on roads or the smoke from planes? The smoke is h 小题5:  to everyone, especially old people and children. If we want to keep well and strong, we need to breathe f 小题6:  air.
With more and m  小题7:  factories everywhere and more and more cars, trucks and planes, it is getting harder and harder to do with the air p 小题8:  .
Scientists have a小题9:  found ways to stop or slow down some of the things that make the air dirty. They will not stop working u 小题10: we have clean air again.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I’d like to tell you about Halloween. People in the USA c   小题1:    it on the evening of October 31st. On that day, children like to p  小题2: a game called “trick or   小题3:  ”. They knock on p  小题4:doors and shout “trick or treat”. If people don’t give them a  小题5: candies, they can play a trick o 小题6: them.  Usually they w 小题7: masks or paint their faces. People don’t know who they are. Another i 小题8: thing is to make pumpkin lanterns. On the evening of that day, families always have a s 小题9:  party. People can e  小题10: hot drinks and lots of nice hot food. It’s really wonderful.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you like popular music from Latin America,the United States,or Asia? Many musicians from around the world blend(混合) countrys music with  popular sounds.
Caetano Veloso
After thirty years, Caetano Veloso is still one of Brazil’s most important musicans.He mixed rock with the music of  the Bahia region(地区).Bahia is a state of  Brazil that is strongly influenced by African culture. Caetano Veloso is an excellent songwriter and poet.He talks of his music:“I make my records like a painter paints his canvas(油画)”.
Bonnie Raitt
Bonnie Raitt is an American singer,songwriter,and guitarist.Her music blends rock with country and blues.The blues is a kind of folk music that is often sad.It is usually about love and the problems of life. Bonnie Raitts strong,rough voice is perfect for singing country and blues.
Cui Jian
Cui Jian is a very important musician in the growth of rock music in China.Western styles,like jazz and rap,clearly influence his music.However,his music has Chinese style in its instruments and sounds. Cui Jian says his music expressesthe feelings of Chinese young people.
Kinds of music he /she
Caetano Veloso
Bonnie Raitt
Cui Jian
jazz and rap with Chinese style


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Reading is a very good hobby for all the students. You can know much about the world ①_____ the help of all kinds of books. I’m sure everyone has a favorite subject. For example, some are interested in animals, some in history, and some are interested in literature. Mine is science. I like ②___it___ because it’s fun and educational.
My favorite novel is Around the World in Eighty Days.③It was written by Jules Verne ,a French writer. Jules Verne was regarded as father of Modern Science Fiction because he devoted(奉献) himself to literature and wrote several ④well–known scientific romances.
The exciting story of Around the World in Eighty Days tells us about an English gentleman whose name is Mr. Phileas Fogg , He travels around the world in eighty days. From the story, we can see the writer’s love for the sea, traveling and adventure(冒险).In fact, they played an important role in his life. ⑤多亏了the writer’s imagination, language skills and scientific and geographical(地理的) knowledge, we can feel as if we were there when we read the story.
Jules Verne, the French writer _________ the novel Around the World in Eighty Days.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)

Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He was born on November 30, 1835, in a small town in Florida, the USA. He grew up with a few naughty boys who later appeared in his stories. Perhaps you are familiar with some of his books, as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. At the age of 12, his father died, and he began to work, first as a printer, then a pilot on a river boat. Those years on the boat went into his book Life on the Mississippi.
During the Civil War he worked as a reporter and used Mark Twain as his pen name. The stories he wrote in this period made him famous and popular. He made a lot of money by writing, lecturing and running his own publishing house. But he spent all of it on his high living and unsuccessful business.
Mark Twain was known as a world-wide famous writer and a humorist, which means funny man. But in fact, he took a serious view of life. Many sad things happened in his own life. All his experiences helped to shape his stories which showed the dark side of the society. He died as an old man of 75 in 1910.  (200)
小题1:What did Mark Twain do when he was 12?
小题2:Did Mark Twain write himself and his friends in his stories?
小题3:When did Mark Twain become famous?
小题4:What is Mark Twain’s writing style?
小题5:What does the passage mainly tell us and what does the writer think of Mark Twain?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There are really many important things in life. I think 小题1:_______ (友谊) is very important for us. It’s very helpful. If we have friends, we won’t feel lonely. If we are in 小题2:___ (苦恼,烦恼), friends can小题3:______(提供) us with some help. Friends can share 小题4:______(秘密) with each other. Friends can become good小题5:______(听者). Friends can help us小题6:______(成功). And we can 小题7:_____ (将……视为) our friends as our brothers or sisters. Of course, friends should be小题8:_____(诚实). I can’t imagine what the life will be like 小题9:_______ (没有) friends. But sometimes, 小题10:____ (失去) friends for certain reasons may make us feel sad. All in all, it’s good for us to make friends. Let’s make more friends.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

“Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is   小题1:  to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different   小题2: . “Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.
 小题3:  you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say, “It’s cool.” You may think, “He’s so cool,” when you see your favorite footballer. We all maximize(最大化) the meaning of “cool”. You can use it   小题4:  of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Here’s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall(瀑布) they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one sentence, “It’s so cool.” Maybe he thought it was the 小题5:  way to show what he saw and felt.
But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏) of words.  小题6:  “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. Can you think of many  小题7:  words that make your life as colorful as the word “cool”? I can. And I think they are   小题8:  very cool.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Sam is my pen friend. There are five people in his family. His father is a PE teacher. His mother is a nurse. He has a sister and a brother. His sister is twenty minutes younger than his brother. They are all middle school students now. They are in the same school. They go to school together every day. They are all good at PE. They are Americans, but they would like to come to China next year. I hope they will come soon.
Sam’s ___小题1:____
Family 小题2:
Sam’s _小题3:____, brother, _小题4:___ and Sam.
Sam’s father is a PE _小题5:__, his _小题6:__ is a nurse. His brother, sister and _小题7:___ are all _小题8:____ school students.
Good at and hope
They are all good at _小题9:_ and want to come to ___小题10:

