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  Betty is a lazy girl.She doesn’t study very hard, and she doesn’t help her mother with housework,either.

  “What are you going to be when you grow up,Betty?” mother asks.“ You are too lazy.No job will ever fit(适合)you 。”

  “ But I know there is one ,” says the girl, “ I’m going to be Father Christmas.”

  “You want to be Father Christmas?” Mother is surprised.“ But why?”

  “Because he works only one day in a whole year.”



Betty isn’t a ________ girl.

[  ]










Betty’s mother thinks ________

[  ]


Betty can find a good job.


Betty cannot find a good job.


Betty isn’t lazy enough to get a job.


Betty will work hard in the future.


Betty wants to be ________

[  ]


a teacher


Father Christmas


a writer


a Christmas worker


Betty wants to do that job because ________

[  ]


that job fits her


she likes him very much


he works only one day in a year


that job is interesting


Which sentence is true?

[  ]


Betty wants to be Father Christmas so she isn’t lazy.


Betty is very lazy, so she can’t find any job.


Betty doesn't study hard,but she likes to help her parents with the housework.


To be father Christmas is boring.


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市燕山区2011年初中毕业暨中考一模英语试题 题型:050


  Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel daily to work.

  There are some particular blue flowers that have always caught my eye.I’ve noticed that they bloom only in the morning hours and the afternoon sun is too warm for them.Every day for about two weeks, I see those beautiful flowers.

  This spring, I started a wildflower garden in our yard.I can look out of the kitchen window while doing the dishes and see the flowers.I’ve often thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would look great in that bed alongside other wildflowers.Every day I drove past the flowers thinking, “I’ll stop on my way home and dig them.” “Gee, I don’t want to get my good clothes dirty…” Whatever the reason, I never stopped to dig them.My husband even gave me a folding shovel(铲子)one year in my car to be used for that expressed purpose.

  One day on my way home from work, I was shocked to see that the highway department had destroyed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were gone.I thought to myself, “Way to go, you waited too long.You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring.” A week ago we were shocked and saddened to learn that my oldest sister has a terminal brain tumor(肿瘤).She is 20 years older than me and unfortunately, because of age and distance, we haven’t been as close as we all would have liked.I couldn’t help but see the connection between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my sister and us.I do believe that God has given us some time left to plant some wonderful memories that will bloom every year for us.

  And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I’ll stop and transplant them to my wildflower garden.


Why did those flowers the writer saw only bloom in the morning?

[  ]


Because it was hot in the afternoon.


Because someone picked them away.


Because someone took them into houses.


Because the writer passed them in the morning.


Which of the following statements is right according to the passage?

[  ]


The writer’s sister died of lung tumor.


The writer was regretful when she heard her sister’s death.


The writer planned to dig the flowers to give them to her husband.


The writer’s husband planned to plant some flowers in the garden.


The writer wrote the passage to tell us ________.

[  ]


to enjoy what we have now


to value now and not to lose chances


to protect the beautiful flowers we see


to love those who are your close relatives


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省锡中实验学校2012届九年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  My smmr hols wr CWOT.B4, we usd 2 go 2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & 3:-@kids FTF.ILNY, its gr8.

  Can you understand this sentence? If you can’t, don’t feel too bad:because the middle school teacher in England can’t understand it, either.This is Netspeak:the language of computerized communication found on the Internet or mobile phones.To newcomers, it can look like a foreign language.So, what is the meaning of the sentence above? My summer holidays were a complete waste of time.Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend, and their three screaming kids face to face.I love New York, it’s great.

  Teachers and parents say this new form of writing is harming the English language.A number of spelling and grammar mistakes can be seen in students’ writing.They think the language could become corrupted(面目全非的).

  Everyone should just relax, say the linguists(语言学家).They believe Netspeak is in fact a good thing.David Crystal, a famous linguist, argues that Netspeak and Internet create a new language use and the almost lost art of diary writing has been picked up again.Geoffrey Nunberg, another famous linguist, agrees.“People get better at writing by writing,” he says.“ If children often use text messages and write e-mails, they will write at least as well as, and possibly better than, their parents.”

  Another linguist James Milroy says, for centuries, it is believed that young people are harming the language.And you can bet(打赌)your bottom dollar that when today’s teenagers become tomorrow’s parents, they too will think this way.Milroy argues that language do not and cannot become “corrupted”, they simply change to meet the new needs.

  However, Netspeak agree that it is important to teach young people how to speak and write correct English.Cynthia McVey says, “I can understand Netspeak worries teachers but that learning to write correct English is necessary for their future.

  Perhaps we should give teenagers a little more trust(信任)anyway.Erin, aged 12, says, ”I wouldn’t use text language in my homework.Texting is just for fun.”


What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?.

[  ]


To give an example of a foreign language.


To show an example of creative ways.


To show worries about using Netspeak.


To lead in the topic of Netspeak.


Which of the following is True according to the passage?

[  ]


Cynthia McVey insists teenagers can deal with Netspeak correctly.


Geoffrey Nunberg believes Netspeakers can write correct English.


David Crystal thinks Netspeak helps develop the habit of writing.


James Milroy says that language is corrupted.


The expression “bet your bottom dollar” in Paragraph 5 means ________.

[  ]


be quite sure


be surprised


think it pity


find it interesting


What can be the best title for the article?

[  ]


Netspeak:A widely-Used Language on Internet.


Is Netspeak Harming the English?


Is Netspeak Helpful in Language Learning?


Netspeak:Advantages and Disadvantages.


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省大丰市2010-2011学年八年级上学期期末学情调研英语试题 题型:050


  Mr Baker worked in a big factory.He was busy all the time and had little time to rest.One summer, he decided to go to the sea to spend his holidays.

  One afternoon, it was very hot.Mr Baker came into a restaurant, sat at a table and wanted to drink.Just then, an old man came up to him and said, “How do you do, sir?” “How do you do?” Mr Baker asked the old man to sit next to him.“Have you been here before?” “No, I haven’t.” “You look lonely, don’t you?” said the old man.“Let’s have a bet(打赌), shall we?”

  It interested Mr Baker, “But what shall we bet on?” “I can bite my left eyeball,” said the old man, “I can bet you five dollars.”

  Mr Baker didn’t believe and passed $5 on the table.

  The old man took out his glass eyeball, put it into his mouth and bite it.Mr Baker had to give his money.

  “It doesn’t matter young man,” the old man said.“I’ll give you a chance to win the money back.I can also bite my right eye.I’ll bet you $10.”

  “I’m sure he’s able to see.And I must win his money,” he thought.So he took out ten dollars from his wallet.

  But he was very surprised, the old man took out his false(假的)teeth and bit his right eye with it.Then he put the money into his pocket and went away quickly.


Mr Baker went to the sea ________.

[  ]


to swim


to have a rest


to drink something


to make a bet


The old man said hello to Mr Baker because ________.

[  ]


they were good friends


he wanted to ask for some food


he wanted to drink with him


he wanted to win money


The old man was blind(瞎的)in ________.

[  ]


both eyes


neither eye


the right eye


the left eye


科目:初中英语 来源:同步拓展·奥林匹克  初三英语 题型:050



Bet Winner


  MILLBURN, New Jersey ---- an 11-year-old who gave up television for a year in a bet (打赌) with his mother says he'll use some of the money to buy himself an astronaut's (宇航员的) suit. The bet ended at 9:01 on Monday morning, but Benjamin Barreaux waited until his mother, Roslyn , handed him five 100-dollar bills in front of a gathering of newspapermen in the afternoon before switching on the TV. During the past year, he has filled his time with reading and his grades (成绩) have improved from “satisfactory” to “very good”.

1.Who lost a bet to whom?

[  ]

A.The boy's mother to his father.

B.Benjamin's father to Roslyn .

C.Benjamin to his mother.

D.Roslyn to Benjamin.

2.How long had the boy kept himself away from TV?

[  ]

A.From Monday morning till afternoon.

B.One year and several hours.

C.One year and a day.

D.One year.

3.Why did the mother hand the bills to the boy?

[  ]

A.Because his grades had been improved.

B.Because he had won some money.

C.Because he wanted to buy an astronaut's suit.

D.Because she had given him her promise.

4.Why do you think the newspapermen came?

[  ]

A.They came to judge who should be the winner.

B.They came to congratulate the winner.

C.They came for the money.

D.They came for the news.

5.The mother obviously (明显地) believed that ________ .

[  ]

A.children shouldn't watch TV too much

B.children should have their own money

C.children should be regarded (对待) as their parents' equal (平等)

D.children's interest in space should be encouraged (鼓励)


科目:初中英语 来源:北京中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     My summer hols wr CWOT. B4, we used 2 go 2 NY 2C my bro, his CF & thr 3:-@ kids FTF ILNY,
its gr8.   
     Can you understand this sentence? If you can't, don't feel too bad: neither could the middle school teacher
in England who received this as homework. This is Netspeak: the language of computerized communication
found on Internet or cellphones. To newcomers, it can look like a completely foreign language.So, what is
the "translation" of the sentence above? My summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we
used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend, and their three screaming kids face to face. I love
New York; it's great.   
     Schoolteachers and parents say this new form of writing is harming (破坏)the English language.
Increasing spelling and grammatical mistakes can be seen in students' writing. They fear the language could
become corrupted (面目全非的).   
     Everyone should just relax, say linguists (语言学家). They believe Netspeak is in fact more of a good
thing. David Crystal, from the University of Wales, argues that Netspeak and Internet create a new language
use and the almost lost art of diary writing has been picked up again. Geoffrey Nunberg, from Stanford
University, agrees."People get better at writing by writing," he says, "Kids who are now doing text messaging,
e-mail, and instant messages will write at least as well as, and possibly better than, their parents."   
     Linguist James Millroy says, for centuries, it is believed without exception that young people are harming
the language. And you can bet your bottom dollar that when today's teenagers become tomorrow's parents,
they too will think this way. Milroy argues that languages do not and cannot become"corrupted"; they simply
change to meet the new needs.   
     However, Netspeakers do agree that it is important to teach young people how to speak and write Standard
English. Cynthia McVey says, "I can understand Netspeak worries teachers and it's important that they get
across to their pupils that text messaging is for fun, but that learning to write proper English is a must for their
     Perhaps we should give teenagers a little more trust anyway. Erin, age 12, says, "I wouldn't use text
language in my homework. Texting is just for fun"
1. What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?   
A. To give an example of a foreign language.   
B. To show an example of creative methods.   
C. To express worries about using Netspeak.   
D. To lead in the topic of Netspeak.
2. Which of the following is true according to the passage?   
A. Cynthia McVey points out teenagers can deal with Netspeak properly.   
B. Geoffrey Nunberg believes Netspeakers can write Standard English.   
C. David Crystal thinks Netspeak helps develop the habit of writing.   
D. James Milroy says that language is changing and improving.
3. The expression "bet your bottom dollar" in Paragraph 5 means ______.   
A. be fairly sure
B. be greatly surprised   
C. think it a pity
D. find it interesting
4. What can be the best title for the passage?   
A. Netspeak: A Widely-Used Language on Internet   
B. Is Netspeak Harming the English Language?   
C. Is Netspeak Helpful in Language Learning?   
D. Netspeak: Advantages and Disadvantages

