精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A:Have you ever read the novel Jane Eyre?
B: 小题1: .
A:What a pity!It’s a wonderful book, you know.
B:Well, I’ve been wanting to read for a long time, but I can’t get a copy. The library has only three copies and   小题2: .
A:Well,   小题3: If you like, I’ll lend it to you.
B:Tahnk you.小题4:  By the way, when can I get it?
A: 小题5: Will you please come to my house after school?
B:OK. I’ll go as soon as school is over.



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Summer holiday is coming. We can do something exciting by ourselves.小题1:_______________? Xiao Ming.
B: Yes, I’m going to my hometown.
A: 小题2:________________________?
B: For about a month. 小题3:___________________?
A: I want to travel to Hainan Island. It’s a beautiful place of interest.
B: 小题4:________________________.You know, travel can make us excited. But I have to visit my grandparents in my hometown.
A: It doesn’t matter. If you stay in your hometown for fewer days, you’ll have enough time to go traveling.
B:小题5:__________________. Then I will go to my hometown as soon as the holiday begins.
A: OK! I will wait for you until you come back.
B. That’s a deal! Thank you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--I guess you don’t mind if I point out your mistakes.
--- _     _
A.Not at all.B.You’re welcome.C.Of course.D.Nothing much.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Lily, what should I get for Ms. Ning for the coming Teachers’ Day?
B: Your English teacher? How about a notebook?
B: Mmm. How about a watch?
A: I don’t think so. A watch is too expensive.
B: I see.  小题2: 
A: No, I don’t know what book she likes best.
B: Well,   小题3:
A: No! A scarf is too personal.
B: OK, I know. How about flowers?
A:小题4:  Yes, she’ 11 like that!
A. Some flowers’?
B. Would she like a scarf?
C. How about her favorite book?
D. Er… don’t you think that’s too cheap?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Who is your favourite singer?                  
B: Li Yuchun.                                              
A:  小题1:_                                                                                        
B: She was born in 1984 in Chengdu, Sichuan.               
A: So she is twenty-seven years old now.                
B:   小题2:
A: Do you know where she studied?
g: Yes. She studied at Sichuan Music College.   小题3:
A: Do you know what her hobbies are?
B: Sure. 小题4:
A: I know many young people like her.小题5:
B: Well, I think that’s because she sings well.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Hi,Tom !
B: Hi, Alice !
A:  小题1:      
B: No, not much. But I travel quite a lot in Beijing.
A:   小题2:       
B:The Temple of Heaven , the Great Wall , Tian’anmen Square, Yuanmingyuan Park and so on.
A:What do you think of Beijing’s traffic?
B:   小题3:   But I also like the buses especially for short journeys.
A: But don’t you think the buses are rather slow ?
B:Yes, I do . But it’s very cheap.
A:    小题4:  
B: Taxi often gets us in traffic jams , and besides, they ’re too expensive.
A:  小题5:    .
B:I think taking the subway is the best way to travel.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Hi. Are you Jim?
—Yes. Nice to meet you.
A.How are you?B.Good morning!C.Hello!D.Good evening!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A. You can start by turning off the lights.
B. We get a lot of paper at home,
C- You’d better clean your room every day.
D. Turn off the shower.
E. Can I help you?
F. Don’t use plastic bags.
G. Don’t take a bus if you don’t have to.
A; Hi, Janet. Would you like to help save the environment?
B: Yes. But what can I do?
A: Well.   小题1:
B: Yes, that’s easy. Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking. What’ s next?
A: Second, you can ride a bicycle.  小题2:
B: That will save money, too. What else?
A: Third, try to recycle paper.
B: Mm. Newspapers, magazines, mail... 小题3:. Good idea.
A: The fourth idea is turning off the shower when you’re not using it.
B: You mean when I have shampoo in my hair?
A: Yes. Get wet. 小题4:  Put the shampoo in your hair and then turn on the shower and wash it out.
B: Will that help the environment?
A: Yes, we have to save water. And fifth, take a bag when you go shopping. 小题5:
B: OK. My parents do most of the shopping. I’ll tell them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A                                                      B
小题1:1 don't know bow to use this new mobile phone.       A. He is kind and helpful.
小题2:What is your teacher like?                         B. What a pity!
小题3:How much is it?                                 C. Don't worry. I will help you.
小题4:You Speak English very well.                       D. Thank you.
小题5:I missed Happy Camp last night.                   E. Five dollars.

