精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情



1(  ) 2(  ) 3(  ) 4(  ) 5(  )


1.It will be Jimmy’s mother’s birthday.

2.Mario has an English class every Sunday afternoon.

3.The English class will finish at l0∶30.

4.They will meet at the bus stop.

5.Jimmy wants to pay for the lunch instead of Mario.


11.In many countries old age is a/an________ time.




12.If old American people have enough money,they will buy houses where________.

A.there are many beautiful gardens

B.other old people live

C.there is much fresh air

13.If old American people are not________ enough to live alone,they will live in special homes.

A.healthy or old

B.strong or rich

C.healthy or strong

14.In special homes________ take care of the old people all the time.




15.Most old American people live________.

A.with their neighbors

B.with their children








19.too long

20.go into the water


Dialogue 1

W:Do you still remember John?

M:Yes,he was one of our classmates when we were young.

W:I met him last Monday.He really changed a lot.

M:What’s he like?

W:Oh,he used to be quite thin and short,but now he is quite tall and fat.

Dialogue 2

W:Where are you from?

M:I’m from Beijing.

W:How is the weather in Beijing?

M:It’s quite cold in winter and hot in summer.

Dialogue 3

W:What is your favorite subject in school?

M:Music.I like music best because it’s very interesting. How about you?

W:Me too.I can relax myself when I have music classes.

Dialogue 4

W:What’s wrong with you?

M:I’m not feeling well. I have got a headache.

W:Let’s go to the hospital,OK?

Dialogue 5

W:How does your father go to work every day?

M:He drives his car.

W:Does he give you a ride?

M:Yes,but not very often.


M:What are you going to do next Sunday,Mario?

W:I’ve no idea.How about you,Jimmy?

M:Next Tuesday is my mother’s birthday.I want to buy a gift for her.Would you like to go with me?I need your suggestions.

W:OK.I’d love to.But I’m afraid I can’t go in the morning because I have an English class every Sunday morning.

M:What time do you have it?

W:From 8:00 to 10:00.

M:Then let’s meet at 10:30.

W:Where shall we meet?

M:At NO.16 bus stop.

W:What would you like to buy for your mother?

M:How about a handbag?

W:That’s too personal.

M:Well,let’s go and see in the shopping mall.Then we’ll decide what to buy.We’ll have lunch together. I’ll pay for you.

W:No,let’t go Dutch.I’ll pay for myself.You need money for your mother’s present.


  In many countries old age is a happy time, but in the United States it is quite different for old people. Most of people do not live with their children or relatives. If they have enough money,they buy houses or apartments in places where other old people live. If they aren’t healthy or strong enough to live alone,they live in special homes for old people.There,strangers take care of them.For many North Americans,old age is not a happy time.Most of them want to stay young.They don’t like to grow old because they will not get honor or respect.Also businesses do not want old people to work for them.So old people usually live alone and they do not have many things to do.Old age can be a sad and lonely time for them.


  Hong Kong has about forty public beaches.Some of the beaches are among the best in the world.People can go there for a swim,You can go to most of them by bus. To go to some beaches you must take a boat.There are toilets,changing rooms and places to buy food and drinks on most of the beaches.

  You will swim there without danger if you remember these instructions:

  1.Never swim alone. 2.You’d better not swim after a meal or when you feel hungry or tired. 3.Do not stay in the water too long. 4.Never go out in a boat if you cannot swim.

  Remember:A red flag means that it is dangerous for anybody to go into the water.A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children.


科目:初中英语 来源:北大附中题库 八年级英语(第2版)下册、第二学期期末测试卷(二)(Unit6~10) 题型:001



1.A.a doctor

B.space station



2.A.She argued with her mother.

B.The kids will study on computers.

C.She should talk with her teacher.

D.She likes Chinese food.

3.A.Could you give me a hand?

B.How do you like it?

C.I have a favor to ask you

D.Can I help you?





5.A.In the room

B.Yes,she has

C.For three minutes

D.Since she was ten


6.A.Because she doesn’t like football.

B.Because Mike has only one ticket.

C.Because she has got a ticket for a concert.

D.Because Tim wants to go with Mike.

7.A.Ann wants to come to see Henry.

B.Ann lent Henry a camera.

C.Henry’s camera has broken.

D.Ann wants to borrow Henry’s camera.





9.A.three times a day

B.three times a month

C.over three times a month

D.less than three times a month







科目:初中英语 来源:北大附中题库 九年级英语(第二版)下册、综合测试卷(三) 题型:001



1.A.Hello!What' s wrong?

B.Excuse me.Who are you?

C.Hold on for a moment,please.

2.A.That's a good idea.

B.All right.Thank you.

C.OK.You are right.

3.A.Do you really think so?

B.Yes,I am.

C.How do you do?

4.A.Milk and beef.

B.Eggs and meat.

C.Mutton and wool.

5.A.With pleasure.

B.You are kind.

C.It doesn't matter.


6.A.She was cold.

B.She was ill.

C.She visited a friend of hers.

7.A.His pencil-case.

B.His pencil.

C.A pen and a case.

8.A.They teach themselves.

B.Their teacher


9.A.He is giving the dictionary to the girl.

B.He is looking up a new word in a dictionary.

C.He is going to school.

10.A.Every 15 minutes.

B.Every 10 minutes.

C.Every 5 minutes.


11.Mr Tanaka studied Chinese because he wanted to visit China.

12.He studied Chinese in Japan for about 180 days.

13.He went to China to spend his holidays.

14.He stayed in China for about half a month.

15.Mr Tanaka could talk with the Chinese easily.


16.The young man wanted to send his girlfriend ________ roses for her birthday.




17.________ sent the roses to the girl.

A.The young man

B.The assistant

C.Another young man

18.The young girl received the roses ________.

A.the same evening

B.a day before her birthday

C.on her birthday

19.The assistant meant to(打算)________.

A.make the girl angry

B.get more money

C.make the young man glad

20.From the story we know that ________.

A.one may do something wrong even out of kindness

B.some girls don't roses

C.young people are often angry with each other


科目:初中英语 来源:北大附中题库 九年级英语(第二版)下册、综合测试卷(四) 题型:001



1.A.That's a good idea.

B.Yes,you are right.

C.I'm sorry to trouble you.

2.A.Bad luck.

B.Not at all.

C.Thanks a lot.

3.A.I agree too.

B.I think so.

C.English maybe.

4.A.She's short.

B.She's my sister.

C.She's fifteen.

5.A.That's OK.

B.Yes,here you are.

C.Sorry,I can't.





2.A.He is playing.

B.He is reading.

C.He is singing.

3.A.Four days

B.Five days

C.Three days

4.A.Li Ping.

B.Lin Tao.

C.Han Meimei.





11.Many English people have three meals a day.

12.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine.

13.Afternoon tea comes at four o'clock.

14.People don't have soup for their dinner.

15.All English people have their dinner in the evening.


16.The Browns live ________.

A.in a small house in London

B.in a small house not far from London

C.in a small town far from London

D.in a tall building in the city of London

17.Sometimes Mr Brown comes back very late and his wife and child are asleep and he ________.

A.wakes up his wife to help him open the front door

B.knocks at the door

C.opens the front door with his key

D.rings the doorbell

18.One night he couldn't come into the house because ________.

A.he gave the key to his wife

B.Mrs Brown was not at home

C.he lost his key

D.the door was broken

19.________ after he knocked at the bedroom window and shouted and spoke like a child.

A.Nobody answered him

B.Mrs Brown opened the door at last

C.His child got up

D.His wife and child woke up

20.Mr Brown spoke like a child because ________.

A.he knew his wife could wake up easily when she heard the child's voice

B.he wanted to make joke with his wife

C.he wanted to wake up his child

D.he didn't want to trouble other people around the house


科目:初中英语 来源:北大附中题库 九年级英语(第二版)上册、测试卷(六)(Unit 6) 题型:026



1.A.Tom and Jim's brother.

B.Jim and Tom' s brother.

C.Both Tom and Jim.

2.A.An interesting thing.

B.I have seen a truck and a child.

C.An accident.

3.A.Less than four years.

B.It' s four years since he came to China.

C.We don' t know.




5.A.Wei Hua says that Miss Wang won' t agree.

B.Wei Hua says that Miss Wang will agree.

C.Wei Hua says that Miss Wang will mind.


6.Jack worked ________.

A.in a hospital

B.in a town

C.at a station

7.Jack's father called him one day because he wanted to ________.

A.go to the station

B.see Jack

C.see Jack' s wife

8.Jack's wife gave Jack ________ before he left.

A.some money(钱)

B.a piece of paper

C.some food

9.Jack came home back ________.

A.with his father

B.with his wife

C.with a lot of food

10.Jack's father didn't come home with Jack because ________.

A.his father didn't go to the station

B.his father didn't want to see Jack's wife

C.Jack forgot to go and meet him

