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完形填空(共10题, 每小题1 分,计10分)
My online friend is a kind and friendly girl. She is in America. Her   1   is Sophia. I meet Sophia   2   the Internet. She is twelve years old, and I am   3  years old, too.
First, I   4   a letter to her and introduce my hobbies, my school and my everyday life. A few days later, I get Sophia’s   5  . She   6   me a lot about herself. I learn that she loves study, sports and movies. She likes China and Chinese food very much. She tells me something about America too. Sophia is good at English, French, and Spanish(西班牙语), so I ask her to   __7   me with English. Sophia wants to learn some   8  , but it’s very hard for her.
From Sophia, I know   9   about the world outside. I would like to  10  Sophia some day in America.

A.thirteenB.eleven C.twelveD.fourteen


【小题7】词义辨析。A.教;B.帮助;C.给;D.回答。结合语境可知我让她帮助我学英语,help sb with sth帮助某人做某事,故选B。
【小题10】联系下文in England 在英国,可知我要去那里拜访她。故选C,拜访。


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年内蒙古满洲里市九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空



 Paper was first     about2,000 years ago, it has been made     silk, cotton, bamboo, and wood. People learned to write words on paper to make a book. And because there weren’t many books,      people learned to read. Then printing was invented in China. The first printed books were made by      ink on a wooden block and holding the paper against it. When printing was developed greatly      the beginning of the11th century, books could be produced more quickly and     .

___       , more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly,        a way that can be compared       the       of the Internet in the20th century.

1.A.  create     B.  created      C.  creating       D.  creates

2.A.  in        B.  of          C.  from          D.  by

3.A.  little      B.  a little       C.  few          D.  a few

4.A.  put       B.  putting       C.  puts         D.  puting

5.A.  at         B.  in          C.  by           D.  on

6.A.  cheap      B.  cheaply      C.  cheaper       D.  cheapest

7.A.  Because    B.  so that       C.  As a result     D.  because of

8.A.  on         B.  in           C. by            D.  at

9.A.  at          B.  with         C.  by           D.  about

10.A.  introduction  B.  introduce   C.  introduced   D.  introducing



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏省大丰市七年级12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

完形填空(共10题, 每小题1 分,计10分)

My online friend is a kind and friendly girl. She is in America. Her   1   is Sophia. I meet Sophia   2   the Internet. She is twelve years old, and I am   3  years old, too.

First, I   4   a letter to her and introduce my hobbies, my school and my everyday life. A few days later, I get Sophia’s   5  . She   6   me a lot about herself. I learn that she loves study, sports and movies. She likes China and Chinese food very much. She tells me something about America too. Sophia is good at English, French, and Spanish(西班牙语), so I ask her to   __7   me with English. Sophia wants to learn some   8  , but it’s very hard for her.

From Sophia, I know   9   about the world outside. I would like to  10  Sophia some day in America.

1.                A.hobby          B.name          C.age  D.job


2.                A.on            B.for            C.at   D.in


3.                A.thirteen        B.eleven          C.twelve   D.fourteen


4.                A.read           B.see            C.write D.draw


5.                A.book           B.letter          C.call  D.photo


6.                A.asks           B.says            C.talks D.tells


7.                A.teach          B.help           C.give D.answer


8.                A.English         B.French         C.Chinese  D.Spanish


9.                A.more          B.less            C.few  D.little


10.               A.call            B.write          C.visit  D.help




科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏南京溧水县六校九年级12月学情调研联考测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空



Do you think of your parents? “Yes, of course.” You may answer.  Maybe you buy a present for your mother on Mother’s Day, and you give your father _ 1._ 0n Father’s Day, too. Then 2.__the other days of a year?  Always remember to think of your parents, not just  3. some important days.

I have a friend who lives _ 4._.because her parents live in another city.  One day I went to visit her. We had a nice chat. Then she wanted to 5.    a telephone call. She dialed the number, but then she put the phone down. After about ten 6. .she dialed the number again. “Hi, Mum...”

Later I asked, “why did you dial the number  7._?”She smiled.“ because my parents are old. They can't get close to the telephone    8._.I always do so when I call them, I just give them enough 9.___to answer the call.”

My friend is a good girl . She is always thinking about her parents.  What do you think of this? I think: we should do some small things for our parents and make them 10.__every day.

11.               A.it             B.one           C.this   D.chat


12.               A.how about      B.how often       C.how much D.how long


13.               A.by            B.with           C.on   D.of


14.               A.lonely          B.happily         C.sadly D.alone


15.               A.take           B.make          C.play  D.buy


16.A, hours      B. months            C. seconds         D. days

17.               A.once          B.Twice          C.three times D.four times


18.               A.quickly         B.slowly          C.quietly    D.hardly


19.               A.money         B.fond           C.room D.time


20.               A.please         B.pleasure        C.pleasant   D.pleased




科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年海南省七年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空



This is a photo  1  my family. This is my father.  2 is 38 years  3 . This is  4 mother. She is not old. She is5  English teacher . This is my brother. 6 name is Li Ming. He is fourteen. He is in  7  One, Grade Three. He is  good student. He  9  a friend at school. They __10_ in  the same(同样的) class.

1.A. of     B. in      C. at

2.A. He      B. It      C. His

3.A. young  B. new     C. old

4.A. her     B. his      C. my

5.A. the    B. an      C. a

6.A. He     B. His     C. She

7.A. class   B. Class   C. school

8.A. a       B. an      C. the

9.A. is     B. has     C. have

10.A. have   B. is      C. are


