精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

【小题1】I think Mo Yan is            writer that I have ever known.(success)
【小题2】Luckily, many patients in the earthquake in Ya’an didn’t hurt            badly. (they)
【小题3】All the students            for the coming exam at this time last year.(prepare)
【小题4】The famous artist, Li Wenhua, passed away peacefully in his           (eighty).
【小题5】After 2 months’ hard work, the bridge was built            (complete).
【小题6】The boy’s parents both died in the accident. We’re sorry about his           (happy).
【小题7】We’re sure that the knife belongs to one of the           (thief).
【小题8】How excited they were         (chat) with each other at the party!
【小题9】—Can I borrow your pen?  —Sorry. It           to Jim.(lend)
【小题10】What difficulty will you have           (control) the machine?

【小题1】the most successful
【小题3】were preparing
【小题8】to chat
【小题9】has been lent 

【小题1】句意:我认为莫言是我知道的最成功的作家.结合语境及所给单词,可知填形容的最高级the most successful,最成功的,作定语.注意形容词最高级前的定冠词不能省略.
【小题3】句意:去年这个时候,所有的学生都在准备将要来临的考试.结合语境可知本句描述的是过去某时正在进行的动作,故用过去进行时态.本句主语All the students 是复数形式,故助动词用are的过去式were,填were preparing,正在准备.
【小题8】句意:在聚会上能和彼此聊天,他们是多么兴奋啊!不定式作补足语表示具体的将要发生的动作,结合语境可知填不定式to chat,聊天,作表语补足语.
【小题9】句意:我能借你的钢笔吗?——抱歉。它已经被借给吉姆了。结合语境可知下文描述的是现在已经完成的动作,故用现在完成时态。主语it是单数第三人称,故助动词用has。主语是动作对象,故用被动语态,结合所给单词,可知填:has been lent。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

词汇运用 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)
(A) 根据句意,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。
【小题1】 I haven’t_______________believed what he said. (complete)
【小题2】 Daniel went abroad for further study in his________. Now he has returned home.  (twenty)
【小题3】Neither Jim nor Tom sings well .Who sings           (bad) , Jim or Tom?
【小题4】He has written down all the _________ names on a piece of paper.   (direct)
【小题5】Sick children should be treated with _________.(kind)
【小题6】The teacher’s only _______________ (想法) was for his students.
【小题7】 I don’t think it is a good _____________ for you to work in this company.(建议)
【小题8】A lot of countries are all interested in    ____  Chinese medicine(进口)
【小题9】I don’t like that my mother always ________ (比较) me with my classmates.
【小题10】 Many people are ___________ (反对) smoking in public places.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省无锡市前洲中学八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】On my ______(二十) birthday , I got a lot of presents from my friends.
【小题2】Our English teacher can speak more than one foreign _______(语言)
【小题3】Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong are the ________(英雄) of our country.
【小题4】Sandy’s drawing is the best in the drawing ________(竞赛).
【小题5】Cows’         (胃) are far bigger than sheep’s.
【小题6】He shows more __________ (interesting) in English than before.
【小题7】____________ (luck), our team tried our best but could never win the first prize.
【小题8】She is the _______________ (thin) girl in our class, she should take more exercise.
【小题9】Simon and Linda looked at each other. They kept their secret to            (they).
【小题10】What is the ______ ( long ) of the summer holidays in America ?


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省仪征市大仪中学七年级上学期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】I am 13 years old. I am a middle school ____________. (学生)
【小题2】Trains are light and comfortable and are popular_______ young people.(在……之间)
【小题3】Eddie _______ goes out after meals. He often sleeps after meals.(很少)
【小题4】We all need a ____________lifestyle. It is important for us.(健康)
【小题5】My birthday is also a ________day for my mother. (特别的)
【小题6】There _________some beef and fish in the fridge. (be)
【小题7】Children paint their ________ to have a lot of fun. (face)
【小题8】Kitty likes _______________ with her mother on Sundays. (shop)
【小题9】The library is ________ from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.(open)
【小题10】I like Spring Festival ________ because I can get red packets from my parents.(good)


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏扬州江都区宜陵中学八年级上学期期末考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

词汇运用 (共l0小题;每小题l分,计l0分)
【小题1】I won’t eat _______ (health) food any more.
【小题2】After school many children lose _______ (they) in computer games.
【小题3】Every dog has its ________ (luck) day.
【小题4】‘Who can answer my ________ (follow) question?’ Mr Green asked.
【小题5】It is the home page of one of the _______________ (survive).
【小题6】Nobody knows the ________ (高度) of the sky.
【小题7】You will feel ________ (不舒服) if a very fat man sits next to you on a bus.
【小题8】He is teaching himself the second ________ (外国的) language these days.
【小题9】The elevator is so small that only four people can _________(容纳) in.
【小题10】I _______ (简直) can’t understand why parents worry about us so much.

