精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
选用适当的介词 ( on, in , at, with, from, to, under, behind, next to) 填空。

1. —Where is the picture?  
    —It's _____ the wall.
2. The science lab is ______ the building.
3. I like remembering new words ______ a word map.
4. My friend Tina is ______ (来自于) Australia.
5. I'm in Class 7 _______ Lingling.
6. Welcome Tom and Kate ______ our school.
7. Betty's mother is a secretary _______ Beijing International School.
8. —Where is the cat?    
    —It's _______ the door.
9. Mingming is my desk mate(同桌), he sits _______ me.
10. —Where're my shoes?    
     —Oh, they're _______ the bed.  

1. on     2. in     3. in         4. from       5. with    
6. to     7. at      8. behind    9. next to     10. under
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    科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:022


    Tom's teacher wanted to send him away ________ school.


    科目:初中英语 来源:同步拓展·奥林匹克  初三英语 题型:022


    What have you come here ________ ?


    科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    1. What do you do ___ Sunday?   
    2. I get up ___ 6:10 in the morning.   
    3. I sit far ___ Li Ming. His seat is not near mine.   
    4. Mr. Black lives ___ my house. You can see his house from my window.   
    5. Do you do your homework ___ the evening?   
    6. Bob is talking ___ his daughter.   
    7. He is leaving ___ Changchun.


    科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


    1. What do you do ___Sunday?
      2. I get up ___ 6:10 in the morning.
      3. I sit far ___Li Ming. His seat is not near mine.
      4. Mr. Black lives ___ my house. You can see his house form my window.
      5. Do you do your homework ___the evening?
      6. Bob is talking ___his daughter.
      7. He is leaving ___Changchun.

