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13. (2013 •黄闪中考) There are two (刀) and three forks on the desk.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

6. 一Whose football is this?

—Oh,it's . We were looking for it everywhere.

   A. you   B. yours   C. me   D. ours


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Different countries have different manners. For example,if you are a 1 in a Chinese house,when you have a meal,you usually do not 2 the food. You often leave 3 to show that you have had enough. But in England,a guest always finishes the food to show that he has 4 it. We must know the customs of other 5 ,so that they will not think 6 bad- mannered. People all over the world 7 that a well- mannered person should be kind and 8 to others. If you remember this,9 you will not go very far wrong. 10 likes a person with good manners,but no one likes a person with bad manners.

1. A. stranger   B. traveller   C. guest   D. foreigner

2. A. need   B. finish   C. choose   D. have

3. A. few   B. a few   C. little   D. a little

4. A. hated   B. enjoyed   C. taken   D. drunk

5. A. countries   B. villages   C. cities   D. places

6. A. them   B. me   C. us   D. his

7. A. shout   B. tell   C. guess   D. agree

8. A. careful   B. helpful   C. hard-working   D. healthy

9. A. at all   B. at last   C. at least   D. at first

10. A. Somebody   B. Anybody   C. Nobody   D. Everybody


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3. (2015 •资阳中考) Come on,baby. We have already done of the work.

   A. two-three   B. two-third

   C. two-thirds   D. second-three


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

10. (2014 •滨州中考) Smoking is bad for your health.You’d better .

   A. set it up   B. give it up

   C. pick it up   D. look it up


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

12. (2013 •莆田中考) 不吃早餐去上学对我们的健康 有害。

Going to school without breakfast our health.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

       Welcome to skillcorner. com!Please use the free study skills,study strategies and study tips on this site. We add new tips every day,so check back often for new ideas. Click (点击) on any topic below to learn about it.

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() 1. What kind of website is it?

   A. A news website. B. An entertainment website. C. A study website. D. A travel website.

() 2. How can you get useful information from the website?

   A. By paying some money.

   B. By sending your own study tips and exchanging them 

     with others.

   C. By sending an e-mail to ask for some.

   D. Just get it for free.

() 3. What message can probably be put in the blank space in the form?

   A. Funny Stories.    B. Writing Skills.

     C. New Books.    D. Fashion News.

() 4. You will find some useful information except about on this website.

   A. how to use dictionaries   

    B. tips for reading

   C. skills to remember new words   

    D. how to make friends

() 5. Of the four choices at the bottom (末端) of the form,which should you click on if you want to

tell people about new ways to study?

   A. The first one.   B. The second one. 

   C. The third one.     D. The fourth one.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

1. (2015 •烟台中考) Finally the firemen saved the little girl under the damaged building (success) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

8. (2013 •日照中考) The fisherman made a fire and (悬挂) his wet clothes up to dry.

