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A: Hi, Li Ping. Why do you look upset?
B: I ___【小题1】____ my English exam again. Could you give me some advice on how to learn English?
A: Sure. What’s your biggest problem ___【小题2】______ learning English?
B: I can’t remember the words.
A: Well… I always copy words on cards and put them in my pockets. When I have time, I Always take them out and _____【小题3】____ them aloud.
B: Sounds great. I will try it. By the way, I want to__【小题4】______ my listening skill.
A: I think the best way is to do lots of listening practice, such as listening to the tapes,
____【小题5】______ TV programs and seeing English movies.
B: Oh, I see. Thanks a lot.




科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年四川省仁寿县联谊学校初二上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空


other, move, enough, find ,desert, make, use
another, friend , carry , trouble, friendly
You may think there is nothing but sand in the desert of the world, but it is not true. In the desert we can   76   stones. We can see hills, too. There is a little rain in the   77  , but it is not   78  for most plants.
  The animals are   79  to the desert people in many ways. The desert people eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use their skins to    80  shoes, water bags and even tents(帐篷). They use the camels(骆驼) for   81  things.
The people of the desert have to keep    82  from places to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in the tents. When there is mo more food for their animals, they take down their tents, put them on the camels and move to    83  place. The desert people are very   84 . No man in the desert would ever refuse to help the people in   85  and give them food and water


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏灌南实验中学初三第一次质量检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空


【小题1】The boy ____________________________ English now.
【小题2】She is not asleep. She is _________________.
【小题3】Eating healthy food ________________________ our health.
【小题4】If we give the job to the man, it is ________________ for the woman.
【小题5】She always buys me some gifts __________ when I am in a bad mood.
【小题6】It is important ________________________ before you begin to do it.
【小题7】You had better wear white when you are _________________________.
【小题8】The old man ______________________________________ last year.
【小题9】The poor girl often _____________________ her mother after her mother died.
【小题10】I go to school by bike ________________.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省东阳市歌山一中八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空

music     advice       on earth     take off       go
【小题1】Can you give me some______on how to learn English well?
【小题2】When will the plane _____?---In ten minutes.
【小题3】He stopped _____to school because his family was poor.
【小题4】What______happened there?
【小题5】The _______ is  from Austria.He can play the piano well.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东江门福泉奥林匹克学校初一上期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空

an,  twins,  of,  on,  and,  teachers',  like,  from,  classroom,  on
Please look   【小题1】  the picture. It's a picture of our   【小题2】  . In the picture, you can see some desks   【小题3】   chairs. 【小题4】  the blackboard, you can see two pictures of red flowers. A map is  【小题5】  the wall. It's a map【小题6】  China. Under the 【小题7】  desk is a ball, but you can't see it. The girl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She is a new student. She is  【小题8】 English girl. She looks  【小题9】  Lucy. But they aren't  【小题10】.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届浙江杭州萧山市高桥初中九年级上学期期初摸底考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空


This month’s goal for helping to save our planet!
Week1: This week,my family tried to save electricity.We never left the lights _【小题1】___ when leaving the rooms.We switched off the TV when __【小题2】___was watching it.Mum only used cold water in the washing machine.
Week2: We started recycling this week.We tried to write on ___【小题3】__ sides of our paper,not just on one side.We also divided our rubbish into ___【小题4】__bags for bottles,cans,paper and food.Plastic bags from the supermarket were ___【小题5】___so we can use them again as rubbish bags.
Week3: We stopped taking long baths and had short showers ___【小题6】___.We flushed the toilet with __【小题7】___ water.When mum and dad made tea or coffee,they used less water in the kettle(水壶).My sister and I didn’t leave the tap running when we brushed our ___【小题8】__.
Week4: Mum used to __【小题9】___ us to school,but now my sister and I have started riding bikes to school.This week dad and a few of his workmates started to go to work together in one car and share the cost.My fridends and I became volunteers at school.We are taking the __【小题10】____step to help make our school more earth-friendly.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江乐清市柳市乐成学区八年级下学期期中考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空


find out;    possible;     get on;      several;       quite
【小题1】It seems _______________ that there will be robots in most of family in the future. I dream a robot in my family soon!
【小题2】Mark is very popular in our class. He always ___________ well with others.
【小题3】Come on! It’s nothing difficult. You’ll find it __________ easy if you have a try.
【小题4】Nicole, there are __________ messages for you. Come and have a look!
【小题5】I’m lucky to _____________ I’ve passed the exam.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年海南省洋浦中学八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空


【小题1】 He is _______ for Sanya tomorrow.
【小题2】 Congratulations! You are the ________ in the girl’s relay race.
【小题3】 Smoking is _______ for your lungs(肺).
【小题4】 You’d better brush your ________ before you go to bed.
【小题5】I have a terrible cold. I don’t feel like _________.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届浙江省宁波市五校九年级3月联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:选词填空


why    animal    danger    live    lovely
The panda is one of the most popular  【小题1】  in the world. A panda can grow up to 1.5 meters long and weigh up to 160kg. People think the panda is very 【小题2】 . So it is not surprising that the WWF(世界自然基金会)chose the panda as its symbol. The WWF tells people about animals that are in  【小题3】 and raises money to save them. The panda only  【小题4】  in the wild in China. In the early 1980s, there were only 1,000 left in the wild. The main reason  【小题5】  pandas are endangered is that the area where pandas can live has become smaller.

