精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
room   successful  drink     share   hundred
小题1:The boy is selfish. He never ________ his things with others.
小题2:Can you make __________ for the lady?
小题3:The more we know the world, the more _________we will be.
小题4:Do you think this kind of water is safe for­­­_________?
小题5:The old man invited all his friends to his __________ birthday party last Sunday.



科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

B) 完成对话 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。
A: Hi, Bill! You’re reading the novel again.
B: Yes, Tom. I’ll never be tired of it.
A: 1.______________________________ ?
B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new.
A: Really? 2. ____________________?
B: Charles Dickens. I think he is a great English writer. What about you?
A: 3.___________________ . He is also my favorite foreign writer. Please let me have a look at it.
B: OK, here you are! What do you think of this novel?
A: 4. ________________. I haven’t seen such a novel for long. Where did you buy it?
B: In the Rose Bookshop.
A: I don’t know where it is.  5. ________________?
B: No. Only 10 minutes’ walk from here, next to the People’s Cinema.
A: Oh, I see. I’m going there to get one, too. Thank you!
B: You’re welcome!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Is there a   1     2   last    3 clothes?
Let me   4  a5      6  you, Will you?
The little boy   7     8   to  9    10   the TV after he 11   home every day.
12     13    you  14    the Summer Palace with us?
小题5:这些发夹是Millie 的吗?
15   these hair clips    16    17   Millie?
How 18      19  the cards    20  ?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

In many countries, people t__________ 小题1:by car or by bike. They also get from place to place using p__________ 小题2:transport such as buses and trains. However, some people live in parts of the world where it is i__________ 小题3:to build roads.
It is difficult to w__________小题4:in snow but easy to ski over it. So in places like Alaska, people use skis. If they want to go faster, they get dogs to p__________ 小题5:them on sleds(雪橇). Riding a snowmobile(雪地摩托) is a more m__________ 小题6:, but expensive way of getting around on snow.
In desert(沙漠) like the Sahara in North Africa, people s__________小题7:get around on camels. Camels survive w__________ 小题8:in the desert, not because they can s__________ 小题9:water in their bodies though! They can survive without water for two weeks and without f__________小题10:for up to a month. H__________ 小题11: can only go without water for about three to five days.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

be, die, help, forget, come, repair, cry
小题1:It’s very ________ to read something.
小题2:Look! Here ______ the school bus.
小题3:We all think the machine needs________.
小题4:If I ___________ a rich man ,1 would donate all my money to the charity.
小题5:His uncle has__________    for seven years.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly (1) ______________ all the money, so that  soon he had (2)_______________ left. Of course, when that happened, all his friends disappeared. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had trouble.
"My money has been used up and my friends (3) _______________,” said the young man. "What should I do now?"
"Don't worry, young man," answered Nasreddin. "Everything (4) ______________ all right soon again. Wait and you will feel much happier."
The young man was very glad. "Am I going to get rich again then? " he asked Nasreddin.
"No, I didn't mean that," said the old man. "I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and (5) _______________ no friends."


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

getting    helpful     see    to get    much
Dear Ricky,
How are you 1_______________ on? Thanks very much for sending me the pictures and the English reading materials. From the pictures I can 2_______________that your school looks very beautiful. The reading materials are very useful and 3_______________. I can learn a lot from them.  Some stories are so interesting that I like them very much.
Now I don’t have 4_______________ time for my hobbies. I am busy getting ready for the coming exams. I’m working hard at all my lessons because I want 5 _______________ a better result.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Wu Ming


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:— Have you ever seen the film Mr Beans ?
—______. I plan to see it this weekend ?
A. Yes, I have  B. No, I don’t  C. Never
小题2:—What do you think of the talk show ?
—______.I fell asleep when I was watching it .
A. Exciting  B. Boring  C. Not bad
小题3:—Would you like to tell me the way to the station ?
—Sorry, ______.
A .this way  B. I’m a new comer ,too  C. It’s on the right
小题4:—Would you mind moving the desk ?I can’t get there .
—______. I will do it right away .
A. Yes, I do  B. No, not at all  C. Of course
小题5:—Excuse me ,how can I get to Beijing West Station ?
A. It’s a long way to go   B. It takes an hour by taxi  
C. The Bus No.12 will take you there .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. Can I take a message?                B. can I help you?      C. who’s calling?
D. Can I speak to Alice Roberts, please?    E. Could you tell her that I’ll be free tomorrow?
A: Hello, _________66_____________?  B: Yes.__________67____________?
A: ______________68_______________?  B: This is Jane Black.
A: Hold the line, please.Ms Black. I’m sorry, Alice is at a meeting right now.__69___?
B: Yes, please._____70______________?  A: Sure, Bye.
B: Bye.

