精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He teaches P.E. in a middle school. He has a long beard (胡子)and takes care of it.
It was Sunday yesterday. There was a big football match of the year on the playground in the centre of the city. Mr. King likes the games very much and of course he was going to watch it. With his friends’ help he got a ticket a few days ago. After breakfast he hurried to the bus stop, but a lot of people were waiting there. A bus came. There were lots of people on it and it was difficult for them to put their feet. He had to grip(抓住)the back of the chair. At the next stop a boy got on the bus. He was short and couldn’t grip anything. Suddenly the bus stopped and the boy was likely to fall off. He looked around and saw Mr. King’s beard and gripped it. The man found it at once and called out,“Go off(松开)my beard, boy!”
“Are you going to get off, sir?”asked the boy.            
小题1:Mr. King is a _________.
小题2:Mr. King was going to watch the match because _________.
A.he teaches P.E. in a middle school
B.he likes football very much
C.he got a ticket
D.he didn’t go to work yesterday
小题3:It was difficult for Mr. King to stand because _________.
A.he had drunk too much
B.the bus was too small
C.he got on the bus too late
D.it was very crowded(拥挤的)on the bus
小题4:The boy gripped Mr. King’s beard because __________.
A.he was afraid to fall again
B.he wanted to make the man angry
C.he hoped the man to find a seat for him
D.he hoped the man to get off soon
小题5:Mr. King was afraid __________, so he shouted at him.
A.the boy would pull him down
B.the boy would hurt his beard
C.the boy could be hurt again
D.the boy would borrow his ticket


小题1:根据文章内容Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He teaches P.E. in a middle school.可知答案为C
小题2:根据文章内容第二段Mr. King likes the games very much and of course he was going to watch it.可知答案为B
小题3:根据文章内容There were lots of people on it and it was difficult for them to put their feet. He had to grip(抓住)the back of the chair.可知答案为C
小题4:根据文章内容He was short and couldn’t grip anything. Suddenly the bus stopped and the boy was likely to fall off. He looked around and saw Mr. King’s beard and gripped it.可知答案为A
小题5:根据文章内容The man found it at once and called out,“Go off(松开)my beard, boy!”和生活常识内容,可知答案为B

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you know what special birthday presents the German Chancellor Schroeder(德国总理施罗德)gave his mother?
In 1990, he took her to lunch in a Mercedes(奔驰)car for her 80th birthday.
Schroeder’s family was very poor when he was young. Once his grandma had to steal(偷)meat from their neighbors. That was the only way to give the family a good supper. His mother was very sad and cried about it. Young Schroeder held his mother in his arms and said, “Mom, one day I’ll take you out in a Mercedes.” Forty years later he made these words come true.
Schroeder gave the old lady a second special present ten years later.
His father died before he was born. He was killed in World War II. His family didn’t know where his grave(坟墓)was. So Schroeder gave his mother a map on her 90th birthday. This map was very special. It showed where his father’s grave was. The old lady smiled happily at the surprising gift. Then Chancellor held his mother in his arms and kissed her face.
小题1:Where did Schroeder take his mother to lunch for her 80th birthday?
A.In a big restaurant. B.In his office.
C.In a Mercedes car.D.At home.
小题2:When did Schroeder say he would take his mother out in a Mercedes?
A.In 1990.B.In 1950.C.In 2000.D.In 1948.
小题3:What special present did Schroeder give his mother for her 90th birthday?
A.A Mercedes car.B.A grave.
C.A very special map.D.A big cake.
小题4:Who killed his father?
A.The war.B.His grandfather.
C.A driver in a Mercedes.D.An earthquake.
小题5:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Schroeder’s family was rich when he was young.
B.Schroeder’s grandma liked stealing things very much.
C.Schroeder was very young when his father died.
D.Schroeder has a strong love for his mom.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Once a great boxer(拳击手),Tom Black, went to a restaurant for supper. He took off his coat and left it at the door, but he was afraid that somebody would take it away. So he took out a piece of paper and wrote on it,“The great boxer, Tom Black, has left his coat here.He’ll be back in a few minutes.”He put the paper on his coat and went to have his dinner. When he returned, however, his coat was not there. He just found a piece of paper in its place. It said,“A great runner has taken away you coat, and he will never come back again.”
小题1:Who was Tom Black?
A.A great runner.B.A great boxer.
C.A P.E. teacher.D.A great thinker.
小题2:This story happened ______.
A.in the morningB.in the afternoon
C.in the eveningD.at noon
小题3:He wrote his name on the paper and put it on the coat because he _____.
A.wanted all the people to know his name
B.wanted to be famous
C.was afraid other people would take his coat away
D.wanted to show he was a great boxer
小题4:What happened at last?
A.His coat was still there.B.Nobody saw the paper.
C.He found his coat.D.Someone took his coat.
小题5:Who wrote the second piece of paper?
A.The thief(小偷).B.Tom Black.
C.A waiter.D.Tom’s a friend.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Do you hear the name--Rain? Yes, he is a popular star of South Korea. Rain's music teacher gave him that name. His real name is Jung Ji Hoon. The 27-year-old singer is very good at dancing, too. His eyes are bright and his smiles are sunny.
When he was a child. Rain was very quiet. But in Grade Six. Rain surprised all of his classmates. He danced for them. After the excellent dancing, everyone looked at him in a different way.
Rain's Songs sell well. and he acts in a few TV shows. Rain doesn't want to sing forever ."When I stop singing, I'd like to design(设计)clothes.Being a designer is my childhood dream."he said.
小题1:Where does Rain come from?
A.ChinaB.Japan.C.South Korea.D.America
小题2:Who gave him the name Rain?                        
A.His fatherB.His classmate.C.His teacherD.His mother.
小题3:Why did Rain surprise his classmates?
A.Because he was good at singing.B.Because he danced well.
C.Because he got a good mark.D.Because he worked hard.
小题4:What did Rain want to be when he was a child?
A.A singer.B.A dancer.C.A star.D.A designer.
小题5:What does the passage tell us?
A.Rain is a very popular starB.Rain is a popular designer
C.Rain was very active when he was a child.D.Rain will stop singing next


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the oldest one is the Great Pyramid of Giza. There are three large pyramids at Giza, outside the modern capital of Egypt, Cairo. The largest and most famous one is called the Great Pyramid. The workers built it as a tomb (坟墓) for the Pharaoh Khufu (法老胡夫).
It took more than twenty years to build the Great Pyramid. When it was built, the pyramid was about 146.5 metres high. Over the years it has lost about eight metres off its top.
The pyramid is made of large stone blocks (石块) — 2,300,000 of them! Each of these blocks weighs over 2,000 kilograms. The ancient Egyptians did not have any modern machines. How did they build the pyramid? The pyramid shows that the ancient people were intelligent and had great skills.
People once thought that the Egyptians made slaves (奴隶) do all the work on the Great Pyramid. But in fact, they used farmers.
小题1:From the passage we can learn that _____.
A.Giza is the modern capital of Egypt
B.there are only three pyramids in Egypt
C.the Pharaoh Khufu built the Great Pyramid by himself
D.the Great Pyramid was built (被建) as a tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu
小题2:According to the passage, the height of the Great Pyramid may be_____ metres now.
A.146.5B.138. 5C.154.5D.156. 5
小题3:What does the underlined word “intelligent” mean in Chinese?
小题4:In fact, the Egyptians used ____ to build the pyramid.
小题5:What is the writer’s purpose in writing this passage?
A.To invite people to visit the Great Pyramid.
B.To give information about the Great Pyramid.
C.To describe his or her trip to the Great Pyramid.
D.To tell how he or she feels about the Great Pyramid.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A man bought a donkey at the market one day and took him home. Now the man owned several donkeys already and he knew each one’s character very well. One of the donkeys was very strong and brave. Another always wanted to make people happy by working quickly but soon got tired. One donkey was very lazy. He hated going to work in the morning and he did as little as he       possibly could all day long. When the other animals were being loaded up(装载), he always tried to be the last so that he would get the lightest load.
The man led the new donkey into the yard. For a moment the new donkey stood sniffing(闻,嗅) at his new friends. Then, without hesitation, he came up to the lazy donkey and began eating comfortably at his side.
Though it was late in the day, the man immediately led the new donkey out of the yard, straight back to the market.
“You can’t have given him a fair trial yet,” said the seller, “It is only ten minutes since you bought him.”
“I don’t need to try him any more,” replied the man, “I know just what he is like from the friend he chose for himself. Take him away and give me my money back. I can do without donkeys like him.”
小题1:Why did the man buy a new donkey in the market?
A.Because he liked it.
B.Because he knew the donkey very well.
C.Because he needed another donkey to help him with his work.
D.Because the new donkey wasn’t lazy at all.
小题2:The man led the new donkey to the yard in order to _______.
A.see if he is lazy
B.let him choose a new friend
C.let the new donkey eat something
D.let him work
小题3:What’s the meaning of the underline phrase “without hesitation” ?
小题4:How did the man know the character of the new donkey?
A.By letting him work
B.By watching how he chose his new friend
C.By leading him to the yard
D.by pleasing people
小题5:What’s the best title of the story?
A.How To Buy DonkeysB.The Owner and The Donkeys
C.The lazy Donkey D. The Man and The Donkey


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

John works in a market. It’s near a secondary school. Every day, students come to buy things there. In the morning, John gets up at six and then has breakfast. He goes to work by bike. He gets to the shop at about six thirty. The market opens at seven. They sell (出售)things like food and drinks. They have school things, too. So there are many people in their market from morning to evening. John has supper there. At seven in the evening the market is closed.
小题1:John works in a ___________.
A.  supermarket        B.  bookshop      C.  market
小题2:John _____________ to the shop every day.
A.  take a bus         B.  rides a bike  C.  walks
小题3:They sell___________ in the market.
A.  food and drinks    B.  school things  C.  A and B
小题4:John has supper____________.
A.  in the shop        B.  at home      C.  at a restaurant
小题5:John works for about_________ hours a day.
A.  six                B.  twelve        C.  eight


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Ellie lived with her six children in a small house. One winter, there was a big flood and quite a few houses were washed away, but Ellie’s house was high enough to keep them safe.
Many families lost everything in the flood. And Ellie took in one of the families. She shared her home with them until the family could build their own new house. Ellie’s friends could not understand why she did so because she already had so many children to look after.
“Well,” Ellie said to her friends, “At the end of World War I, there was a poor woman in a town in Germany. Her husband had been killed in the war and she had a lot of children, just like me now.”
“The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, ‘We will not be able to have much for Christmas. I am going to get just one present for us all. Now I will go and get it.’ She came back with a little girl who had no parents, ‘Here is our present,’ she said to her own children.”
“The children were very excited to get such a present. They welcomed the little girl warmly, and she grew up as their sisters. I was that Christmas present.”
小题1:How many children did Ellie had in total?
小题2:What happened in the winter?
A.There was a flood.
B.There was an earthquake
C.There was a rain storm.
D.There was a fire.
小题3:What did Ellie do to help other families?
A.She gave them food.
B.She bought many Christmas present for them.
C.She took in one of the families.
D.She took in a girl.
小题4:What did the poor woman in German bring to her children for Christmas?
A.Many beautiful presents.B.Nothing.
C.A girl.D.A daddy.
小题5:What do we learn about Ellie in the passage?
A.She had no children.
B.Her husband was killed.
C.She had no parents.
D.She gave much money to others.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was Mother’s Day. A man stopped his car at a flower shop to order some flowers. He wanted the shopper to send the flowers to his mother, who lived two hundred miles away.
As he got out of his car, he found a young girl sitting on the road crying.
He asked her what was wrong and she replied,“I want to buy a red rose for my mother, but I only have seventy-five cents. A rose costs two dollars.”
The man smiled and said, “Come into the shop with me, and I’ll buy you a rose.’
He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mother’s flowers. As they were leaving, he offered to drive the girl home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.” She brought him to a cemetery(墓地), where she placed the rose on the grave.
The man was moved. He returned to the flower shop, picked up the flowers he ordered, and drove two hundred miles to his mother’s house.
Today is the day for your mother. Send a flower to your kind and beautiful mother.
小题1:The man went to the shop to ________.
A.have a restB.help the girlC.buy some foodD.order some flowers
小题2:The man’s mother lived ________ away from him.
A.2 kilometersB.75 milesC.200 milesD.200 kilometers
小题3:The girl was crying on the road because ________.
A.she was hungry
B.she got hurt
C.she couldn’t afford a rose
D.she couldn’t find her way home
小题4:After the man bought the girl a rose, they went to ________ together.
A.the cemeteryB.his shopC.the girl’s homeD.his mother’s house
小题5:We can learn from the passage that _________.
A.the girl loved flowers very much
B.the girl loved her mother very much
C.the shopkeeper sent the flowers to the man’s mother
D.the man drove to his mother’s house to look after her

