精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


  A:Good news! Our class has won the first place in the basketball game.


  A:Mr.Zhang, our P.E.teacher told me about it just now.And he said that we would have a party to celebrate it.

  B:Sounds great!(2)________?

  A:This Friday evening.


  A:I will sing an English song My Heart Will Go On.(4)________?

  B:Of course.I have heard it many times.


  B:It sounds beautiful.I like it very much.


  1.How did you know about it?/Who told you about it?

  2.When shall/will we celebrate it?

  3.What will you do/perform(at the party)?

  4.Have you(ever)heard it before?

  5.How do you like it/the song?/What do you think of it/the song?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:022


A. You should go to an English Corner.

B. What can I talk about?

C. You should learn English well.

D. What’s the problem?

E. You should speak first.

F. What can I do for you?

G. You should go out more.

B=Bill    F=Bill’s friend

F: What’s wrong, Bill? You are not looking happy.

B: I’m not. I feel a little worried about my English.

F: ((1)1)    

B: I’m not getting along well with it.

F: Why not?

B: Well, I seldom have chances to meet English people.

F: (2)    

B: Where should I go?

F: (3)    

B: But… it seems English people never speak to me.

F: Ah! (4)     

B: (5)

F: The weather! English people are always interested in the weather.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:022


  A.How about going by bus

  B.I don't think it's the fastest way,isn't it

  C.The traffic here is too terrible

  D.I take the plane

  E.By bike

  F.Bike is the most popular way

  G.I like the train


  (Lily=L  He Ping=H)




  L:How do you often go to school?            

  H:(1) _____.                      

  L:Why? (2)_____?                    


  H:Yes,it is.(3)_____.                


  L:Do most students go to school by bike?          

  H:Some go to school by car,some on foot. But(4)_____.

  L:Oh,I see.

  H:How do you usually go home?


  H:Yes,your home is in the USA.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:022


  A.Could you teach me?

  B.And you teach me English.

  C.Does he speak English?

  D.I can speak English.

  E.No,I am from Australia.

  F.We can teach each other.

  G.Do you speak English?

  A:You are new here,aren't you?

  B:Yes,I am.

  A:Are you from America?

  B:1ndline  Where are you from?

  A:I'm from China.


  A:Yes,but I can only speak a little.

  B:I want to learn Chinese.3

  A:Certainly.4ndline  I teach you Chinese.5

  B:That's a good idea.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:022




A.I had a good weekend

  B.I went to the cinema

  C.I went to an Indian restaurant

  D.I had an accident

  E.Was there a lot of damage

  F.Yes,very good

  G.What's wrong with the car

  (J=John R=Rose)

  J:How are you?                      

  R:I'm fine.thanks.                    

  J:Did you have a good weekend?              


  J:Did you enjoy the film?                

  R:It was excellent.                    

  J:What did you do after that?              


  J:That sounds nice.What was the food like?

  R:Wonderful.but I ate too much! What about you? How was your weekend?

  J:Terrible! (4)_____ with the car.

  R:Oh dear! I'm sorry to hear that.Are you all right?

  J:Yes.I'm fine now but I had a bad headache for two days.

  R:And what about the car?(5)_____?

  J:No.it wasn't.The garage repaired it and I can drive it again now.

  R:Oh well.Come and have lunch with me and forget about the weekend.


科目:初中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:030


a.        They are all places of great interest in China.


b.     What did you   do, then?


c.     Glad to see   you again.


d.     We visted our   grandparents there.


e.        Pretty good.


f.       What cities did you visit?












A   Hi, Li Wei.    1   .

B:  Hi, Mary. Glad to see you, too. Where did you go during the summer vacation?

A   Well, we went to our hometown in Jiangxi.   2   .

B:  Oh, they must be very happy to see you again.

A:  Sure.   3   .

B: My parents took Dick and me to a few cities.

A:  That would be very interesting.   4   .

B: We visited Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou.

A:  Oh!   5   . So did you have a good time?

B: Yes, we really enjoyed ourselves very much.

a. They are all places of great interest in China.

b. What did you do, then?

c. Glad to see you again.

d. We visited our grandparents there.

e. Pretty good.

f. What cities did you visit?

1.        2.          3.          4.          5.


