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________ nice hat it is! 

A. How B.What C. What a


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】Women always enjoy       (购物)in their free time.
【小题2】There are ________(千) of students in our school.
【小题3】There are very few things that Millie ______(不喜欢)
【小题4】We are        (计划)to have a party this week.
【小题5】He                 (重) about four kilograms when he was born.
【小题6】Mr. Li often drives his car      (很快).
【小题7】The nice hat is one of ________________. / 'weit?z /
【小题8】How many __________(loaf) of bread do you need?
【小题9】----Which is the ___       _____ (twelve) month of a year? .----December.
【小题10】You just need to practice_______________(speak) English more.
【小题11】---Tom, as a monitor, you should set an ______ (例子)for the other students.
----OK, Mr. Hu. I'll try my best.
【小题12】--Did you ________ for today's test (测试) last night?
---Yes. And I'm sure I'll do it best.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省张家港部分学校初一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】Women always enjoy       (购物)in their free time.
【小题2】There are ________(千) of students in our school.
【小题3】There are very few things that Millie ______(不喜欢)
【小题4】We are        (计划)to have a party this week.
【小题5】He                 (重) about four kilograms when he was born.
【小题6】Mr. Li often drives his car      (很快).
【小题7】The nice hat is one of ________________. / 'weit?z /
【小题8】How many __________(loaf) of bread do you need?
【小题9】----Which is the ___       _____ (twelve) month of a year? .----December.
【小题10】You just need to practice_______________(speak) English more.
【小题11】---Tom, as a monitor, you should set an ______ (例子)for the other students.
----OK, Mr. Hu. I'll try my best.
【小题12】--Did you ________ for today's test (测试) last night?
---Yes. And I'm sure I'll do it best.


科目:初中英语 来源:2015届广东省徐闻县八年级第一学期期中测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I have a good friend and we are like sisters. But sometimes the things she does make me???? I’m independent and I don’t depend on others. I like to be different ??? others. But she does everything the same???? ? I do. For example, I have friends from?????? groups, because I want different friends. But she???? them and tries to make friends with them. Also, I got a nice hat and she got the same one. I want to color my hair and she wants to color???? ,too.? There are more things???? that. I like her very much because she is a great friend, but I can’t???? ? the things she does sometimes. I don’t want to say???? to her because it ‘ll make things worse I don’t know???? to do. Can you give me some advice?

1.A. excited???? B.? tired??? ? C. angry???????? D.? cool

2.A. with??????? B.? as??????? C. from????????? D. with

3.A. If????????? B.? as??????? C. so??????????? D. and

4.A. necessary?? B. different ?? C. important???? D. famous

5.A. meets????? B. watches??? C. beats???????? D. forgets

6.A. she??????? B. her??????? C. she’s??????? D. hers

7.A. of???????? B. for??????? C. about???????? D. like

8.A. finish?? ?? B. about????? C. afford??????? ? D. stand

9.A. nothing??? B. anything?? C. something???? D. everything

10.A. whom???? B. when?????? C. where???????? D. what?



科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年山东省聊城市九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


A: Good morning! 1.________________________?

B: Good morning, sir! I’d like to buy a hat.

A: Who is it for , please? Is it for you , madam?

B: No, it’s for my husband.

A: 2.________________________________________?

B: Size 7.

A:How about this one?

B: It looks nice. 3.___________________________?

A: It’s made of real fur.

B: Good . __4.__________________________________?

A: Forty-five yuan.

B: It’s a bit expensive, but it’s really a nice hat. 5.______________. Here’s fifty yuan and you may take the change.

A: Thanks , madam. Goodbye.

B: Goodbye.



科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:完形填空

A: Good morning! What can I do    1   you?
B: Good morning, sir! I'd like to buy a hat.
A: Who is it for, please? Is it for you, madam?
B: No, it is for my husband.
A: What   2   does he wear?
B: Size 7.
A: How about this one?
B: It looks nice. What is it made   3  ?
A: Real fur.
B: Good. How much does it   4  ?
A: Forty-five yuan.
B: It's a bit expensive, but it's   5   a nice hat. I'll take it.
A: Thanks, madam.
(     )1. A. with   
(     )2. A. big   
(     )3. A. in    
(     )4. A. spend  
(     )5. A. real   
B. from   
B. size    
B. from    
B. take    
B. true         
C. of   
C. long  
C. of    
C. cost   
C. really      
D. for       
D. about     
D. on         
D. pay                                   
D. truly 

