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It’s my cousin’s __________ (第二十三个) birthday next week. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Angela Chang (张韶涵) didn’t know it would be so hard to turn singing into a career (失业). She went to many different record companies. But she was always turned down for looking too young and small.
“I’d never had such difficulties before,” Chang said. But Chang’s talent was finally accepted in 2002. When she got a piece of work, she cried.
She soon became a star. Her first album Over the Rainbow sold very well. She won many awards.
“You wouldn’t believe such a beautiful voice could come from such a small body,” said one musician after hearing Chang sing. “She has a special voice. You can’t forget it.”
But the 25-year-old girl has other talents too. Chang is also an actress. She has played a role in the popular TV plays, My MVP Valentine and At Dolphin Bay. Many people remember her common-girl parts in the plays. But acting is difficult. Chang once acted so badly that she was nearly fired (解雇). Another time it took her 27 tries to get a scene (一场戏) right.
“I cried when I got back home,” Chang said. “But I knew that I wouldn’t always fail. You only fail when you give up.”
Now with four albums behind her - Over the Rainbow, Aurora, Pandora and Flower in the Wonderland, it’s clear that Chang and music were made for each other. As she sings in one song, “I have a pair of invisible wings (隐形的翅膀). They fly me to the skies and give me hope.”
【小题1】The phrase “turned down” in the first paragraph means “______”.
【小题2】Many record companies refused to co-operate (合作) with her because ______.
A.she looks very commonB.she is too young
C.she doesn’t sing very wellD.she looks young and small
【小题3】 Although acting is difficult for her, she never gives up because ______.
A.she is strong-mindedB.people like her films
C.she is interested in actingD.she acted in the popular TV plays
【小题4】Which do you think is the best title of the passage?
A.The Small Girl.B.Four Albums.
C.I have a Pair of Invisible Wings.D.A Poor Actress.


科目:初中英语 来源:2010—2011学年河南省卢氏县五里川完全中学九年级上期期末调研考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Angela Chang (张韶涵) didn’t know it would be so hard to turn singing into a career (事业). She went to many different record companies. But she was always turned down for looking too young and small.
“I’d never had such difficulties before,” Chang said. But Chang’s talent was finally accepted in 2002. When she got a piece of work, she cried.
She soon became a star. Her first album Over the Rainbow sold very well. She won many awards.
“You wouldn’t believe such a beautiful voice could come from such a small body,” said one musician after hearing Chang sing. “She has a special voice. You can’t forget it.”
But the 25-year-old girl has other talents too. Chang is also an actress. She has played a role in the popular TV plays, My MVP Valentine and At Dolphin Bay. Many people remember her common-girl parts in the plays. But acting is difficult. Chang once acted so badly that she was nearly fired (解雇). Another time it took her 27 tries to get a scene (一场戏) right.
“I cried when I got back home,” Chang said. “But I knew that I wouldn’t always fail. You only fail when you give up.”
Now with four albums behind her - Over the Rainbow, Aurora, Pandora and Flower in the Wonderland, it’s clear that Chang and music were made for each other. As she sings in one song, “I have a pair of invisible wings (隐形的翅膀). They fly me to the skies and give me hope.”
【小题1】The phrase “turned down” in the first paragraph means “______”.

【小题2】 Many record companies refused to co-operate (合作) with her because ______.
A.she looks very commonB.she is too young
C.she doesn’t sing very wellD.she looks young and small
【小题3】 Although acting is difficult for her, she never gives up because ______.
A.she is strong-mindedB.people like her films
C.she is interested in actingD.she acted in the popular TV plays
【小题4】Which do you think is the best title of the passage?
A.The Small Girl.B.Four Albums.
C.I have a Pair of Invisible Wings.D.A Poor Actress.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏扬州扬中教育集团树人学校初三中考第三次模拟考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation, it turns into an argument. We talk about something as simple as dinner plans and suddenly, my mother will push the conversation into World War III. She’ll talk about my lack of a bright future because I don’t plan to be a doctor. And much to her disappointment, I don’t want to do any job related to science, either. In fact, when I was pushed to say that I planned to major(主修) in English and communications, she nearly had a heart attack.
“Why can’t you be like my co-worker’s son?” she bemoans all the time. Her co-worker’s son received a four-year scholarship and is now earning 70,000 dollars a year as an engineer. I don’t know what to answer except that I simply can’t be like Mr. Perfect as I’ve called the unnamed co-worker’s son. I can’t be like him. I’m the type of person who loves to help out in the community, write until the sun goes down, and most of all, wants to achieve a career because I love it, not because of fame (名声) or salary(薪水).
I understand why my mother is worried about my future major. I’ve seen my mother struggle to raise me on her small salary and work long hours. She leaves the house around 6:30 a.m. and usually comes home around 5 p.m. or even 6 p.m. However, I want her to know that by becoming a doctor, it doesn’t mean I’ll be successful. I’d rather follow my dreams and create my own future.
【小题1】Which of the following topics do the writer and his mother often talk about?

A.The writer’s studies. B.The writer’s future job
C.Dinner plansD.Wars around the world
【小题2】We can infer from Paragraph 1 that the writer’s mother ____________.
A.doesn’t want the writer to major in English
B.doesn’t think the writer should be a doctor
C.gets along very well with the writer
D.doesn’t think working in the science field is a good idea
【小题3】The underlined word “bemoans” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _____________.
【小题4】Which of following statements is probably TRUE about the writer?
A.He wants to be like his mother’s co-worker’s son.
B.He wants to find a job in his community in the future.
C.He doesn’t think his mother’s co-worker’s son is perfect.
D.He wants to do something he really likes in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年辽宁丹东市九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Passage 2

Colin is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he got a job in a store. Usually he works until ten o’clock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied(满意) with him.

One day, on his way home, he met Nancy. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house. She agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about the school life they spent together, their teachers, classmates and their future(未来). They talked for a long time.

“Have a look at your watch, please,” said the girl. “What time is it now?”

“Sorry, something is wrong with my watch,” said Colin. “Where’s yours?”

“I left it at home.”

Colin thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “It’s twelve o’clock in the night, Colin. Why are you still jumping upstairs?”

1.Colin was ______ when he finished middle school.

A. seventeen      B. twenty        C. eighteen      D. twenty-two

2.The old woman is satisfied with Colin because ______.

A. he buys food for her                B. he’s smart

C. he can keep quiet                  D. he gets home on time

3.From the story, we can know that Nancy was Colin’s ______.

A. classmate   B. co-worker(同事,同仁)   C. aunt    D. cousin

4.The underlined word “stamp” in the story means ______ in Chinese.

A. 集邮         B. 站立         C. 贴邮票          D. 跺脚

5.Colin stamped his foot on the floor in order ______.

A. to wake his neighbor

B. to make his grandma angry

C. that his grandma would tell him the time

D. that his grandma would buy his a watch



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏扬州扬中教育集团树人学校初三中考第三次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It feels like every time my mother and I start to have a conversation, it turns into an argument. We talk about something as simple as dinner plans and suddenly, my mother will push the conversation into World War III. She’ll talk about my lack of a bright future because I don’t plan to be a doctor. And much to her disappointment, I don’t want to do any job related to science, either. In fact, when I was pushed to say that I planned to major(主修) in English and communications, she nearly had a heart attack.

“Why can’t you be like my co-worker’s son?” she bemoans all the time. Her co-worker’s son received a four-year scholarship and is now earning 70,000 dollars a year as an engineer. I don’t know what to answer except that I simply can’t be like Mr. Perfect as I’ve called the unnamed co-worker’s son. I can’t be like him. I’m the type of person who loves to help out in the community, write until the sun goes down, and most of all, wants to achieve a career because I love it, not because of fame (名声) or salary(薪水).

I understand why my mother is worried about my future major. I’ve seen my mother struggle to raise me on her small salary and work long hours. She leaves the house around 6:30 a.m. and usually comes home around 5 p.m. or even 6 p.m. However, I want her to know that by becoming a doctor, it doesn’t mean I’ll be successful. I’d rather follow my dreams and create my own future.

1.Which of the following topics do the writer and his mother often talk about?

A.The writer’s studies.                    B.The writer’s future job

C.Dinner plans                           D.Wars around the world

2.We can infer from Paragraph 1 that the writer’s mother ____________.

A.doesn’t want the writer to major in English

B.doesn’t think the writer should be a doctor

C.gets along very well with the writer

D.doesn’t think working in the science field is a good idea

3.The underlined word “bemoans” in Paragraph 2 most probably means _____________.

A.agrees            B.shouts            C.complains         D.smiles

4.Which of following statements is probably TRUE about the writer?

A.He wants to be like his mother’s co-worker’s son.

B.He wants to find a job in his community in the future.

C.He doesn’t think his mother’s co-worker’s son is perfect.

D.He wants to do something he really likes in the future.


