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Chinese TV shows that describe young people's lives in modern society are crossing the cultural divide and attracting a lot of foreign audiences.
One of the examples is the Chinese TV series "A Beautiful Daughter-in-law Era", a light comedy about a modern Chinese couple.
The TV series was first aired in Shanghai in November 2009. It was dubbed in Swahili and broadcast in east African countries in 2011. Two Kenyan(肯尼亚人) actresses were chosen to do voice dubbing for the two leading roles in the African version of the series. It was a great success in Africa.
Tanzanians(坦桑尼亚人) say that they are able to understand how young Chinese people live happily in modern times and they may be able to find ways to solve their personal problems by watching the series.
Although China is one of the world's most prolific(多产的) producers of TV series, its series are not particularly popular overseas. The popularity of "A Beautiful Daughter-In-Law Era" may serve as an example for Chinese TV producers who want to bring their work to other countries.
In recent years, some TV series that show the lives of people in Chinese cities have achieved some success in the foreign market.
"Go Lala Go!," a TV series that details the adventures of a female office worker named Du Lala, has also started to reach global audiences. The series has been exported to Singapore, Malaysia, the United States and Canada.
"The Chinese dream will be more easily accepted by foreign audiences when it is manifested in small and touching stories," said Meng Jian, a professor at Fudan University.
小题1:What can Tanzanians do by watching the Chinese TV series "A Beautiful Daughter-in-law Era"?
A.They can be chosen to do voice dubbing for the leading roles.
B.They can bring their work to other countries.
C.They can find ways to solve their personal problems.
D.They can be successful at work.
小题2:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A."Go Lala Go!," is very popular in Africa.
B.All the Chinese TV series are popular overseas.
C.Some Chinese TV series that show the lives of people in Chinese countries have achieved some success in the foreign market.
D.Africans can understand the happy lives of Chinese young people in modern times.
小题3:What does the word “dub” mean in the third paragraph?
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Cultural crossingB.Chinese TV shows
C.A great successD.Young people’s lives


小题1:根据第三段Tanzanians(坦桑尼亚人) say that they are able to understand how young Chinese people live happily in modern times and they may be able to find ways to solve their personal problems by watching the series.描述,可知选C。
小题2:根据In recent years, some TV series that show the lives of people in Chinese cities have achieved some success in the foreign market.可知选项C描述正确。
小题3:联系下文Two Kenyan(肯尼亚人) actresses were chosen to do voice dubbing for the two leading roles in the African version of the series.可知此处指的是配音的意思,故选B。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Many kids think whatthey are like.They think they aren't the prettiest or the smartest. At the same time, they think they aren't even the ugliest or the silliest, which would at least make them      out.  Everyone feels that way sometimes,    in middle school. Kids     realize how special they are.
It is      growing up. Growing up means understanding what you can offer the world. When you're young, you realize that just by being yourself, you do offer      to other people. Maybe you aren't the best, but that doesn't make you "not amazing".
Do yourself a favor. Think about your friends carefully. Write down a list of things that you like about them. Think about      you make friends with them. You will     know that in the end, no matter if they aren't the smartest or the prettiest or     talented, they are great in their own way. And they feel just the same         you!
Remember, it gets easier as you grow older. If you try your best, you are still pretty    .
A.standingB.standC.standsD.to stand
A.especialB.especiallyC.more oftenD.often
A.oftenB.more oftenC.not oftenD.hardly ever
A.part ofB.one ofC.someD.about
A.anythingB.everythingC.somethingD.some thing
A.get toB.got toC.have toD.getting to
A./B.moreC.mostD.the most


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Tom brought a box of biscuits to a summer camp. He ate a few and placed the rest under his bed. After lunch, he found the box was gone. He went to tell his camp __46__ about it.
The next day, the coach saw a boy eating Tom’s biscuit behind a tree. He __47__ an idea to solve(解决) the problem. He found Tom and said to him, “I know who __48__ your biscuits. Will you help me to teach him a lesson?”
“Well, yes…are you going to punish __49__, sir?” Tom asked. “No, I am not,” the coach explained __50__. “That would only make him hate you. I want you to write to your mother and ask for more __51__.”
Tom received another box of biscuits by mail from his mother a few days later. “Now,” said the coach, “go and __52__them with the boy who stole your biscuits.” Tom didn’t understand the coach’s intention, __53__he still followed his advice.
Half an hour later the coach saw the two boys come up the hill, arm in arm. The boy was trying to ask Tom to __54__his toy robot in payment for (赔偿) the stolen biscuits. And Tom was refusing the gift from his new friend. He said that a few biscuits were not so __55__.
In some situations, forgiveness (原谅) is better than punishment.
A.got on withB.went on withC.came up withD.caught up with
A.took awayB.ran awayC.went awayD.threw away


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

①"I will think of it." It is easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come from thinking? Though we can not see, or hear, or feel our thoughts, they have great power (力量) !
②Isaac Newton was seated in his garden on a summer evening when he saw an apple fall from a tree. He began to think, and tried to find out why the apple fell. Then he discovered how the earth, sun, moon, and stars are kept in their places.
③James Ferguson once saw the inside of his father's watch, and he wondered, "Why should I not make a watch?" This set him thinking and it led to a wooden clock which kept good time.
④Walt Disney, the famous American film-maker, was often thinking of new ideas. One day, when he was in a meeting, he suddenly stopped talking, deep in thought. He looked and looked at a place high up in the room. This continued for a long time, end then he got an idea for a new cartoon.
⑤Ideas come at any time, end the important thing is to think. When you meet with any difficulty, don't lose heart. Try to think of it before asking someone to help you. Think and by thinking you will learn how to think creatively.
小题1:Newton wanted to find out ________.
A.when the apple hit himB.why the apple fell
C.who made the apple fallD.where the apple fell
小题2:________ made a wooden clock.
A.Isaac NewtonB.Walt Disney
C.James FergusonD.James' father
小题3:Walt Disney was ________ when he got an idea for a new cartoon.
A.making a filmB.telling a story
C.having a meetingD.sitting in a garden
小题4:From the passage we can learn that
A.we should always ask others for help
B.every one of us likes thinking
C.it is easy to see and hear our thoughts
D.thinking helps to get new ideas
小题5:Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the passage?
(①="Paragraph" 1, ②=" Paragraph" 2, …)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Feel stressed
Too much homework. Don’t have enough time for their hobbies.
Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax.
Get short-sighted
Too much homework. Bad study habits.
Do eye exercises or read in a correct way.
Fight with each other
Don’t know how to get on well with classmates.
Make more friends and understand each other.
Don’t like to study
The bad influence of computer games.
Play computer games just for a short time.
Get fat
Have more pocket money to buy snacks. Don’t like to do exercise.
Use your pocket money to do something meaningful. Do exercise every day.
小题1:For whom is this form above most probably written?
小题2:According to the information given in the form, why don’t students like to study?
A.Because of too much homework.
B.Because they don’t know how to get on well with classmates.
C.Because of the influence of computer games.
D.Because they don’t like to do exercise.
小题3:_______ will help you avoid becoming short-sighted.
A.Doing eye exercises regularlyB.Reading in bed
C.Reading in the sun D.Reading too long
小题4:If you feel stressed, you should ________.
A.do less homework
B.make plans for your study, hobbies and relaxation
C.fight with others
D.have some snacks
小题5:Peter is very fat. Maybe he ________.
A.plays computer games too muchB.has too many snacks
C.doesn’t like to do exerciseD.B&C


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his  1 all the time, watering and fertilizing(施肥)them.  
One day a young man went by the garden. He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be  2 he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was  3 . He was very surprised about this and asked, “You can’t see these flowers.  4 are you busy taking care of them every day?”  
The old man smiled and said “I can tell you four reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second,  5 I can’t see these flowers, I can touch them.   6 , I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s you.”
“Me? But you don’t know me,” said the young man.
“Yeah, it’s  7 that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels(天使) that everybody  8 . We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”
The blind man’s work opened our eyes and  9 our hearts, which also made his life  10 . It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t  11 his wonderful music, but his music has  12 millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?
A.after B.asC.before D.if
A.true B.hardC.coolD.fair
A.broke B.hurtC.pleasedD.treated
A.emptier B.busierC.luckierD.happier
A.write B.hearC.play D.believe
A.changed B.directedC.discoveredD.encouraged


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hi, boys and girls! Do you know   1  the house will be like in the future? Let’s listen to a prediction (预言) from a   2  . He says there will be   3  houses in the future. The houses   4 trees. The surface (表面) of the house is like a leaf. When the sun   5 , it can get sunlight (阳光). The sunlight can keep the house   6 . And it can help to make fresh   7  for the house too. The bottom (底部) of the house is   8 the land. It can   9   the soil (土壤) to keep the house strong. People won’t be afraid of the strong wind. Can this man’s prediction   10 ? No one knows. 
A.look likeB.look atC.look forD.look into
A.come overB.come onC.come outD.come true


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On Thanksgiving Day, a teacher asked her class of firstgraders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for. She thought that these children from poor families actually had little to be thankful for. And she found most of them drawing pictures of flowers or tables with food. The teacher was very surprised to see the picture Douglas handed in. It's a hand,a simple hand. 
But whose hand? The class were very interested in the strange picture. "I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food," said one child, "A farmer’s," said another, "Because he grows beautiful flowers. " Finally when the others were at work ,the teacher went over to Douglas' desk and asked whose hand it was. "It's your hand, Teacher," he said quietly and shyly. 
She remembered that she had often taken Douglas, a dirty lonely child, by the hand while having a class break. She often did that with the children. But it meant so much to Douglas. Perhaps this is everyone's thanksgiving,not for the material things we get,but for the chance,in whatever small way, to give to others.
小题1:When did the story happen? 
A.On Christmas Day. B.On Teachers' Day.C.On Mother's Day.D.On Thanksgiving Day.
小题2:why did Douglas draw a simple hand?
A.He was good at drawing it.
B.His teacher asked him to draw it.
C.He wanted to show his thanks to his teacher
D.He hoped to get his teacher’s praise.
小题3:What do you learn about Douglas from the passage? 
A.He liked drawing hands
B.He was very active in class.
C.He always kept his hand clean
D.His family was not rich.
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following is an opinion,but not a fact?
A.The teacher went over to Douglas' desk and talked to him.
B.Different people show their thanksgiving in different ways.
C.The teacher often took Douglas by the hand after class while having a class break.
D.Most of the students were drawing the pictures of flowers or tables with food.
小题5:We can infer from the passage that Douglas is a ____boy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A student and his teacher are walking past a field. They   1 an old pair of shoes. The shoes are the old man’s. He’s  2  on the other side of the field. The student says, “Let’s  3 the shoes away. It will be funny when he   4 find his shoes.” The teacher says, “Don’t play a  5  on others. It may be funny for you, but  6 will he do without shoes?” Then the teacher puts some  7   into the shoes and says,” Let’s go behind the tree.” A few minutes later, the old man comes to   8 his shoes. When he finds the money, he looks around. No one is there. He cries and  9  ,”Thank you very much for the money! My wife is ill and my children have nothing to   10  .”
A.look afterB.put onC.look atD.wait for

