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Teacher: Does anyone know     the famous writer was born?

  Mei-ling: I know!  In Taitung, right?  Teacher: You got it!

  (A) how         (B) when  (C) where          (D) whether







科目:初中英语 来源:2010年湖北省黄冈市秋期末备考复习英语卷 题型:完型填空

Today is Sunday. The students ___1___ go to school. Jim and Kate go___2___ Bill and Jane. Bill and Jane are twins. Today is their birthday. On their way, they see a watch on the ground . It is a ___3___ watch. It looks new and nice. They don’t know ___4___it is. They give it to a ___5___.
At___6___ home, the boys and girls play games, they sing “Happy Birthday” ___7___ the twins, they ___8___ the big cake and bananas,___9___.
It’s four o’clock now. It’s time ___10___. They say bye to the twins. They feel very happy.
(     )1. A. aren’t  B. don’t      C. can’t     D. mustn’t
(     )2. A. to look   B. to see      C. look at     D. see
(     )3. A. new     B. nice        C. English    D. Japanese
(     )4. A. who     B. where      C. whose     D. what
(     )5. A. old man  B. old woman  C. teacher     D. policeman
(     )6. A. Bill’s and Jane’s      B. Bill’s and Jane
C. Bill and Jane’s         D. Bill and Jane
(     )7. A. for      B. to          C. at  D. into
(     )8. A. share     B. has        C. enjoys     D. find
(     )9. A. also      B. too         C. and       D. also too
(     )10. A. to play games          B. to go home 
C. to go to school          D. to go to bed


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届浙江省衢州华茂外国语学校九年级上学期期末检测英语试题(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

On Thanksgiving Day, a teacher asked her class of first-graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for. She thought that these children from poor families actually had little to be thankful for. And she found most of them drawing pictures of flowers or tables with food. The teacher was very surprised to see the picture Douglas handed in. It’s a hand, a simple hand.
But whose hand? The class were very interested in the strange picture. “I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one child. “A farmer,” said another, “because he grows beautiful flowers.” Finally when the others were at work, the teacher went over Douglas’ desk and asked whose hand it was. “It’s your hand, Teacher,” he said quietly and shyly.
She remembered that she had often taken Douglas, a dirty lonely child, by the hand while having a class break. She often did that with the children. But it meant so much to Douglas. Perhaps this is everyone’s thanksgiving, not for the material things we get, but for the chance, in whatever small way, to give to others.
【小题1】Whose hand did Douglas draw?  

A.The farmer’s.B.God’s. C.The teacher’s. D.His own hand.
【小题2】 Why did Douglas draw the picture?
A.He was good at drawing it.B.His teacher asked him to draw it.
C.He wanted to show his thanks to the teacher.D.He hoped to get a prize in drawing.
【小题3】 What do you learn about Douglas from the passage?
A.He was a lonely child.B.He was very active in class.
C.He always kept his hands clean.D.He often answered questions loudly.
【小题4】 According to the passage, which of the following is an opinion, but not a fact?
A.The teacher went over Douglas’ desk and talked to him.
B.Different people show their thanksgiving in different ways.
C.The teacher often took Douglas by the hand after class.
D.Most of the students were drawing pictures of flowers or tables with food.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省绍兴市文理附中七年级上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Mrs Green is an English woman. She teaches English. Her English class is very interesting. She likes us and we like her, too. Mrs Green has two children--- Mike and Jane. Mike is seven and his sister Jane is four. Mike goes to school but Jane doesn’t. Mrs Green likes ping—pong. After school we have ping—pong matches. Sometimes Mrs. Green watches and joins us. She plays basketball just for fun.
(  )1. Mrs Green is_________.
A. a Chinese teacher    B. an English man     C. an English teacher     D. a Chinese woman
(  )2. How many daughters does Mrs Green have? 
A .One               B. Two              C. Three               D. No one
(  )3. Jane doesn’t go to school because _______.
A. she looks beautiful    B. she is seven   C. she doesn’t like school    D. she is only four
(  )4. Mrs Green likes ______ very much.
A. baseball        B. football     C. ping—pong    D. basketball
(  )5.The passage( 短文 ) is about (关于 )_________.
A. Mrs. Green’s son     B Mrs. Green         C. Mike and Jane     D. ping—pong game


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省要塞中学初一上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

I am Bill Jones. I am a teacher of English. My wife is Linda Jones. She is a nurse. We have a daughter and a son. We have many friends.
Look! These are my friends. This is Mr. Black. He is a worker. He works in a shoe factory He makes shoes there. That’s Mrs. Black. She is a worker on a farm near here. The girl is their daughter. She is a student. She is thirteen. The boy is their son. He is a young soldier(战士). His name is Carl Black.
【小题1】What is Bill Jones?

A.He is Mr. Black’s friend.
B.He is Linda’s husband.
C.He is an English teacher.
D.He has a daughter and a son.
【小题2】What does Linda do?
A.She is a nurse.
B.She is a worker.
C.She is an English teacher.
D.She is a farmer.
【小题3】Where does Mr. Black work?
A.He works in a school.
B.He works on a farm.
C.He works in a shoe factory.
D.He works in a shoes shop.
【小题4】What is Mr. Black’s daughter?
A.She is a university student.
B.She is a middle school student.
C.She is a nurse.
D.She is a young soldier.
【小题5】Who is Carl?
A.Carl is a young worker.
B.Carl is Mr. Black’s son.
C.Carl is Mr. Jones’ son.
D.Carl is a friend of the Black family.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年四川省江油市九年级中考适应性考试(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Long ago ,there lived in Greece a learned man. He was so well known for his good knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over the country came to learn from him. The great man taught his students whole-heartedly and answered their questions with great patience.

One day a student asked him, “ My dear teacher, didn’t you say you yourself have many ,many more questions about things than we do? But I think we students have far more than you.”

With a smile on his face, the teacher drew two circles ,one as large as a big cake, the other smaller. Then he said , “Of course, I have learned much more. But it’s wrong to think that a teacher has fewer questions than his students. Now, look at these two circles. The inside of the bigger one is my knowledge of things, and the inside of the smaller one is yours. Out of the circles is what is still unknown to us. Since mine is larger, I have to use the longer line to draw the bigger circle. That means I have more opportunities to face what is still unknown. And that’s why I myself have more questions than you do. The more you learn , the more questions you have. You will never learn enough ,you know.”

1.The learned man drew two circles to show _____.

A. he was good at drawing circles

B. his knowledge had something to do with the circles

C. why he had more questions than the students

D. how he could get more knowledge

2.The student didn’t agree that ______.

A. the teacher had so many questions as a learned man

B. the teacher had so many questions     

C. the students had fewer questions than the teacher

D. the students had more questions than 0the teacher

3.The teacher was famous for his ______.

A. kindness     B. knowledge   C. patience     D. questions

4.From the passage we can learn that_____.

A. the more questions we have, the more knowledge we may get

B. it’s never too old to learn

C. every one of us should try to be a learned man

D. a teacher should have many questions

5.Which of the following shows us what the teacher drew?


