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“If you consider getting older with needing less sleep, it’s not true!” says Robert Oexman, D.C., director of the Sleep to Live Institute. Besides disease, medicine and pain, if partients complain of bad sleep, Dr. Oexman looks at their nighttime habits, where the problem almost always exists. So, how are you destroying your sleep?
Watch TV until you fall asleep
It has nothing to do with what you watch. It’s you who face TV’s bright light. That’s the reason. So even if you nod off in front of the TV, for example, you probably won’t stay asleep for long.
So an hour before bedtime, treat yourself like a baby: a warm bath. But no reading or writing on your computer before bed or in the middle of the night.
Exercise too close to bedtime
Remember how poorly you sleep when you have a fever, never really feeling rested? Well, heavy exercise too close to bedtime has the same effect--it raises your body temperature, so when you lay your sleepy head on the pillow, your body temperature is normal.
Eat fatty, heavy foods too close to bedtime
If you’ve ever tried to go to sleep after eating a fatty meal, you’ve probably found the discomfort of stomach acids(胃酸)less than good for falling asleep or staying asleep.
So try to eat your last meal of the day at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. Should you feel hungry before bed? So have a bowl of cereal or a small boiled potato. Or maybe have a serving of jasmine rice.
Title: Help with sleep ___小题1:__
Bad ___小题2:
__小题4:__ TV until you fall asleep
It’s __小题5:__ that you won’t stay asleep for a long time.
Take a warm __小题6:__.
Don’t read or write before bed or at ___小题7:__
Exercising too close to bedtime
It takes you several hours to sleep ___小题8:__.
Don’t do exercise at least three hours before bedtime.
Eating fatty, heavy foods too close to bedtime.
You feel ___小题9:__because of stomach acids.
Eat your last meal at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.
Have something if you feel __小题10:___.

小题5:likely/ possible

小题1:根据短文第一段的内容可知,Robert Oexman 告诉我们,除了疾病、药物和疼痛,生活中的一些不好的习惯会影响人们的睡眠。接下来作者从三个方面分析了这些习惯。故这里这篇短文的标题应该是帮助解决睡眠问题。
小题2:根据短文第一段中Besides disease, medicine and pain, if partients complain of bad sleep, Dr. Oexman looks at their nighttime habits,可知,除了疾病、药物和疼痛,还有一些坏的习惯会影响人们的睡眠。故这里应该填bad habits。
小题3:根据这个表格中的内容我们可以知道,表格中的这一列说的是那些坏习惯导致的结果。result 是一个名词,意思是结果。
小题4:这里是短文中列举的第一个坏习惯,在短文的第二段的标题Watch TV until you fall asleep可知,这里说的是有些人看电视直到睡着,即看着电视睡觉。故这里填watching。
小题5:根据短文第二段中So even if you nod off in front of the TV, for example, you probably won’t stay asleep for long可知,如果看着电视睡觉的话,即使你离开电视了,你也可能长时间睡不着。故这里填possible 或likely,他们的意思都是可能的。
小题6:根据短文第二段中,作者说完了人们的这个坏习惯后,给出了建议,So an hour before bedtime, treat yourself like a baby: a warm bath.即在睡觉之前,洗个热水澡。故填bath。
小题7:根据短文第二段中But no reading or writing on your computer before bed or in the middle of the night.可知,在半夜睡觉前,不要在读书或在电脑上写作。这句话中in the middle of the night的意思是在半夜,故填midnight.
小题9:根据短文最后一段中If you’ve ever tried to go to sleep after eating a fatty meal, you’ve probably found the discomfort of stomach acids less than good for falling asleep or staying asleep.可知,如果睡觉钱吃得太多,或太油腻,你的胃会感觉非常的不舒服。故这里填uncomfortable,它的意思和短文中的discomfort是一样的,即不舒服的。
小题10:根据短文的最后一句话Should you feel hungry before bed? So have a bowl of cereal or a small boiled potato. Or maybe have a serving of jasmine rice.可知,万一在睡觉前感觉饿了,可以吃点东西。hungry 是一个形容词,饿的。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

For more than one month, people in China have been worried about the fate(命运)of the 239 people, including 154 Chinese passengers, on board Air Malaysia Flight MH370. However, today no matter how sad we are and how many details(详细资料)that are not clear, it is certain that flight MH370 broke down in the Indian Ocean and no one on (44)it is alive. All the people in the world can do is to continue to look for the wreckage(残骸), talk with the Malaysian government for more information and accept the terrible fact.
People in China have been very disappointed with Malaysia Airlines these days. They do their best to show the Malaysian government that we will never give up knowing the truth. On the other hand, the number of Chinese people who choose to take a trip in Malaysia has been smaller and smaller. Many Chinese people including some famous movie stars say that they will never go to Malaysia any more.
At present, there’s a totally new expression coming out after this event. That is, “Don’t be so Malaysia.”45 People use it to describe someone who is unbelievable and likes telling lies to hide the truth.
小题1:Did the plane crash in the Indian Ocean?
小题2:How many Chinese are there on Air Malaysia Flight MH370?
小题3:What do many movie stars say after the event?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

John Smith was an old porter. He worked at the station.Every day he was busy carrying heavy things for the people. He was careful with his work. He was kind to everyone. He was always ready to help others.
One morning he stood in the station. He was waiting for the train. Just then he saw a man running towards the trains with a big bag in his hand.
“No train is starting. Why is he in such a hurry?” the old man thought to himself. He went up to the man and asked, “May I help you?” As soon as the man saw the porter, he stopped running.
“Can I catch the 10:35 train to London?” the man asked. He looked worried. The old porter looked at him for a few seconds and said, “Well, sir. I’d like to help you, but I can’t  answer your question because I don’t know how fast you can run.”  Then he explained to the man, “The 10:35 train to London left five minutes ago. Can you run fast enough to catch it?”
小题1:What was John’s job? 
小题2:Who did he see when John Smith was waiting for the train?
小题3:Where do you think the man with a big bag was going? 
小题4:What time was it when the man got to the station? 
小题5:The man didn’t catch the 10:35 train to London, did he?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Changbai Mountain is in Jilin Province. It’s said to be the most beautiful mountain in the northeast of China. Its name, Changbai, means “forever white” in Chinese, and its whiteness is because of the pumice stones(浮石). You can get there by train or by bus.
Here are some tips for you if you want to visit it:
1. From November to April, heavy snow covers(覆盖) the area. August is the best time to visit it.
2. Be sure to start from your hotel early in the morning, so that you have enough time to see everything and return. Visitors can’t live on the mountain.    
3. Bring food and water with you.
Information Card
It’s in 小题1:                            .  
Reason of being white
It’s because of the 小题2:                          .
You can get there 小题3:                          .
小题4:                              is the best time to visit it.
Things Taken
You should take 小题5:                         .  


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Street Markets(市场) around the World
There are many ways of shopping. You can shop by telephone, by post or through your home computer. But for many people, the most exciting way to shop is also the most traditional(传统的)—at a street market. You can find markets anywhere in the world. Here are four of them:

There are many “floating markets” in Asia; maybe the most unusual is in Thailand(泰国), at a place called Damnoen Saduak. It’s open from six in the morning to the noon every day. People sell fresh apples, bananas and things like these from their boats.

Many Belgians(比利时人) say that the Grand Place is the most beautiful place in the world. It is the home of a colourful market. It’s open every day except(除了) Monday. On Monday, there’s a wonderful bird market!

One of the world’s most famous markets is in Mexico City—the Sonora Market. You can buy toys, birds and anything you need. It’s open every day from early in the morning till late at night.

In London, on Saturdays and Sundays, thousands of young people from all over the city travel to the Camden Market. It’s the place to go for street fashion, CDs and tapes. Many people also go there for fun.
Things to Sell
Open Time
The Damnoen Saduak
fresh    1  
every day
The Grand Place
every day except Monday
The Sonora Market
all    3   of things
every day
The Camden Market
street fashion, CDs and tapes
every    5  


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In 1993, Greg Mortenson took a trip to Pakistan to climb K2, the second tallest mountain in the world. On his way down the mountain, he got l (小题1:). Food and water were hard to find, but Mr. Mortenson found a small village. The people there saw that he was in n (小题2:) and helped him.  While in the village, Mr. Mortenson w(小题3:) the children write in the dirt for their school l(小题4:).The village did not have money to build a school or pay for a t(小题5:),Before he left, Mr., Mortenson volunteered to r(小题6:) to the village and help them build a school
Mr. Mortenson went back to the US and wrote to many rich people. He asked them to d (小题7:) money to build a bridge and a school for the village. The I (小题8:) did not work very well, but at last e (小题9:) people heard about Mr. Mortenson’s plan and helped him. That was the beginning of the Central Asia Institute, an organization that has succeeded in building or helping to build more than 130 schools in small villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan With the help of journalist David Relin, Mr. Mortenson wrote the famous book Three Cups of Tea. It is about his work with villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some people have criticized him, however, Mr. Mortenson was given a p(小题10:) in 2009 by the government of Pakistan for his work in the country.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In  小题1:(I)school , the rules for students are very strict, but I think they are necessary. Following the rules is everyone’s duty. They keep the students from fighting, smoking,  小题2:(make)noise in class and so on.
Most of the  小题3: ( student) can follow the rules. But some problem students often break the rules. They destroy public things, such as desks,windows, trees and flowers. So they 小题4:(punish). I like the rules, because they make our school  小题5:  (safety),they make it a beautiful environment for us to study.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

For more than one month, people in China have been worried about the fate of the 239 people, including 154 Chinese passengers, on board Air Malaysia Flight MH370. However, today no matter how sad we are and how many details that are not clear, it is certain that flight MH370 crashed in the Indian Ocean and no one on board is alive. All the people in the world can do is to continue to look for the wreckage(残骸), talk with the Malaysian government for more information and accept the terrible fact.
People in China have been very disappointed with Malaysia Airlines these days. They do their best to show the Malaysian government that we will never give up knowing the truth. On the other hand, the number of Chinese people who choose to take a trip in Malaysia has been smaller and smaller. Many Chinese people including some famous movie stars say that they will never go to Malaysia any more.
At present, there’s a totally new expression coming out after this event. That is, “Don’t be so Malaysia.” People use it to describe someone who is unbelievable and likes telling lies to hide the truth.
小题1:Did the plane crash in the Indian Ocean?
小题2:How many Chinese are there on Air Malaysia Flight MH370?
小题3:What do many movie stars say after the event?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Bill and Jennifer are good friends.Bill is 17 and Jennifer is 13.They are in different schools.Bill is in New Star High School and Jennifer is in N0.1 Middle School.Bill doesn’t like to get up early.In the morning,he gets up at seven.Then he goes to school at half past seven.He doesn’t have much time for breakfast, so he usually has a quick breakfast.For lunch, he usually eats hamburgers.After school, he sometimes plays soccer for half an hour.Jennifer is a shy girl.She usually gets up at six thirty.Then she always has a good breakfast.She is never late for school.At a quarter past twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables.After that, she sometimes plays volleyball.
New StarHigh School
Get up late.
Eat breakfast小题4:
Get up early.
Eat a nice breakfast.
Healthy 小题5:
Play soccer
Play volleyball

