精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1. I hoped you ___    _____ ( bring) it here the following day.
2. While Kitty  ____________ (watch)TV, Tom ran into the room.
3. The football match ___          _____(cover) live on CCTV-5 at 9:00 next Sunday.
4. After the earthquake, many                 (home) people live in the tents.  
5. It is silly of you                        (not forgive) others for their faults.
6.What do you think of the movie Avatar(阿凡达)               (direct)by James Cameron ?
7. I’m strong enough ______  __     _____(carry)the big stone.
8. He                  (live) in Suqian for ten years before he came here.

1. would bring   2. was watching   3. will be covered  4. homeless 
5. not to forgive   6.directed  7.to carry8. had lived
1.此处考查宾语从句的时态。在宾语从句中,当主句为一般过去式时,从句应使用和过去相关的时态。又因为此处的动作还未发生,因为选用过去将来时,用would +V原形。
2.本题考查过去将来时的用法。Was/were +v-ing .Kitty 为第三人称单数,故用was.
4.homeless 意为“无家可归的”。
5.It is +adj+of/for+sb+to do sth为固定结构。
6.由by James Cameron知,此处考查动词的过去分词作定语。
7.be+adj+enough+to do sth.为固定搭配。“足够……可以做某事。”
8. 由for ten years before he came here.知此处指动作发生在过去的过去。故应用过去完成时。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--Who helped you clean the classroom yesterday?
--            . I cleaned it all by myself.
A. Somebody       B. Nobody       C. Everybody


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

All the members in our family love NBA except ________ .
A.you and IB.you and meC.I and youD.he and me


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I agree with most of what you said. But I don’t agree with___________.
A.anything B.something C.nothingD.everything


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. People don’t like others to ask about their             (person)things especially ages.
2.I met two             (foreign)on my way to the airport.
3. The man has a great number of collections. He is a famous             (collect).
4. Mother got             (annoy)when she saw her son playing with the sick cat.
5. Some students don’t listen to the teachers carefully so they usually fall         (sleep)in class.
6.—Would you mind not             (play)baseball here?
—Sorry. We’ll go and play in the park.
7.If you become rich, you will have a difficult time             (know)who your real friends are.
8. Your job will sometimes be very             (danger)if you play sports for a living.
9. The young should speak to the old             ( polite).
10.Reading             (be)good for us to learn English better.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Eating _______ sweet food is not good for our health (健康).
A.too manyB.too muchC.many too D.much too


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I don’t know the answer. Maybe you could ask _______.
A.someone othersB.anyone else
C.someone elseD.else someone


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

——Is this your ruler?  ——No, it’s       


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


Chen Huan:Glad to meet you,Mr Zhu. Welcome to Yiwu TV Station to tell your 小题1: 
(故事)of doing  business.
Mr Zhu: Thank you. I’d like to say something that happened thirty years ago.
Chen Huan:At that time,you didn’t have   小题2:   (足够的)ood to eat.
Mr Zhu:Right. So I  小题3:   (去)out to do business to make money by exchange
sweets for chicken feathers,old shoes and so on.I had to get up very 小题4:     
(早)every morning and travel a long way on   小题5:  (脚).
Chen Huan:It must be a special experience for you.
Mr Zhu:Yes. During that time,I was’ often tired and hungry   小题6: (没有)anything
to eat.,especially on those 小题7: (寒冷的)winter nights…dut now
everything is better. I own a big factory with hundreds of   小题8:(工人).
And I can 小题9:(卖)my products to the world in a modern market. I’m sure my
business will be better and better in the future.
Chen Huan:How moving! Hard work makes a successful businessman. You’re really a great  
example for the 小题10:(年轻的)people in Yiwu.

