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A:  66 
B: Hi, Billy
A:  67 
B: I have been to the shops, Look, I bought this hat.
A: It’s pretty. 68
B: No, I didn’t.
A: Where has she gone?
B:  69  she will be back at about five o’clock.
A:   70  she has been to the park every day this week.
B: That’s because she plays tennis there.
A. To the park again?
B. Hello!
C. Did you go with Jenny?
D. She has gone to the park.
E. Where have you been?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

     seem     will    except   hero   tell
小题1:The astronaut is our national flying ______.
小题2:The office is open every day ______Sunday.
小题3:She said she ______send an e-mail to me the next day.
小题4:It ______that American fast food is the most popular in the world.
小题5:Bob ______ me the good news yesterday.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Let's play basketball, Jenny.
B: Sorry.__小题1:___ I just like computer games.
A: Do you have a computer game?
B: ____小题2:_____
A: Does your sister have a computer game?
B: _____小题3:____
A: OK. Why don't we have something to eat first and then play computer games together?
B: Good idea!
A: What do you like to eat?
B: _____小题4:_____
A: _____小题5:_____
B: She likes ice cream best.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

pay, happen, their, way, but, why ,experience, start, creative, else
Do you want to be a TV news reporter? People often ask me __56__I love my job.Well, it’s very exciting. I’m the first to know about important news stories. I travel around the world and I talk to people. I found out what is __57__in different places. I talk to some important and famous people. I’ve talked to people in the government,as well as famous sportsmen and sportswomen and film stars. I ask people to tell me about __58__lives. I want to know how they feel.
A lot of people want to work in TV news, so you have to be energetic and___59___. You have to show that you can do it. You must learn how to use a video camera, to write reports, and to speak to the camera. What’s the best __60__to learn? Your school or college TV station is a good place to start, __61__you have to get a job!
Most people __62__with an unpaid job, so they can learn. The best place to learn is at a small station. There aren’t many people, and as a result, you get better__63___. I had an unpaid job at a small station, and one night, when everyone__64__ was ill, I read the news on air. I did well, and as a result, I got my first __65__job!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Differences in bicycling between China and other countries
People all over the world ride bicycles . But there are many differences between China and other countries .
Wearing helmets(头盔)
You may think  helmets  are useless .But you are wrong . In many places kids have to wear them when they ride bikes . In some places of the United States , it's against the law (违反法律)for kids under 16 to ride without  helmets  .Many people say that helmets are like seat belts (安全带) for bikes .
Bike lanes (车道)
In China , bicycles have their own special lanes on the road . People can ride next to cars . In the USA , roads are only for cars . People don't ride their bikes to school or work . But this isn't true everywhere in the West . In the Netherlands(荷兰)there are more bikes than people . The whole country has bicycle lanes .
Riding for fun
Do you ride your bike to school ? In China this is very common . But in the USA , kids only ride their bikes for fun on the weekend . They regard bicycling as a sport . Many cities have special parks .People turn old railways(铁路) into bike roads . People can ride from town to town  .
小题1:What are  the differences between China and other countries in bicycling ?
_________________ are the differences between China and other countries in bicycling .
小题2:Which country has the law that everyone must wear a helmet while riding ?
____________ has the law that everyone must wear a helmet while riding  .
小题3:What do many people think of helmets  ?
They think that helmets are  _______________ for bikes .
小题4:Which country has more bikes than people ?
__________________________ there are more bikes than people  .
小题5:What do Americans regard bicycling as and how do they do  ?
They regard it as  __________ ; they build some special  _________ and turn  __________ into bike roads .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

kind, many, for, have, until, expensive, they, student ,leave ,go
In the United States, children start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school    61   they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they   62  high school. There are two  63   of school in the United States: public school and private school. Most children go to public schools. Their parents do not have to pay  64   their education because the schools receive money from the government. If a child  65 to a private(私立的) school, his parents  66   to pay enough money for his schooling. Some parents still choose private schools, though they are much more  67  .
?Today about half of the high school  68  go to universities after they finish the high school. A student at a state university does not have to pay too m  69  if his parents live in this state.
?But many students work while they are studying at universities. In this way they can have good working habits and live by 70  own  habits .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:Every day in homes all over the world, people have lights on when no one is in room.
小题2:Air conditioners are usually set at too high temperatures in winter.
小题3:A lot of water is wasted by using too much.
小题4:We’ll have less and less gas to use. Because more and more people buy cars.
小题5:People especially children watch TV for too many hours.
Take a shower instead of bath, for a bath uses twice as much water. Don’t flush(冲洗) toilet unnecessarily.
Plant more trees and grass around our houses.
Encourage people to do more outdoor activities in their free time. Get children to learn more from reading books.
Always keep the saying in mind “ Turn off lights before leaving.”
We should walk to work, ride a bike to school, take a bus home more often instead of driving cars.
In room where you have an air conditioner, you can save electricity by cleaning the filter. A filter uses 30 percent more energy when it is dirty. Also, set the air conditioner at 25℃.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A.Do you like music?    B.How are you? C.What about you?    D.How old are you?  E.Can you sing a song?  F.Nice to meet you G.Where are you from?
Paul:Good morning, Mr Black.
Mr Black: Good morning, Paul. Let me introduce a new friend to you. This is Bill.
Bill:  小题1:   
Paul: Nice to meet you, too.  小题2:   
Bill:I’m from America.
Paul:   小题3:  
Bill: I’m eleven years old.
Paul: 小题4: 
Biu:Yes,I do.  小题5:   
Paul: Me,too.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

T: Teacher         S: student
T: You look worried, Jim.  76____________________?
S: I have some problems, I need your help. 77_____________?
T: Sure. What are your problems?
S: Well, I want to study English well. But I always can’t do that. What should I do?
T:  78________________________.
S: That sounds like a good idea. I’ll try. I have another problem. 79________last year , but now I am heavy. What should I do?
T: Why don’t you do more exercise to keep fit ?
S: Good. I will run every morning. I feel better now. Thank you very much.
T: 80_____________________________.

