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Traffic means everything and everybody using the roads. Today more and 1   people live in the cities. So there is 2   traffic and usually not enough 3   and 4   of the roads are too narrow. That is 5    there are a great many accidents. In cities 6    over the world, thousands 7   people die or 8    hurt in traffic accidents. Of course, traffic accidents 9    outside cities in the countries, but there is not 10    much traffic, so there are not so many accidents.

(   ) 1. A.most    B. many    C. some    D. more

(   ) 2. A. a lot of    B. many    C. a number of    D. lots

(   ) 3. A. ways    B. means    C. roads    D. cars

(   ) 4. A. some    B. much    C. more    D. few

(   ) 5. A. because    B. so    C. why    D. that

(   ) 6. A. of    B. all    C. and    D. from

(   ) 7. A. from    B. and    C. with    D. of

(   ) 8. A. receive    B. go    C. are    D. take

(   ) 9. A. happen    B. have    C. produce    D. from

(   ) 10. A. too    B. so     C.enough    D. such

 1. D 2. A many和a number of都只修饰可数名词,而lots接名词时要加of。  3. C车辆数量增力,路相对不够。

 4. A 5. C表示原因时由why引导表语从句。 6. B 7. D thousands of。8. C are hurt"受伤"的意思。9. A 10. B so much +不可数名词, so many +可数名词

题目来源:初中英语丢分题每周一练七年级下册 > 能力训练6


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Take a look at the following ads ! You may find some useful information you need here !

  Guitar Lessons

  Experienced musician from Australia. Good at teaching kids about 5 years old.

  For more information, please visit Larry's website:www. music,com. au

  Lost Dog

  Medium size,with brown spots and white short hair. Answer you when you call it David. Many thanks for sending it back. Call Susan at 7328059.

Taxi Driver Wanted

Full time or part time.  Experience and a good knowledge of the city are

necessary. English is also  a must.

Under 45 years old.

Call Mr White at 5132683.

Apartment for Sale

Two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Hot water 8:00-18:00. Beautiful sights out of the windows. E-mail:sdgt@yahoo.cn.

(   ) 1. If you want to have a guitar lesson,you may          .

     A. call Susan at 7328059

    B. surf the website:www. music,com. au

    C. telephone Mr White at 5132683

    D. e-mail sdgt@yahoo.cn

(   ) 2. Who is the owner of the lost dog?

A. Mr White.    B. Larry.    C. Susan.    D. David.

(   ) 3. If you want the job as a taxi driver, you should          .

     A. master at least three languages    B. know the city very well

    C. be an experienced driver    D. both B and C

(   ) 4. Which information about the apartment is not mentioned in the table?

     A. It has a beautiful view.

    B. It has hot water in the daytime.

    C. It has three floors.

    D. It has a kitchen.

(   ) 5. How can you contact the owner of the apartment for more information? 

     A. By sending an e-mail.    B. By going to visit it.

    C. By making a phone call.    D. By sending a fax(传真) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Jack is a great tennis player and he likes 1    very much. Every 2    he usually gets up at

6: 00 and then 3    TV. At 4    ,he plays tennis with his friends. They play it for 5    hours. At 12:00,Jack eats 6    . After that he often plays computer games. School 7    at 14:00. At 16:30,he usually plays tennis again(再一次,又) .He goes home at 18:00. At 18:30, he eats dinner 8   his family 9   He usually 10   after dinner. He goes to bed at 21:30.

(   ) 1. A. basketball    B. tennis    C. baseball    D. ping-pong

(   ) 2. A. morning    B. afternoon    C. evening    D. night

(   ) 3. A. sees    B. looks at    C. watches    D. looks

(   ) 4. A. five o'clock  B. five thirty  C. six o'clock  D. eight o'clock

(   ) 5. A. six    B. seven    C. four    D. five

(   ) 6. A. breakfast    B. lunch    C. dinner    D. dessert

(   ) 7. A. to start    B. starting    C. starts    D. start

(   ) 8. A. and    B. with    C. but    D. or

(   ) 9. A. at home    B. at school    C. in a store  D. in a hotel

(   ) 10. A. goes home    B. goes to school

    C. goes to work    D. does his homework


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Lucy has a very happy Christmas. Here is a timetable about what she does.

10:00〜:LI: 00 p. m.

Get up and go to stores to buy

some fruit,vegetables and

candies(糖果) . ①

5:00 ~6:00 a. m.

Hide(藏) the gifts in the places such

as in stockings(长筒袜) ,under the

pillow(枕头) or quilt.④

0:00 ~ 1:30 a. m.

Set up(放置) a big Christmas tree

(圣诞树) and put some candies in

the tree.②

7:00 a. m.

Parents wake up and find the gifts(礼物) .Play Christmas music by the trumpet or the piano. All the family play together happily.⑤

2: 00〜4:00 a. m.

Start doing a big meal and some dessert. Children make some ice cream for their parents. And they put the ice cream in the fridge(冰箱) . (3)

7: 30 -8: 30 a. m.

Have a big meal and give everyone best wishes. It's relaxing! ⑥

9: 00 a. m.

All the family go out to the playground or the park to enjoy themselves.⑦

(   ) 1. Lucy sets up a tree for        .

A. gifts    B. her parents    C. Christmas    D. stockings

(   ) 2. After making some ice cream, they        .

A. eat them    B. hid them in the pillow

C. find the trumpet    D. put them in the fridge

(   ) 3. On Christmas, children can        .  

A. make ice cream   B. set up a Christmas tree

C. get gifts    D. go to the park

(   ) 4. People want to        on Christmas.

A. get together        B. go to stores

C. play the piano       D. eat candies

(   ) 5. Lucy has a meal at about        .

A. 10:00 a.m.    B. 3:00 a.m.    C. 8:00 a.m.    D. 5:00 a. m.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Every year the Greens go to the beach for a week's vacation. There are many interesting things to do at the beach.

The children play games on the sands. Sometimes they build sandcastles(沙滩小城堡) .There are saltwater(咸水) swimming pools. The children can swim safely in these pools and the water is always clean.

There is an esplanade(海滨大道) .This is a long road by the beach. There are many cafes(咖啡厅) and restaurants on the esplanade. There is also a park beside(在旁边) the beach. It is a place that many people like to go to.

The Greens always stay at the same hotel. They usually have the same rooms. These rooms are at the front of the hotel. There is a good view of the sea from their windows. The children are a little sad when the vacation is over because they don't want to leave.

(   ) 1. How often do the Greens go to the beach?

A. Once a year.    B. Once a week.

C. Twice a year.    D. Every a half year.

(   ) 2. Which place do many people like to go to?

     A.The hotel.

    B.The saltwater swimming pool.

    C.The esplanade.

    D. The park beside the beach.

(   ) 3. What's the meaning of the underlined word?

A.景色    B.观点    C.意见    D.观察

(   ) 4. Why are the children a little sad when the vacation is over?

     A.Because their parents will go home.

    B.Because they should go to school after the vacation.

    C.Because they enjoy themselves so much that they don't want to leave.

    D. Because they can't come to the beach any more.

(   ) 5. According to the story,which of the following is true?

     A. The Greens stay in the rooms at the front of the hotel.

    B. If they want to see the sea,they must go to the beach.

    C. They won't go to the beach next year.

    D. There are no restaurants by the beach.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

假设你陪你校的外籍教师Smith先生去某音乐厅听音乐,在门口的布告栏里看见一张观众须知,内容如下: 观众须知

1. 一人一票,凭票入场;

2. 场内严禁吸烟;

3. 食品和饮料请勿带进场内;

4. 演出时请勿拍照;

5. 演出时请勿使用传呼机和移动电话;

6. 提前30分钟入场。



2. 内容要点的顺序可根据行文需要排列;

3. 词数80个左右。

Mr Smith, it is a notice to the audience. It says that we should...


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

"Joe,you are a very old dog," says policeman Fred. "Today is your birthday. You were 14 years old last year. But you are still a good police dog!” "ARF!ARF!" barks(犬吠) Joe.

"You are welcome," says Fred. "Now let's get your birthday dinner. Show me where you want to eat.”

Joe takes Fred down the street. Good smells come from all the eating places. But Joe walks on. At last he stops at a small place. He smells(闻) around the door. Then he pushes the door open and walks in.

"Is this where you want to eat?" asks Fred. But Joe does not bark. He puts his nose to the floor and runs across the room. Then he jumps(朴向) onto a man at a table!

"Good boy,Joe!”says Fred. Joe and Fred have looked for this robber(强盗) for a long time. And now Joe finds him!

Joe and Fred take the robber to the police station. Then Fred says, "All right, Joe,you are a good dog. Now do you want that birthday dinner?" "ARF!ARF!" barks Joe. "Let's go," says Fred. "I'm hungry, too.”

(   ) 1. How old is Joe now?

A. Fifteen.    B. Five.

C. Thirteen.    D. Fourteen.

(   ) 2. The underlined word "smells" means        in Chinese.

A.闻,嗅    B.微笑    C.食物    D.气味

(   ) 3. In the story,Joe says "ARF!ARF!" twice. The first time he means "   "

A. Hello!How are you?    B. Thank you.

C. Oh,no. I'm not a good dog.    D.I'm sorry to hear that.

(   ) 4. Fred wants to give Joe a good dinner because         -

A. it's Joe's birthday    B. today is Fred's birthday

C. Fred finds an eating place    D. Joe catches the robber

(   ) 5. What's the best title(标题) of the story?

     A. A Dog's Birthday    B. A Special Dinner

    C. A Good Police Dog    D. Joe and Fred


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mrs Thompson is driving her car. She looks in the mirror(镜卞) .A blue car is behind her. A man is driving the blue car.

The man in the blue car waves at(朝招手) Mrs Thompson. He is saying something, but

Mrs Thompson can't hear him. Mrs Thompson turns left. The man in the blue car turns left,too.

Mrs Thompson turns right. The man in the blue car turns right,too.

Mrs Thompson drives fast. The man in the blue car drives fast,too.

Mrs Thompson is afraid of the man in the blue car. She drives to the police station. The man in the blue car follows her.

Mrs Thompson gets to the police station and stops her car.

A police officer conies to Mrs Thompson's car. The police officer says, "There's a cat on the top of your car!”

Mrs Thompson looks for the man in the blue car,but he is gone(离开了) . Now Mrs Thompson understands:The man in the blue car wanted to tell her, "There's a cat on the top of your car!”


(   ) I) Mrs Thompson is driving her truck.

(   ) 2) A blue car is behind her.

(   ) 3) The man in the car follows Mrs Thompson.

(   ) 4) Mrs Thompson drives home.

(   ) 5) There is a man on the top of Mrs Thompson's car.


1) Mrs Thompson f        a blue car is behind her.

2) Mrs Thompson see the blue car i        the mirror.

3) Mrs Thompson s        her car at the police station.

4) A police t        Mrs Thompson there is a cat on the top of her car.

5) At last she k        the thing the man wants to tell her.

