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In our town, there is a big zoo with a lot of animals in it. There are some beautiful tigers and two old lions. They eat a lot of meat every day.
There are also two big elephants and one baby elephant. The elephants are kind animals. They eat a lot every day. They like children. Children often give them bread and bananas. Elephants like bananas best.
In our zoo there are also brown bears(熊), black bears and white bears. They stand on their hind(后面的)legs,hold up their fore(前面的)legs and ask for(要)food. They like cakes very much.
There’s also a children’s corner in our zoo. Children ride horses(马)and donkeys(驴)and watch the monkeys there. The monkeys are very funny. They climb up ropes(绳子)and jump (跳)down again and play with each other(彼此,互相) like small children.
小题1: Which animal likes bananas best?
小题2: The zoo is          .
A.very beautifulB.very bigC.very smallD.far from our town
小题3:Which animal plays like small children?
小题4:Why do bears stand on their hind legs?
A.They are tired and want to have a rest.
B.They want to jump out.
C.They want to ask for food.
D.They want to sleep.
小题5: How many kinds of bears there in the zoo?


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Elephants like bananas best.”理解可知。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“In our town, there is a big zoo with a lot of animals in it.”理解可知。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The monkeys are very funny. They climb up ropes(绳子)and jump (跳)down again and play with each other(彼此,互相) like small children.”理解可知。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“They stand on their hind(后面的)legs,hold up their fore(前面的)legs and ask for(要)food. They like cakes very much.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

This is Liu Fei’s room. It’s a small but nice room. On the wall, there are two maps. One is a map of China, the other is of the world. There’s a desk in front of the window and on the desk there is a clock. Near the clock there is a glass. There’s some water in it. And there are two pencils, one pen and some books on the desk too. There is a chair on the floor and under the chair there’s a ball. Liu Fei often studies (学习) in his room and he likes his room very much..
小题1:Liu Fei’s room is __________.
A.big and niceB.small but niceC.big but badD.small and bad
小题2:There is some __________ in the glass.
小题3:There are some books __________ .
A.on the chairB.on the deskC.on the floorD.on the wall
小题4:What can you see on the wall of the room?
A.Two maps.B.A clock.C.A chairD.A window
小题5:Where is the pen?
A.On the floor.B.In the desk.C.Under the chair.D.On the desk.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Peter: Let’s play computer games!
Barry: That sounds interesting, but I don't have a computer.
Peter: Well, do you have a volleyball?
Barry: Yes.
Peter: Then let's play volleyball.
Barry: Oh, volleyball is so difficult.
Peter: OK, let's watch TV.
Barry: That sounds boring. Hmmm, let’s play soccer! Do you have a soccer ball?
Peter: No, I don’t.
Barry: Oh, well, do you have a basketball?
Peter: Yes, I do. Let’s play basketball!
Barry: That sounds fun!
小题1:Who wants(想)to play computer games?
A.PeterB.BarryC.Peter and BarryD.Nobody
小题2:Does Barry have a computer?
A.Yes, he doesB.No, he doesn’tC.Yes, he is.D.No, he isn’t
小题3:Can Barry play volleyball?
A.Yes, he can.B.No, he can’tC.Yes, he doesD.No, he doesn’t.
小题4:Does Peter have a soccer ball?
A.No, he does.B.Yes, he doesC.No, he doesn’tD.Yes, he doesn’t
小题5:Which sentence is right?( 哪句是正确的?)
A.Peter likes to play computer games.
B.Barry likes to watch TV.
C.Peter has a soccer ball.
D.Barry doesn’t have a volleyball.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

This is a picture of a classroom(教室). You can see a teacher’s desk, five desks and six chairs. You can see a girl and a boy, too. Four English books are on the teacher’s desk. One pencil-case is on a desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil-case. A schoolbag is behind a chair. A ball is on the floor. The girl is Lily. She is 12.The boy is Mike. He is 11.They are in Class 5.They are good friends. Their teacher is Mr. King. He is not here.
小题1:What picture is it?
A.It is a picture of boys and girls.
B.It is a picture of desks and chairs.
C.It is a picture of pens and pencils.
D.It is a picture of a classroom.
小题2:Where are the two pens?
A.They are in the pencil-case.
B.They are on the teacher’s desk.
C.They are behind the chair.
D.They are on the floor.
小题3:Who is eleven?
A.Lucy.B.Lily.C.MikeD.I don’t know.
小题4:Who is their teacher?
A.Mrs Green.B.Mrs King.C.Miss King.D.Mr King.
小题5:Are Lily and Mike good friends?
A.No,they are.B.Yes,they aren’t.
C.No,they aren’t.D.Yes,they are.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One of the most popular items in the school newspaper is the advice column (专栏). Here are some of the questions asked and their answers.
Q: I’m always late for school. I try not to be late, but I can’t help it. Please advise me about what to do. Tommy.
A: You are probably late for school because you don’t really like school. My advice to you is to enjoy school more, and then you won’t be late so often.
Q: I find it difficult to make friends. What do you think I should do? Sara.
A: I can’t advise you until I know more about you. Your problem may be that you are shy. On the other hand, it may be the opposite. You may be bold(大胆的). Write and tell me more about yourself.
Q: I’m always at the bottom (末尾)of the class. What do you advise me to do? Molly.
A: I advise you to try to improve your grades in one subject at first. Next, try to improve your grades in another subject. If you do this, by the end of the year you should be quite a long way up from the bottom in all your subjects.
小题1:What is the main idea (主要意思) of this passage?
A.The town newspaper has an advice column.
B.Tommy wrote to the school newspaper to ask for advice.
C.Sara finds it difficult to make friends.
D.The advice column in the newspaper is very popular.
小题2:What is Tommy’s problem?
A.He is always late for school.
B.He finds it difficult to make friends.
C.He is always at the bottom of the class.
D.He needs help with his homework.
小题3:What does the adviser (建议者) want Sara to do?
A.Stop being so shy.
B.Stop being so bold.
C.Make more friends.
D.Give more information about herself.
小题4:What does Molly want to do?
A.Make more friends.
B.Enjoy school more.
C.Stay at the bottom of her class.
D.Improve her exam results.
小题5:By the end of the year, where should Molly be in all her subjects if she does as the adviser says?
A.At the bottom.
B.A little way up from the bottom.
C.Quite a long way up from the bottom.
D.At the top.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are many cars over there. Five of them are brown. Twelve of them are red. Three of them are yellow. Four green cars, eight blue cars, two orange cars and one white car are there, too. They are new. They are nice. Look, these aren’t cars, they are buses. They are in different(不同的) colors: ten red, eleven green, seventy yellow and nine blue. They are all old. They are big. All the cars and buses belong to (属于) Mr. Smith.
小题1:There are __________ cars over there.
小题2:There are __________ buses.
A.one hundredB.ninety-nineC.ninety-eightD.hundred
小题3:All of the cars over there are in ________ colors.
A.sameB.the sameC.differentD.the different
小题4:All the cars are _________, but all the buses are _________
A.new, newB.old, oldC.old, newD.new, old
小题5:Whose are all the cars and buses?
A.Mr. Smith’sB.Mr. SmithC.Mr. Smiths’D.Mr. Smiths’s


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The world of out-of-doors is full of secrets. And they are so interesting that quite a lot of people are busy studying them. All around us are birds, animals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they  1  and grow are as interesting as anything could be. Do you know that one of the greatest presidents of the USA spent hours and hours  2  birds? A businessman who lives near New York city became so  3  in insects that he began to collect them. He now has more than one thousand different kinds carefully  4  in glass boxes. Come then with me, and I will help you find some of nature’s secrets. Let us go  5  through the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit tells the other rabbits that there is danger. We shall  6  a mother bear and her young ones as they look for  7  and get ready for winter sleep. We shall watch bees dancing in the air to let other bees know  8  they can find food. I will show you many other interesting things, but the thing that I can  9  you is to keep your eyes and ears  10  when you go out of doors. Nature tells her secrets only to people who look and listen carefully.
A.bearB.live C.speakD.fly
A.studyingB.eatingC.learning D.finding
A.food B.fruitC.vegetablesD.water
A.makeB.passC.give D.teach


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every day,it is easy to see advertisements in English all around us.Look at your own bags and clothes,and at the bags and clothes of your classmates.How many different advertisements can you see which use English words?
Often bags and clothes show the name of the company that made them. This is a popular form.A special picture or symbol called a logo(标识语)is sometimes used.Logos appear on many different products(产品).They are popular because when you see a logo,it is hard to forget that product or company.
It is common to see advertisements on TV and hear them on the radio.Most advertisements are very short.Sometimes the advertisers use a short sentence which is easy for people to say and remember. Nike,for example,has a simple English sentence which is used all around the world:“Just do it.”Advertisements often use funny situations as well.It is simple to remember it.
All advertisements are designed(设计)to make people buy a product.An advertisement for a soft drink,for example,might show a group of young people who are having fun.The young people are al1 drinking the soft drink.Advertisers are saying to you,“Why don’t you buy this drink and be like these people? You can be young and modern.”
You might think that advertisements are not after you,but the next time you buy a soft drink,ask yourself this question:Why am I buying this particular(特别的)product?
小题1:From the passage,we know that           
A.all the advertisements around us are written in English
B.many bags have the name of the company that made them
C.having soft drinks makes a person young and modern
D.advertisements are only after young people
小题2:A good logo is            
A.easy to rememberB.a useful product
C.difficult to understandD.easy to buy
小题3:People are most likely to remember an advertisement that is           
A.in EnglishB.longC.funnyD.famous
小题4:All advertisements are designed to          
A.sell you something you don’t want
B.make you young and modern
C.make you buy the product
D.show you what you need to buy
小题5:The best title(题目) of this passage may be          
A.Advertisements for Bags and Clothes
B.Advertisements on TV and Radio
C.Advertisements About Sports
D.Advertisements Around Us


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People  usually  talk  about  two  groups  of  colours: warm  colours  and  cool  colours.  Scientists  think  that  there  are  also  two  kinds  of  people: people  who  prefer  warm  colours  and  people  who  prefer  cool  colours. The  warm  colours  are  red , orange  and  yellow.  Where  there  are  warm  colours  and  a  lot  of  lights , people  usually  want  to  be  active.  People  think  that  red , for  example , is  exciting . Sociable  people , those  who  like  to  be  with  others , like  red . Scientists  also  find  that  warm  colours  can  produce  a  comfortable  feeling  and  that  time  seems to pass quickly  in  a  room  with  warm  colours  than  with  cool  colours . So  a  warm  colour , such as red or orange , is a good choice for a living  room or restaurant.
The  cool  colours  are  green , blue  and  violet . These  colours , unlike  warm  colours , are  relaxing . Where  there  are  cool  colours , people  are  usually  quiet . People  who  like  to  spend  time  alone  often  prefer  blue . Cool  colours  are  better for offices because it  can make people  who  are  working  feel  relaxed  and  calm.
小题1:According to  this  passage , people  who  prefer  to  be  quiet  probably     .
A.like the colour orangeB.like the colour blue
C.prefer warm coloursD.are usually active
小题2:The  underlined  words “sociable  people ”means           in  Chinese.
小题3:Which  of  the  following  statements  is  true  according  to  this  passage?
A.Scientists like warm colours better than cool colours.
B.Time seems to pass more slowly in a red room than in a violet room.
C.Red can make people more active than blue can.
D.We’d better colour a living room or restaurant with cool colours.
小题4:Why are offices often coloured in cool colours according to the passage ?
A.Because these colours can make people feel that time passes more quickly.
B.Because these colours can make people excited.
C.Because everybody likes the colour white.
D.Because people who are working can be more relaxed and calm.
小题5:The  best  title(标题)for  this  passage  should  be  ‘        ’.
A.Warm colours and cool coloursB.People and colours
C.Sociable people like warm coloursD.Places and colours

