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4.Don't keep them        (wait) for us too long.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Classical music is serious music. People usually enjoy it at a 1.       c or in a theater. Beethoven and Mozart 2. w       great classical music. 

Pop music often comes and goes quickly. It is usu- ally about love and everyday life. Country music,3.       (摇滚) music and jazz are all pop music. They are very popular with young people.

Folk music is 4.       (简单的) but special. Guo Lanying, Song Zuying and Tengger are 5.       

for(以.. 而闻名) their folk songs.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Things are going great in Cannes(戛纳) ,France. I have an exciting experience here. I have only been here at the film festival for two days,but I have already seen four films. When the films are not on,I like to go to watch the fashionable people on the beach. Everywhere you look,there are famous film stars and directors. I saw three of ray favorite stars hanging out at the festival yesterday. 3. However,I was too nerv-ous to talk to them.

At this year's Cannes Film Festival,about twenty-films are competing for the main prize,the Palme d'Or (金綜榈奖) .The films are from all over the world-Europe,Asia,North America,Africa-..

There are also so many different types of films,and lots of them are from countries which are not fa?mous for the film making business. 4. For someone who loves films,this is heaven(天堂)

If you come to the festival, the following sugges?tions will be helpful. First, you'll need to remember to bring your invitation,because you cannot watch any of the films without one.

Second? you'll need to bring some nice clothes. During the day everyone walks around in T-shirts and shorts. But in the evening,everyone has to wear for-mal(正式的) clothes. I am wearing a long dress all the time!


1.What did the writer do at the film festival?

2.What are the writer's suggestions?







科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1.After class,students should clean the       off the blackboard.

2.In China,it's impolite to use your chopsticks to      an empty bowl.

3.I'm having a great time on my student        program in France.

4.My biggest challenge is learning how to       at the dinner table.

5.Let me give you some      and advice about Chinese customs.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4.You can keep the book for two weeks.

The book                       for two weeks.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

7.       (毕竟) ,you've been friends for years.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

9.Don't enter without        (knock) at the door first.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

10.我想只要我们继续团结一致,我们就会赢得下一 场比赛。

I think if we continue                   , we're going to win the next game.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Even the       of the river was full              

