精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A: Hi I am Wang Hong. I am a journalist from Taiyuan TV Station. I want to know something about
    your school life. Could you 1______ about it?
B: Yes, I'd love to. 
A: Well, 2______
B: About two thousand students in our school. 
A: And are you always busy with your lessons?
B: 3______ We have much homework to do every day. We have to work hard. 
A: What about your free time?
B: We can take part in different kinds of activities. 4______ in our school. And these hobby groups
    are open to us on Friday afternoons.
A: I think your school is wonderful, isn't it?
B: I think so.
A: It's nice talking to you. 5______
B: You're welcome.
1. tell me something / answer me some questions
2. how many students (are there in your school)? / how many students do you have in your school?
3. Yes. / Yes, we are. / I  think  so. / Of course.
4. We have many / some hobby groulps / There are many / some hobby groups.
5. Thank you (very much) / Thanks (a lot) .

科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: What can I do 1. _____you?
B: Yes, I 2. _____ some potatoes.
A: How 3. _____ do you want?
B: Four, please.4. _____ much are they?
A: Potatoes 5. _____ two yuan each.
B: OK.1 will 6. _____ them.
A:7._____ that all?
B: No,1 want some carrots. 8. _____.
A: OK.9._____you are.
B: 10. _____.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Look at the photo! Who's 1. _____ woman?  
B: 2. _____ is my mother.
A: Who's that man?
B: 3. _____ is my father.
A: And 4. _____that your brother?
B: Yes, 5. _____is.
A: What's 6. _____name?
B: His name is Jack.
A: How do you 7. _____it?
B: J-A-C-K, Jack.
A: How old is 8. _____?
B: He is eight.
A: Who's that?
B: Oh, she is my sister.  9. _____ 10_____is Mary.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: 1. ______ your name?
B: 2. ______ name's Jack Brown.
A: Is your 3. ______ name Brown?
B: Yes. You can call me 4. ______
A: And what's your 5. ______ 6. ______?
B: 7. ______ 5567289.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Hi, Bob! Good morning!
B: 1._____,Grace.
A: 2._____?
B: I'm fine, thanks. 3. _____?
A: I'm OK.  Are you in Class Two?
B: 4._____. I'm in Class One.
A: It's time for class. Let's go!
B: 5.  _____.


科目:初中英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Good moring, Mr Green!
B: Good moring. What's your 1.               , please?
A: My name is Li Ming. 2.                 are you, Mr Green?
B: Fine, thanks. 3.                 you?
A: I'm fine, 4.                 Thank you.
B: What 5.                are you in?
A: I'm in Grade Two.
B: Are you in Class 3?
A: 6.                . I'm in Class 1.
B: How 7.                  are you?
A: I'm eleven.
B: 8.                 do you go to school?
A: By bike.
B: By the way, is this 9.                 key to the bike?
A: Yes, it's mine. Thank you.
B: You're 10.                .

