精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:He___________ (总是)reads books about football.
小题2:Tom gets lots of ___________(礼物) from his friends on his birthday.
小题3:Don’t do that     __  (再).
小题4:This is one of the biggest_____________(餐馆)in Beijing.
小题5:I often go to my ______________(祖父母)home on Sundays.
小题6:Thank you for ____________ (组织)this English party.
小题7:I can look for lots of ____________ (信息)on the Internet.
小题8:What’s the ________ (价格)of the shirt?
小题9:It’_______________(传统的)to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
小题10:Andy likes making__________(模型)planes very much.

小题4: restaurants 
小题6: organizing 
小题7: information  
小题2:礼物翻译为英文是present or gift。 题目中是复数因此加“s”。
小题6: 组织翻译为英文是organize,在介词for 后面动词应用动名词因此此空填organizing;

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Do you have a mobile phone? Do you send text messages to your friends and family?
Text messaging or “texting” is becoming very p__1__. But scientists have p__2__ that texting can give us problems with our h__3__. Be careful! Too much texting can cause RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) in our thumbs (大拇指) and wrists (腕关节). We spoke to a doctor called Harriet Wilson, who treats many patients with RSI. She says if we spend more than 10-15 minutes texting each time, we could have p__4__ in the future.
Dr. Harjeet Deepa, who treats RSI patients, said that the y__5__ patient she had treated was a 5-year-old girl. She had s__6__ bad RSI in her hands that she couldn’t hold a pencil.
As mobile phones d__7__, they are getting smaller with buttons c__8__ together. Texting with a smaller phone is worse than using a larger phone with b__9__ buttons. Using computers and playing video games can cause the same problem. So more and more people could find t__10_ with RSI.
Many university students and teenagers have RSI. If we don’t do anything about this, too many young people could grow up in terrible pain.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:You can’t _______ (相信) him, he is always telling lies.
小题2:Every time I heard the other students talking and_______(笑).
小题3: He likes _______ (搜集) stamps.
小题4:I’m going to ask you  some  _______ (个人的) questions.
小题5:We know that _______ (外国人) find China very different from their  own countries.
小题6:She was too l__________,so she couldn’t  pass  the  exam.
小题7:Welcome to our school,Amy!Say hello to our new c____ , everyone! She’s from Australia.
小题8:Our country is d________ very fast.
小题9:I asked your secretary  w________ she could come or not.
小题10:Yao Ming plays basketball very well, he has many f______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The letter____Tommy received from his company yesterday is very important.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:My life is filled with p_____________, and I’m very happy now.
小题2:Mike _____________(记忆) new words more quickly than me.
小题3:Reading English aloud every day will of course help you to improve your __________(发音).
小题4:If you try your best now, you are sure to have a chance of ____________(实现) your dream.
小题5:Have you ever c___________ buying a new MP4 player?
小题6:Be careful not to d___________ your glasses. They might be broken.
小题7:Without my p______________ , don’t touch my things.
小题8:I like to go out to enjoy the _____________(新鲜的) air.
小题9:Can you have dinners with f_______________ and knives?
小题10:I’m sorry to ______________(打扰) you. Can you tell me how to send an e—mail?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. I would like to talk about it ___________(不同地).
2. A11 my classmates are ___________(分成)into five groups.
3. Do you feel___________(轻松)when you listen to music?
4. Though Sandy has ___________(提供)me some advice, I still don’t know how to do it.
5. Last year,he              (受苦)from the illness in bed.
6. If you want to join us,you must get your              (父母亲)support.
7. Congratulations! You have made great              (进步)in your English.
8. Have you made a                 (决定)to give up the visit to the EXPO?
9. Are you sure they will have no difficulty             (完成)the work in two days?
10. You have to be                  (耐心的) if you are waiting at the end of a long queue.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

6. Would you like to ask Mr. Hu for some ____________?(建议)
7. I think diving is more _____________ than skating.(令人兴奋的)
8. Why do you look so _____________? Can I help you?  (紧张)
9. You must know that different people have different _______________(能力).
10. Do you think what he said is ____________? (真实的)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--Here are some earrings . The owner can’t be a boy.
--Well,          could be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1. She with her friends often ________(聊天)in the playground after lunch.
2. He likes making_______(朋友)with helpful people.
3. Do you know the_______(游泳者)names?
4. She often looks for some_________(信息)for her study on the Internet.
5. They even have lessons on_______(周末).
6. How many after-school_______(活动)do you have every week?
7. What about ________(听)to music now?
8. Thank you for_______(组织)the class trip.
9. We often play football on the football_______.
10. Sandy is good at singing, and she is a _______of the Music Club.

