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在一次中德两国交流活动中,组织者进行了主题为“将来你是选择普通高中(ordinary high school )还是职业高中(vocational high school )?”的调查,请你根据表中的调查结果,完成下面的短文。
Percent (%)
German students
vocational high school
learn useful skills, easy to get a favorite job.
Chinese students
ordinary high school
Go to a favorite university, work for the government.
Vocational or   Ordinary ?
A survey has been done among students from German and China . Here are the result .
70%of  German students would like to choose vocational high schools for further study . They think they can learn  小题1:  in vocational high schools so that they can get their favorite jobs when they graduate .
In comparison, most   小题2:   students prefer to go to ordinary high schools . In their opinion, going to a favorite   小题3: and working for the government after graduation is what they have been dreaming of .
As for me,I will choose   小题4:  because  小题5:   .

小题1:useful  skills
小题4:ordinary high school/vocational high school

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1: How many popular articles are there in the magazine?
小题2: Which article is about saving money?
A.Ice cream and banking.B.Black sheep and Uncle Bob.
C.Relation between you and food.D.Films that aren't really about Canada.
小题3:What is Black sheep and Uncle Bob about?
A.merican films.B.Family stories.C.Food.D.Banking.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Become a volunteer and help those who need your help in your community ( 社区 )! Volunteer work includes helping the poor, helping the families whose houses were destroyed by natural disasters ( 灾害 ) or creating green space for neighborhood families. Whichever service activity you choose, you have the “ power of one” to make a difference and create a real change in the community!
1. Our holiday volunteer jobs are open to all Americans. You don’t need any special skills to join and there are no age limits ( 限制). With biosphere Expedition ( 生物探险 ), you can be a wildlife and environmental volunteer for anywhere from two weeks to two months. You’ll work with local scientists, and the leaders from Biosphere Expedition will be by your side.
2. We need students at the age of 16 and up who study at school and want a chance to use their talents, skills and knowledge to help the little kids. Most of them have enough patience and are warm—hearted. Join the Volunteer Service Center Today !
Volunteers are the greatest people in the world. Let’s work together to make the world a better place.
小题1: The volunteers can ________ in the community.
A.look after petsB.help the poor people
C.buy houses for the homelessD.Clean up the yards
小题2:The Biosphere Expedition is probably held ________.
A.for three monthsB.in summer vacation
C.only by local scientistsD.between America and China
小题3:If Wu Dong is ________ years old, he may join the volunteer Service Center.
小题4:Which of the following is True?
A.The volunteers should create green space for all the families.
B.The volunteers can choose any service activity in the community.
C.To do the holiday volunteer work, special skills are needed.
D.A boy who doesn’t study at school can be a volunteer to help the little kids
小题5: What is the best title for these three ads?
A.Volunteers WantedB.A Job Interview
C.An Expedition ClubD.Education Service


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:How much are the musical tickets for two children?
A. 16 pounds,      B, 35 pounds.      C. 30 pounds.      D. 40 pounds.
小题2:When will the Teenage Drawing Competition be held?
A.On June 7th.B.On August 6th.
C.On September 20th.D.On April 25th.
小题3:Where can you watch Adele's performance this Sunday afternoon?
A.At St. James' s Park.B.At Westfield Theater.
C.At Westfield Shopping Center.D.At Cambridge Theater.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:How many popular articles are there in the magazine?
小题2:Which article is about saving money?
A.Ice cream and banking.
B.Black sheep and Uncle Bob.
C.Relation between you and food.
D.Films that aren’t really about Canada.
小题3:What is Black sheep and Uncle Bob about?
A.American films.B.Family stories.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

1. Please clean up before leaving.
2. Showers(淋浴)to be taken before 11 p.m..
3. No staying out after 10 p.m. unless allowed by me.
4. You may have incoming calls on my phone but no outgoing calls.
5. Bed time is 11 p.m.
6. Dinner is at 7 p.m. unless notified(通知). (If you don’t have dinner, you must let us know before 6 p.m.)
7. Keep noise to the least.
8. No smoking in the bedroom. 
The Address you are staying at is:   112 Kendal Way   Cambridge 
My contact number:    07870 347980
小题1:These rules are made for ______.
A.salesmenB.people who do the cleaning
C.guidesD.people who will live with a family
小题2:Which of the following is NOT mentioned (提到) in the rules?
A.The name of the host (主人).
B.The time to go to bed.
C.Something you can’t do.
D.The address you will be staying at.
小题3:You can do the following except______.
A.smoking out of the bedroom.
B.taking showers at 9 p.m.
C.telling the host at 7 p.m. if you don’t have dinner
D.using the host’s phone to receive phone calls


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:We can read the above material in ________.
A.A newspaperB.a traveling report
C.a textbookD.a job advertisement
小题2:You call _____________ if you’re interested in the special trips.
A.Reader 2007B.4, 5&6 day breaks
C.Italian Special OffersD.01223 434385
小题3:You have to pay at least ________ to go to SICILY & MOUNT ETNA.
A. £179                B. £189             C. £215       D. £368
小题4:We can NOT learn about ________ of the special trips.
A.the price B.the foodC.the timeD.the sights
小题5:The trips are offered by __________.
A.Reader magazineB.Cambridge University


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Free Activities This Weekend
An Open-air Craft(工艺)Market
in Front of the City Hall
Sunday from8:30A.M. to 6:30 P.M.
Need to buy a present? Find bamboo toys, paper flowers, paper umbrellas, model cars and more! Food from around the world, too!
City Museum
Travel Movies
Meeting Room Sat.& Sun. at 2:30 P.M.
Do you want to travel but don’t have enough money? See movies on Japan, Italy, America, England, Russia, and Australia. There are only 80 seats, so come early.
Autumn Fashion Show
Golden Shopping Center Sunday at 3:00 P.M.
Men’s and women’s autumn clothes. See 25 handsome and pretty models show the latest fashions. All clothing will be on sale after the show for under ¥100.
Pop Concert at Yunhai Square
Saturday from 9:00 P.M. to midnight
Five groups of college students are going to play the guitar and sing pop songs. Bring your own food and drink.
Library Lecture(讲座)
City Library Hall
Saturday at 10:00 A.M.
How to find the job that you really want! Two-hour lecture. Advice on choosing and getting the right job for you. Coke and sandwiches are sold.
小题1:There are           activities that people can do indoors.
小题2:People can taste food from different countries           .
A.at Yunhai SquareB.in the City Library Hall
C.in the City MuseumD.in front of the City Hall
小题3:If someone wants to find a right job, he should           .
A.listen to the lectureB.buy presents
C.bring food and drinkD.go to the fashion show
小题4:Mr.Lee wants to take two shirts for her wife after the fashion show, he needs to pay    .
A.more than 200 yuanB.at least 300 yuan
C.less than 200 yuanD.nothing at all
小题5:If people want to get some information about some foreign countries, they can        .
A.see the moviesB.go to the pop concert
C.see the fashion showD.go to the library lecture


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last year, some groups of students in their community (社区) made a survey about "How do people spend their free time?" The following diagrams show some results of it:
Diagram (1): Hours for people of different ages who surf the Internet in a week.

Diagram (2): Different days people go to the library. (library attendance)

Diagram (3): Different programs people like.

小题1:People aged        spend the most time surfing the Internet every week.
A.7—16B.17—30C.31—55D.over 56
小题2:The word "attendance" in Diagram (2) means "           in the library".
A.the hours people spendB.the number of people
C.the number of booksD.the days people spend
小题3:On weekends,           people go to the library every week.
A.over sixtyB.less than sixty
C.about twentyD.more than one hundred
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the diagrams?
A.The fewest people like watching music.
B.Sports are the most people's favorite programs.
C.People seldom go to the library on weekdays.
D.Half of the people like watching news or cartoons.
小题5:The three diagrams show us the results of a survey about          .
A.what people do every day
B.how people spend their free time
C.people's different lifestyles
D.people's different habits

