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10 Mr Wu (plan) the parents' meeting last week.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

D. Listen to Miss Luo telling Benny about the story she is reading. Put the pictures in the correct order. Write first,second,third and fourth under the pictures. Then complete the numbers in words and write the correct figure in the brackets below.

The people want  million ⑵ hundred and

thousand yuan (¥ (4)   ) .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B2 . Sandy's aunt is telling Sandy's uncle how to get to Sandy's flat. Help her match the first half of the directions on the left with the correct endings on the right

1 First,from the police station a at the crossing.

2 Then,at the traffic lights b on the left.

3 Go straight on c turn left.

4 Go over d the post office.

5 Sandy's flat is e the bridge.

6 It is opposite f turn right.

B3. Read the conversation in Part B1 again. Draw the route Sandy described 什orn the police station to her flat.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B2.Simon wants to tell Daniel the story. Help him rearrange the sentences in the correct order. Write the numbers 1-6 in the blanks.

1 Mary was afraid and her legs became weak.  

2 Mary searched the house but she could find nothing.  

3 Mary moved into a new house with her family.  

4 Mary's father found a big,red bird on the roof.  

5 Mary heard a strange noise one night.  

6 Mary cried, "Dad,Dad,help!”  


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

   C. Sandy talked with the shopkeeper of an old clothes shop. Read what Sandy wrote and help her fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

The shopkeeper said ,"l fid:⑴ (get) this fii/e years ago frcw a

“newspaper in the “uSA. Then I (2) (say) to? wyself; ‘This is a great idea!,So 1  (3) (go) to Hcllyivood. I (4) (see) many old clothes shops there. They sell many clothes that film stars once wore. I (5)(buy) many old clothes irom those sUops."

“When (6)  (come) back to Beijing,l (7)(open) my first shop on Beimen Road. At first,many people (8)(find) it strange. But naiv,young people often come to visit my shop. I plan to open another shop soon."


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

D. Benny has written an article about dogs. Listen to him and complete his article below.

Dogs are one of my favourite animals.

There ave about (1) in tha world. Doqe can Wve for (2) yeare. Doqe are called puppies when thay are

Puppiee are really (4) .

Pogs can hear sounds much (5) than we can,and they have a very good sense of (6)   , so they can help people a lot. Some doqe help the (7) eolve probleme,arnd eome help people who cannot (8) .

I have a pet dog. His nameis Max. He is my (9) .

I love him vary much.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B.Joan is asking Tommy about the cycling trip. Complete their conversation with the words in brockets.

Joan: So what happened when you saw it was late?

Tommy: (1)  (we/decide/to/go back) . Then we got to a crossing in the road. (2)  (we/not/know) which way to go!

Joan: ⑶ (what/you/do) ? (4) (you/ask/anyone) to help you?

Tommy: There was nobody around!And because we were in the countryside,

(5) . (my/mobile phone/not/work well) . Then we saw a small car coming towards us. We stopped it and asked the driver the way back to the city.

Joan: Oh,you were lucky!

Tommy: Yes!Then (6) (we/hurry up) because we wanted to go back home before it got dark.

Joan: So (7) (when/you/get home) ?

Tommy: Around 6 p.m. (8) (we/feel tired) but we enjoyed our day very much!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

5 The bus (stop) suddenly just now.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B1.Suzy finds this blog on the Internet about a girl and her rabbit Read it with her.

My name is Katie. I am 12 years old. I have a pet rabbit. I call her Snowdrop because she is white like snow. She lives in my garden.

Every day before school,I give Snowdrop water to drink and food to eat. This is important. If you get a pet rabbit,you must give it food every day. Snowdrop likes to eat vegetables. Carrots are her favourite food.

After school,I like to play with Snowdrop. On sunny days,I let Snowdrop run around the garden. She likes to eat the grass and lie in the sun. She looks very happy on sunny days. If it is rainy,I take Snowdrop inside the house and she sits with me as I watch TV or read a book.

I love Snowdrop. I think rabbits make the best pets. They are quiet and lovely and they do not bite. Snowdrop makes me happy.

