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---      do we have a meeting?         ---To choose our monitor.                           
试题分析:考查特殊疑问词。句意:为什么我们开会?为了选班长。根据下方提到To choose our monitor.为了选班长,表示目的,故选B项。        

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

On S  小题1:  morning, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. They love to c   小题2:    there .As u  小题3:   , they sat under the big tree. Suddenly, they h 小题4:   a whisper. They were frightened . They ran away. On their w 小题5:   back , they m 小题6:  Andy. Andy helped them find the ghost. It was a w  小题7:   cat. They took the little cat to the animal c 小题8:   . People there would take c 小题9:   of it. The next Sunday, Millie and Amy went to the park again. They h  小题10: a good time there.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Can you look after               (你自己) well?
小题2:—Is there anything interesting in today's newspaper? No,_________(没有东西)。
小题3:There aren't enough oranges here. We need________(更多的)oranges.
小题4:My cousin is__________(诚实的 )。He never tells lies.
小题5:She is a ________ girl. She often does her homework very ______ . (care)
小题6:You can't take these____________(杂志)out of the reading room.
小题7:Is there anything___________(特别的)in the box?
小题8:Don't___________(相信)her. She is always telling a lie.
小题9:Millie is ready_________(help)others. She is very________(help).
小题10:Mum, I'm still hungry. Can I have one________(many)piece of bread?
小题11:All the teachers and students here are very_________(friend).I'm happy at school.
小题12:Mr Wu often tells us__________(fun)stories and makes us________(laugh).
小题13:We should                (信任) our best friends, because they never tell lies.
小题14:I never feel _______ (bore)with him, and we are all friendly to him .
小题15:They ____________(have)  an English class at this time yesterday.
小题16:If he __________(arrive) at Beijing Zoo at noon, he will see the feeding of animals.
小题17:The Chang Jiang River is one of _______ (long) rivers in the world.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:There are few new words and we can read it __________(容易地).
小题2:Please be _________(有耐心的) whenever you have many things to do.
小题3:He stayed up late and felt ______(困倦的) in class the next day.
小题4:_________ (覆盖,遮掩)them with a piece of cloth,please.
小题5:The price of the houses has _________(落下,掉下) in many parts of China in the past year.
小题6:With trees coming back, there are many _________(猴子) in the mountains.
小题7:________ (千) of tourists came to the small village during the Spring Festival.
小题8:My ipad doesn’t work,I will have to get it ________(修理).
小题9:How were televisions ________(发明), do you know?
小题10:Why not consider __________(提供,供应) him with an e-card for your father’s birthday?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Your book looks newer than _______.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---_________milk would you like?
---Half a kilo.
A.How muchB.How manyC.HowD.What


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Don’t t_________ the rubbish here and there.
小题2:The hotel o_________ hot water 24 hours.
小题3:Thomas Edison was a great i_________.
小题4:The abacus was invented in the sixth _________ (世纪) by the Chinese.
小题5:We all respect Mr. Li because he is very _________(知识渊博的).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The _           _(表现) of the students in class shows they like her.     
小题2:Children under 1.2 m in ___   __(高度) take the train freely in our country.
小题3:They looked at the car until it _         _(消失) in the darkness.        
小题4:He always _       _(鼓励) us when we failed in the exams.     
小题5:Miss Yang is a good teacher with lots of ___    ___(经验)in teaching.
小题6:I have come here s            to say hello to you.
小题7:The whole class waited a __________ for the results of the examination.
小题8:Have a little p___    ____, the bus will come soon.
小题9:It was reported that a plane crashed near the Indian Ocean, killing all the people on board, i____  _____ 56 passengers.
小题10:Your composition is good e___   ____ for some spelling mistakes.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1: It’s not polite to touch others’ things w________ asking.
小题2:You won’t pass the exam u_______ you work harder.
小题3:Don’t be so u_________ .We can help you. It’s just a piece of cake.
小题4:Can you o__________ the party games?
小题5:Thank you for your i__________. I’ll come on time.
小题6:In English, we say s_________ a problem is like cutting it in half.
小题7:I phoned the restaurant to see if there were any boxes a________.
小题8:It’s n__________ for us to exercise an hour every day.
小题9:Come in and sit sown. Help y_________ to some oranges, children.
小题10:The e__________ is getting worse and worse. We must plant more trees to make it more beautiful and healthier.

