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He's given an important report on the work of the government,______?

  1. A.
    isn't he
  2. B.
    is he
  3. C.
    hasn't he
  4. D.
    has he
分析:'s given可能是has given,也可能是is given.从结构上来说give后面经常有两个宾语(如:He gave me a book.),现在后面的宾语是an important report on the work of the government,只有一个宾语,如果不考虑句子的意思和时态的用法的话,就会觉得处理成被动语态是对的,但此处用作被动语态却是不对的,因为:①is given是一般现在时,表示现阶段经常性的动作,而此处的句意不能理解为经常性的事情(一个重要的政府工作报告)。②he is given在此处就是有人向他(一个人)做了个重要的政府工作报告,这也是不可能的事情。所以应该理解为现在完成时has given,虽然只有一个宾语,但句子的意思是合理的(他已经做了个重要的政府工作报告。)。

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Ten-year-old Obama(奥巴马)was one of the only three black(1)s________ at his school in Hawaii,the U.S.A.He felt very different(2)f________ most other students.White girl wanted to touch his hair.A white boy(3)a________ him if his father ate people.“I lied to them that my father was a son of an African king.But I kept asking myself who I was,” said Obama.However,39 years later,the boy made history.Three months ago Obama became the first(4)b________ president(总统)in the U.S.history.Obama was born in 1961 in a small town in the U.S.He(5)g________ up in an Asian country and Hawaii.This unusual experience made him wonder who he was.He once turned to wine to help forget this question.With help from his friends,Obama finally turned his life around at college.(6)H________ hard work made him a star at Harvard University.Later,he became the third black senator(参议员)in the U.S.During his race to the president,Obama talked about his experience.He called for a United States of America,rather than a white America or a black America.“Obama's success has made Martin Luther King's dream(7)c________ true.That is:A man should not be judged(判断)by the(8)c________ of his skin(皮肤),but by his excellent character,” wrote ABC news.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


1. All the tourists shouted “__________” when they saw pyramids, one of the seven __________ in the world. (wonder)

2.If the doctor does a small_______    (operate) on him, he will be all right soon.

3.My cousin will go to the USA for_______(far) study with his classmates next year.

4. Everyone should help those _______(home) people after the earthquake.

5. It is well-known that smoking can be ________   (harm) to our health.

6. I am sorry. You pronounced this word ________    (correct).

7. There’re so many people in the room. It’s _____     (hope) for us to get inside.

8. When I passed the driving test, I thought I was the_______(luck) person in the world.

9. Do you know how long the new airport has been in ________(serve)?

10.The course covers many topics, ___________(include) travel and hotels.

11. The team’s           (finish) time will be recorded.

12. The text _________(it) is not easy, but it is interesting and educational

13. The question is too hard. He is           (able) to work it out.

14.My brother ____________ (be) to England twice.

15.The curtains ____________ (rise) just now and the host came on stage.

16.A charity show ____________ (hold) in the school hall next week.

17.I’m happy ____________ (invite) to your birthday party by you.

18.Ways ____________ (find) to make waste water clean since two years ago.

19.These magazines mustn’t ___________ (take) out of the reading room.

20.The printers _____________ (use) to put the words and pictures onto paper.

21.Computers are useful to us. But some students only use them________(play) games.

22.He ______(teach) in the school in the past.

But over the past four years he__________(work) on the farm.

23.I will tell you as soon as he________(get) to Beijing.

24.We_______(visit) the Olympic Centre at 9 p.m. yesterday evening.

25. The books _______ (sell)well . They  ______________(sell) out already.

26.Neither of the twins___________(ride) a horse in the past ten years.

27.Yang Liping  ___________ (know) to everyone as an excellent dancer.

28.We shouldn’t drive at high __________ (速度). It’s too dangerous.

29.I was once c__________to be a host of a charity show.

30.Millie is a shy girl. She doesn’t like to speak loudly in p__________.

31.Class is over. Let’s have a b__________, boys and girls.

32.He took out the c__________ and took some photos of the sunset.

33.—Where’s Mr. Green? —He has gone to attend an____________(国际) meeting.

34. The heavy snow ____________(影响) many southern parts of China last year.

35. It’s important to_____________(教育) the young students.

36.Some scientists are doing lots of ____________ (研究) on the problem.

37. After the         ___ (治疗), the old man could see again.

38. —Shall we go to London for a holiday?

   — Oh. I think it’s a good c        for her to practise her spoken English.

39. Please speak loudly, the old man is a bit d ___________ .

40.Our monitor has been asked to g_______us into a team of eleven to play football against Class Seven.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A: Hello! May I speak to Mr. Smith?

B: I’m sorry.    36   I think he will come back in an hour.   37 

A: That’s very kind of you. I’d like him to come to my birthday party.   38 

B: OK. Wait a minute, please! I’ll go and get a pen and a piece of paper. OK.   39    

A: 8765432. My name is Li Bai.

B: All right.   40 

A.   Could I take a message?

B.   He is at home.

C.   Please give me your phone number.

D.   Can I leave my telephone number for you?

E.   He isn’t here right now.

F.   It doesn’t matter .

G.   I’ll tell him to call you back.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


A. Hurry up.              B. Here you are.

C. With pleasure.        D. That’s news to me!

E. It doesn’t matter.     F. So will I.

G. He taught me English two years ago.

A:What are you doing here,Tina?

B:I’m doing my exercises.Have you finished yours?

A:No,I’ve just finished writing a letter.

B:Who did you write to?

A:Mr Chen.

B:Mr Chen? How did you know him?


B:He taught me English,too.He is a good man. And I’ll remember him forever.

A:(37)            By the way,have you finished your exercises yet?

B:I’11 finish them very soon.

A:May I borrow your dictionary?

B:Of course.(38)           

A:But I can’t return it to you soon.


A:Thanks a lot.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



31.How does Mike get to school?

32.Can you and Tom play chess?

33.What club do you want to join?

34.What time do you usually get up?

35.How long does it take to get home?

36.How far is it from here?

37.Do your friends go to school by bus?

38.Does your dad drive his car to work?

39.What do you have to do?

40.Why do you like pandas?


A. Yes, we can.

B. I usually get up at six thirty.

C. He rides his bike.

D. It’s from five kilometers.

E. Yes, they do.

F. We have to be quiet in the library.

G. No, he doesn’t.

H. We want to join the chess club.

I. Because they’re interesting.

J. About 15 minutes.

