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  When Liu Kaiqu was young,he  was  poor  in  Shanghai.  One  day he  36     a  picture  of  a tiger and  tried  to  sell  it on the street. It caught  the 37      of an  American,who  asked, “How much does it cost?”  He  said,    “500  dollars.    ” The foreigner thought it was too 38     and asked again, “Can you make it cheaper?” He answered, “No. ” Then he tore(撕)it to pieces. In great 39        ,the foreigner said, “Young man,are you angry?” “No,sir. I’m not angry. I

sold it 40      500 dollars because I thought it was worth the 41     But you wanted a lower price. It means 42     didn’t think so and it is not good enough. I’ll go on working 43     until my customers are satisfied. ” At that time,44     Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all,he never 45     his dream. Now he is well - known all over the world as a great artist.

(   ) 36. A. stole     B. picked  C. drew     D. saw

(   ) 37. A. attention     B. instruction  C. decision     D. discussion

(   ) 38. A.  terrible  B. big     C. old  D. expensive

(   ) 39. A.  fear  B. difficulty     C. surprise  D. discovery

(   ) 40. A.  over  B. for     C. about  D. among

(   ) 41. A.  size  B. price     C. weight  D. position

(   ) 42. A.  we  B. he     C. you  D. it

(   ) 43. A. faster and faster     B. better and  better  C. slower and     slower  D. harder and     harder

(   ) 44. A. though     B. because  C. whether     D. until

(   ) 45. A. broke down     B. cut up  C. gave up     D. turned off


37. A   catch one's attention = catch the attention of sb.是固定词组,"吸引某人的注意"。

38. D    根据后面的一句Can you make it cheaper? 说明美国人嫌那幅画贵。

39. C   Liu Kaiqu把美国人嫌贵的画撕了,使美国人大吃二个多。in surprise"吃惊,惊讶",相当于一个副词。in great surprise"大吃一惊"。

40. B   sell sth. for表示"以……价钱卖掉某物"。

41. B  句意为"我要价500美元,是因为我认为它值那个价。"worth the price"值那个价"。

42. C   句意为"既然你嫌它贵了,说明你认为这幅画没有那么好。"

43. D   work hard"努力工作"。整个句意为"我将更加努力地去画,直到顾客满意为止。"

44. A   "不出名","不放弃梦想"形成转折。

45. C   break down"损坏,分解",cut up"切碎, give up  "放弃",tum off"关闭"。 

题目来源:2015仁爱英语同步练测考九年级英语全一册仁爱版 > 九年级下册综合测试题


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 35. —I will get up at 5 :00 every morning to read English from now on.

—Don’t be so sure.         

A. Practice makes perfect.        B. Easier said than done.

C. Early birds catch the  worms.  D. Nothing is difficult if you set your mind into it.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 30. The reason        he  was absent from the meeting was        his car broke down.

A. that; that  B. why; that  C. why; whether  D. that; whether


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 24. He is ill. He would rather        in  bed than        for  a  walk.

A. lying; going out  B. lie; go out

C. lying; go out  D. lie; going out


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 31. The house        the  famous person once lived in is very old now.

A. who     B. what  C. which     D. where


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


plant easy story thousand saying hear  hard deal important until animal be

Have you ever 66 of any fables? A fable is a 67     which tells us a point of view or teaches us a lesson. Usually,fables are stories about 68     that talk like people. Frogs are often the main characters. And of course,there are also many other animals playing very 69     roles in fables. From these short stories,people may find a better way to 70     with their problems,or a positive attitude towards their lives. Many common 71     come from Aesop’s Fables,such as “Don’t count your chickens 72     they are hatched. ” “Honesty is the best policy. ” and “ Look before you leap (跳,跳跃). ’ and so on. Aesop is believed to have been a Greek slave who made up these stories to make his life 73     Nobody 74     really sure if Aesop made up these fables himself. What is certain,however,is that the stories of Aesop’s Fables are so wonderful that they have been told over and over again for 75     of years.

66.          67.          68.          69.          70.        

71.____72.          73.          74.          75.        


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 2.—Driving less,walking more is good for our health.

—So I’d rather         an  hour’s  walk  to  work than consider         a  car.

A. take;drive  B. take;to drive

C. take;driving  D. taking;driving


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Sam prefers___    (看电视剧), because he can leam a lot from  them.   


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(   ) 3. Jane enjoys listening to music. She often says to me that           is  more interesting than music.

A. nothing     B. something

C. anything     D. everything

