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—Hi, Jack.Did you go to Jim’s birthday party?

—No, I felt so sad.I        

A. didn’t invite           B. wasn’t invited       C. am not invited           D. hadn’t invited


科目:初中英语 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省温州地区九年级上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One afternoon Mrs.Green’s husband wanted to catch the 3:30 flight to London to have an important meeting. She was very surprised when he telephoned her at 5 o’clock and said that he was still at the airport.

     “What happened to you?”asked Mrs Green.

     “Well,” said Mr. Green, “Everything was going fine. I got my ticket, checked my luggage and waited in line at the gate. I walked across the runway to the airplane and I saw my friend Jack Scott, who was an airplane engineer. I shouted to him and a policeman caught me.”

      “Why did he catch you?”

      “I don’t know,”said Mr.Green, “As soon as he heard my shout, he ran towards me and caught me.”

      “What did you shout to your friend?”

      “All I said was ‘Hi, Jack’. You know that’s the usual way we say hello to our friends.”

      “But you don’t know the sentence ‘Hi,Jack’ also means to take control of a plane by force.”

1.How did Mr.Green want to go to London?

A. By train        B. By bus         C. By airplane     D. By ship

2.Why was Mrs. Green surprised? Because her husband_______

A. didn’t arrive the airport in time

B. was still at the airport at 5 o’clock

C. didn’t want to go to London

D. was in London at 5 o’clock

3.When did Mr.Green get to the airport that afternoon?_______

A. Before 3:30     B. After 3:30     C. At 3:30         D. At about 5:00

4.What was Jack Scott in the passage? He was _________

A. a pilot      B. a policeman at the airport     C. an engineer     D. an actor



科目:初中英语 来源:2013年初中毕业升学考试(湖北鄂州卷)英语(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Hi, Jack. Did you go to Lucy’s birthday party?

—No, I felt so sad. I_______then.

A.didn’t invite      B.hadn’t invited     C.am not invited      D.wasn’t invited



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年重庆市九年级下学期半期考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


A: Hi, Jack! Will your school have a sports meeting this Friday?

B:          1.     

A: You are going to take part in the 400-meter run, aren’t you?

B: Yes, mom.

A: I hope you will win.        2.      Will they take part in the sports meeting?

B:        3.      Tom is going to do the high jump. Jenny is good at the long jump, so she will take part in the long jump competition.

A:        4.     

B: I practice it after school every day. But I feel a little nervous.

A: Don’t worry, Jack. Believe in yourself. You’re great!

B:        5.      



科目:初中英语 来源:2011年四川省绵阳市中考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:选词填空


bad  little  easy  be  invent  sleep  hour  Europe  wear  he  

1. Betty ______ now much taller than she was last year.

2.After a long walk, the little boy got tired and fell ______ soon.

3.The boy is too young to look after ______.

4.I think the computer is one of the most important ______ in the world.

5.The weather report says it will be cloudy in some ______ cities in the coming days.

6.—Hi, Jack! What’s wrong with Peter?

  —He fell off his bike yesterday. Luckily, he was not ______ hurt.

7.My students find English ______ to learn and they like it very much.

8.Kate ______ a beautiful dress at her 18th birthday party yesterday.

9.—These tables are very nice. Which one would you like, madam?

  —I’d like that brown one. It uses the ______ space.

10.We will arrive at that small village in about one and a half ______ time.



科目:初中英语 来源:2011年吉林省长春市中考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

—Hi, Jack! _______ you like tomatoes?—No, I don’t like.

       A. Are              B. Is                C. Does          D. Do


