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Dou Kou, a Chinese boy, is called "the youngest writer in the world" .He has written 3 books now.
Dou Kou was born in Jiangsu Province in 1994. When he was 7 months old, his parents started working in over 30 different cities, such as Xi'an and Shenzhen .This kind of life gave him things to think
and write about.
When Dou Kou was 9 months old, he could speak and at the age of one he could say five to six hundred words. At 3, he could look up words in the dictionary. At 4, his father taught him to learn something. His parents like reading very much. So does he. At the age of 5, he began writing fairy tales
His fairy tales are all from his life. One day ,he found many mice in the house. They not only ate their food but also hurt his mother's hand. So he thought, "lf we give mice the stomachs (胃)of cows, they'll eat grass and it'll be helpful to people. " This was his first fairy tale Change, Stomach for Mice.
At 6, he wrote a novel about his own life in different cities with his parents.
Now, he studies well in a middle school. He has written his third book, the novel- called Eyes of Childhood .He says ,"l am not different from other  children .I just wrote several books. "
小题1:How many books has Dou Kou written?
小题2:Because of _____ Dou Kou could write his books.  
A.his motherB.his father
C.school lifeD.life in different cities
小题3:Dou Kou began to use a dictionary _____  
A.when he wrote fairy tales
B.before his father taught him to study
C.after he went to school
D.after his mother taught him how to learn something
小题4:The underlined (画线的) sentences at the end of the passage show us that _____ .   
A.Dou Kou is different from other children
B.Dou Kou doesn't tell the truth
C.Dou Kou is the same as other children
D.Dou Kou likes his books
小题5:Which is the best title (标题) of this passage? 
A.Three Books by a Child
B.How to Write Fairy Tales
C.How Clever the Boy is
D.Dou Kou, the Youngest Writer


小题1:根据第一段He has written 3 books now.描述,可知他已经写了三本书,故选A。
小题3:根据短文第三段At 3, he could look up words in the dictionary. At 4, his father taught him to learn something.描述,可知在他父亲教他什么值钱,他就已经学会了使用词典。故选B。
小题4:结合语境可知他说的是,我与其它孩子没有什么不同,我只是写了几本书而已。故选C,Dou Kou与其它孩子一样。
小题5:这篇短文主要介绍了一位最年轻的作家——Dou Kou 。故选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Like most cultures around the world, the Zulu people of Africa tell stories that have animals as heroes. These stories are meant to have fun, but they are also used to teach important lessons to children. This is one of those stories.
One hot afternoon, Jackal was walking along the rocky road sniffing (嗅) the ground. He was hoping to smell a mouse or a lizard (蜥蜴), or something else that would be good to eat. He was so much lost in sniffing that he wasn’t really paying attention to what was around himself.
Suddenly, Jackal looked up to see his neighbor, Lion, walking straight toward him. He did not have enough time to run way. Jackal had played many tricks on Lion over the years, so he knew he would be in trouble if he was caught. Jackal needed to think of something quickly.
“Help! Help!” cried Jackal as he quickly jumped upon a large rock hanging over the road. “The rocks are falling down, and I can’t hold them much longer. We shall both be crushed (压碎) if you do not do your best to hold these rocks back, Lion”
At once, Lion pushed his strong shoulder against the rocks to keep them from moving any further. “I’ll just run over here to get something to stop the rocks.” shouted Jackal as he ran way to safety. Lion stayed leaning against the unmoving rocks for quite a long time before he realized that Jackal had tricked him yet again!
小题1: Why was Jackal sniffing the ground?
A.To play with Lion.B.To push a rock
C.To run after a mouseD.To look for something to eat.
小题2:What does the underlined word ‘leaning’ mean?
小题3: Why did Jackal cry for help?
A.Because Lion was rushing to him.
B.Because he was caught under a rock.
C.Because he got an idea to get away from Lion.
D.Because he saw a large rock moving toward him.
小题4: What lesson does the story teach us?
A.Trust(信任) your friend, trust yourself
B.Work hard, and you’ll succeed.
C.Help others when they are in trouble.
D.Try to find a quick way out when in trouble.
小题5:Which words can describe Jackal’s characteristics?
A.selfish and stubbornB.silly and unkindC.clever and creativeD.impolite and dishonest


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hi! My name is Zhou Mei. I’m your English(英语) teacher. I’m from Beijing. This is Mike. He’s from the U.S.A. He’s your teacher, too. This is Li Lei. He’s from Guangzhou. He’s new(新来的).
小题1: Zhou Mei is a teacher.
小题2:Mike is a teacher, too.
小题3:Zhou Mei and Mike are from China.
小题4: Li Lei is new.
小题5: Li Lei is from Beijing.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

John lived with her mother when he was young. He didn’t know who his father was. The woman did some washing for the rich and could buy only some bread for her son. So the boy was short and thin.
One cold morning there was much snow in the streets. A car knocked the woman down and the policemen took her to the hospital. She didn’t tell John that his father deserted(遗弃) her before he was born until she died. She left her son the name and address of his father.
John found his father, Mr. Brown, in another city. He was one of the richest shopkeepers and he had to receive his son. From then on the boy lived a rich life. He ate all kinds of delicious food and wore beautiful clothes. But he didn’t go to school and could not read or write.
Once his father took him to a party. He saw a newspaper lying on the floor and picked it up while others were talking about a film. He had a look at it and found a car’s wheels(轮子) were upward(向上).He called out,“ Oh, dear! An accident happened!”
All the people were surprised and began to read the newspaper. But soon they all began to laugh. Do you know why?
小题1:John didn’t know his father because       .
A.the man was richB.the man deserted his mother
C.his mother left the manD.the man didn’t like him
小题2:John was short and thin because      .
A.he didn’t like sports
B.his parents were short, too
C.he was often hungry when he was young
D.his mother never gave him food
小题3:The woman told John who his father was       .
A.after she was knocked down by a car
B.before her son left
C.before she was in hospital
D.before she died
小题4:After John found his father,      .
A.he was angry with the man
B.he started a rich life
C.he wouldn’t live with him
D.the man was bad to him
小题5:The people at the party laughed at him because        .
A.he held the newspaper upside down
B.he wasn’t polite
C.the newspaper was yesterday’s
D.he wasn’t clever


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Linda loves her dog Davy. They went to New York City last Saturday.
While Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station, the dog got out of his box and ran away. The station was crowded and Linda couldn't see Davy anywhere. When Linda shouted his name, some people looked at her but Davy didn't come. Then she called the police. While she was talking on the telephone, Davy met another dog outside the station. While the police were coming,Linda walked around the station and called Davy' s name. She didn't think about looking outside the station. Finally, a little boy said to her, "Did you look outside? I saw a big black dog when I came in. "When Linda finally saw Davy, he was jumping and running with another dog. There was a police officer next to them. The police officer said to Linda, "I think my dog found your dog."
小题1:What was Linda doing when Davy ran away?
小题2:How was the station?
小题3:What did Linda do when she couldn't find her dog?
小题4:Who gave Linda the tip (提示) to find Davy?
小题5:Who found Davy finally?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Mark first arrived in Thailand, he saw an old man selling something cheap in the street of Chiang Mai. The old man was one of the poor people in Chiang Mai and there was no difference from beggars (乞丐). Most of them were some lonely old people. Their life had no support.
Mark was a kind man, so he gave some changes to him without thinking. The old man told him to pick something he liked. Mark didn’t choose anything and left.
But the old man followed him closely. AT first, Mark didn’t think a lot, just supposing he wanted to go home. But when he went out very far saw the old man still following him, he was a bit tired, thinking the old man must feel he was kind and wanted to beg more money from him.
Mark turned back and told him not to follow him because he hadn’t much money. But the old man seemed not to understand what he meant, still following him. The bag on his back made him sweat (流汗) all over.
Mark happened to meet his Thai colleague (同事) in the street and his colleague heard this. The colleague turned to ask why the old man was following his friend.
The old man said out of breath, “My son, you gave me money, but didn’t want my things, so I have to give you something. I see you are a foreigner, likely not to familiar with here. I just want to follow you and show you the way. All I can do for you is this.”
Mark was shocked. He said he didn’t know why, when he felt the old man was just like his father.
小题1:What did Mark do when he first found the old man following him?
A.He didn’t think a lot and went on walking
B.He asked the old man why he was following him
C.He was shocked and asked his colleague to come.
D.He gave him more money without thinking.
小题2:The old man followed Mark closely         .
A.because he wanted to go back home
B.because he wanted to sell more things to Mark
C.because he wanted to beg more money
D.because he wanted to show Mark the way
小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Mark didn’t like this old man at all.
B.The old man was Mark’s father.
C.The old man sold something cheap to make a living.
D.Mark didn’t give the old man anything at the beginning.
小题4:How did Mark feel about the old man at last?
A.He felt the old man was kind and warm.
B.He felt pity for the old man.
C.He felt angry with the old man
D.He felt doubt if the old man was a thief.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Lillian Hanson, a college student, expects to graduate in about two years. What makes Mrs. Hanson different from her classmates is her    46   --73 years old.  She has been studying at college, a few courses at a time, for 27 years.
When Lillian Hanson graduated from high school, she went to the   47   to borrow money for further education. The banker gave her   48   encouragement. He didn't think that a country girl should borrow money to go to college. He thought she should be    49   doing housework or should work on the farm.     50   Lillian Hanson went home and raised a family of nine children instead of going to college.
Mrs. Hanson    51   forgot the dream of getting higher education. When the children
grown up, she   52   again and succeeded. In the class on her first day, when she introduced herself and   53   why she was there and what her aims were, all the other students   54  give her a warm welcome.
Mrs. Hanson finds that the   55   part of going back to school at her age is sitting in class long periods of time. However, she often says she will stick to her dream no matter how difficult it is.
小题1:A. age                           B. interest                      C. accent
小题2:A. club                          B. school                      C. bank
小题3:A. much                                B. no                         C. a little
小题4:A. at college                B. at home                     C. in the office
小题5:A. After                           B. But                         C. So
小题6:A. never                         B. already                      C. often
小题7:A. stopped                         B. tried                        C. refused
小题8:A. regretted                       B. guessed                     C. explained
小题9:A. stood up                       B. ran away                    C. broke out
小题10:A. best                        B. hardest                     C. easiest


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The class teacher thought that hobbies were important for children. So she encouraged all her students to have one, and sometimes she arranged hobby shows for their parents to see as a result.
One morning the teacher told the class to have a holiday and get their hobby things to school before 5p.m. A hobby show would be held the following afternoon.
So in the afternoon, the students with nothing to show did their lessons at school as usual, while the lucky ones had a holiday to go home for their hobby works.
When the afternoon lessons began, the teacher was surprised to see that Tommy was not there. “I don’t believe Tommy has a hobby,” she thought. However, at a quarter to five, Tommy arrived with a beautiful collection of butterflies in glass cases. The teacher liked the samples(标本) very much and put them on a desk in the classroom. But, to her surprise, Tommy picked them up again and began to leave.
“What are you doing, Tommy?” she asked. “Those things must stay here until tomorrow afternoon. That’s when the parents are coming to see them.”
“I know that,” answered Tommy, “and I will bring them back tomorrow, but my big brother doesn’t want them to be out of our house at night.”
“But, aren’t the butterflies yours?” asked the teacher.
“No,” answered Tommy. “They are my brother’s”
“But Tommy, you should show your own hobby here, not somebody else’s”
“I know that,” answered Tommy. What surprised her most was the answer, “My hobby is watching my brother collecting butterflies.”
小题1:What did the class teacher think of hobbies for children?
小题2:What time did Tommy get back to school that afternoon?

小题3:What would NOT happen the following afternoon?
A.The parents would enjoy the show in the classroom
B.Tommy would bring the butterflies back
C.The teacher would encourage her students for hobbies
D.The butterflies would fly away
小题4:Which was the teacher’s greatest surprise?
A.Tommy was not at school as usual
B.Tommy picked the butterflies up again and began to leave
C.Tommy said his hobby was watching his brother collecting butterflies
D.Tommy came back to school before 5 that afternoon
小题5:What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Important HobbiesB.Tommy’s Hobby
C.Different HobbiesD.Collecting Butterflies


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


Worthington was born in England. He moved to western Australia when he was very young. His family was very poor,at the age of 17,he went to another side of the country and began to make money by himself.
When he was 19. Worthington entered in Australia’s National Institute of Dramatic Art(澳大利亚国家艺术学院). In 1997,he became an actor. He tried his best to act in Australian TV shows and movies but he was not successful. In 2006,he wanted a new beginning,he worked harder and knew about acting well.
About one year later,he had a chance(机会). He met James Cameron,a Hollywood director(导演). He wanted Worthington to take part in a new movie,Avatar. Worthington went to America to play it. After that,more and more people knew him.
Playing in a film as big as Avatar brought Worthington new chances. He became a famous actor. He worked well with James Cameron,he will act in Drift,a movie about sports.
小题1:Was Worthington born in England?
小题2:When did Worthington become an actor?
小题3: Who wanted Worthington to take part in a new movie,Avatar?
小题4:Did Worthington play Avatar in America or Australia?
小题5: Why did Worthington become a famous actor?

