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There are about 80.000.000 mines under the ground in more than 60 countries. It is difficult and dangerous to clear these mines.About 50 people including many children were killed or hurt each day.In 2003,APOPO,a Duch research company that trains the animals,came up with the idea of using rats to search for the mines.

The animal trainers found that a kind of rats from Africa were clever and had a sharp sense of smell.The rats were about 75 cm long and weighted about 1.35 kg.light enough to run across a minefield without setting off the mines.

In January 2004,the  APOPO startec this preject.First ,the trainers let the 4-week-old baby rats get familier with humans. A few weeks later,the rats were no longer afraid of people and the things around them.Then they were trained to connect a click sound with food.After the rats had learned that ,the trainers then taught them to tell the different between the smell of mines and other smells.When the rats could do it,the click was sounded and they were given a bit of bananas.The method was called clicker training.“The training isn’t easy.”said the trainer Adulish Mebomvu.“You have to be patient.Sometimes I get angry,but then again.I tell myself these are animals.”

After nine months’ training,the rats were taken to 4 minefield. They ran across the minefield ,stopped, sat and searched the ground to tell the deminers that they smelt out a mine. Then the mine was cleared.It had taken two deminers a day to clear a 200 m2 minefield. But with the help of two rats they could finish it in two hours.

The rats and the deminers saved thousands of lives.“The rats did this job much better than we expected.So far they have helpde to make almost 2.000.000 m2 of land safe.They are heroes.”said Bart Woetjcds.the head of the APOPO.

1.The APOPO trained the rats to search for__.

A. children  B.animals  C. minea   D.bananas

2.While training the rats,the trainers have to be __.

A.patient   B. clever  C.brave   D.serious

3.How long did the training last?

A.Two hours  B. One day  C. Four weeks  D.Nine month

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE acorrding to the passage?

A. Each day about 200 people were killed or hurt by minea

B. The APOPO  started to train the rats is January 2004.

C. The trainers gave the rats food after they smelt out a mine .

D.The rats and the deminres saved thousands of livers.









1.主旨大意题 文章介绍了怎样训练老鼠来扫雷

2.细节理解题 由“ ‘The training isn’t easy.’said the trainer Adulish Mebomvu,’You have to be patient.Sometimes I get angry,but then again.I tell myself these are animals.” “训练不容易,你必须有耐心”。可知。

3.细节理解题 由 “After nine months’ training,the rats were taken to 4 minefield”, “经过九个月的训练,这些老师被带到4个雷区”,可知。

4.主旨大意题 通读文章,由“About 50 people including many children were killed or hurt each day”,“每天包括许多小孩在内大约50人死掉或受伤”可知A不对。



科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东江门福泉奥林匹克中学初二上期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:

There is a ______ tree in our school.

A. 20 meters tall          B. 20-meters-tall   C. 20-meter-tall        D. 20 meter tall



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届江苏省教育集团初一上学期期中考试英语试题(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Hello! My name is Becky Sharp. I’m 11 years old. I have one brother. His name’s Jason and he’s 14. I don’t have any sisters.

We live with our mum, dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield, in the north of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I sometimes go to the cinema on Saturdays.

Do you like sport? I like football. My favorite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. I am good at it but my brother isn’t.

I have lots of pets---one tortoise (乌龟) and six goldfish (金鱼). I want a dog or cat, but my mother doesn’t like them.

1.There are ________ people in Becky’s family.





2.Becky and her family live in________.

A.a big room

B.a cinema

C.the west of England

D.a small house

3.Does Becky play football well?________

A.Yes, she does.

B.No, she doesn’t.

C.She is not very good.

D.We don’t know.

4.Becky’s mother doesn’t like________.

A.tortoises or goldfish

B.tortoises or dogs

C.dogs or cats

D.goldfish or cats

5.What does pet mean in Chinese?







科目:初中英语 来源:2013届福建省初二下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Films in Beijing Theater This Week


American film

Director: Alfonso Cuaron

Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson

Time: From Monday to Wednesday, at 6:00 p. m.

Ticket Price:¥50


Chinese film

Director: Zhou Xingchi

Starring: Zhou Xingchi, Liang Xiaolong, Yuan Hua

Time: From Wednesday to Friday, at 9:00 p. m.

Ticket Price:¥40


Chinese film

Director: Feng Xiaogang

Starring: Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You, Li Bingbing

Time: From Friday to Sunday, at 6:30 p. m.

Ticket Price:¥40 (Half on Sunday for children)


American film

Director: Wolfgang Peterson

Starring: Julian Glover, Brian Cox, Nathan Jones, Adoni Maropis

Time: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 a. m.

Ticket Price:¥30

1.There will be ____ in Beijing Theater this week.

A.one Chinese film

B.two Chinese films

C.three American films

D.four foreign films

2.If an adult with his child goes to Beijing Theater to watch A world Without Thieves on Sunday, they will spend ____ on the film.





3.If you are free on Friday morning, you can see the film ____ in Beijing Theater.





4.You can see three films on ____ or ____.

A.Wednesday; Friday

B.Tuesday; Wednesday

C.Thursday; Friday

D.Saturday; Sunday

5.From the poster(海报), we know ____ is both a director and actor.

A.Alfonso Cuaron

B.Feng Xiaogang

C.Wolfgang Peterson

D.Zhou Xingchi



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届江苏省苏州市七年级上学期期中考试模拟试卷(英语) 题型:句型转换

句型转换 (本大题共5分,每格0.5分)

1. There is only one radio in the box. (对画线部分提问)

How     1        2        3    there in the box?

2. You can’t feed the birds in the park. (改为祈使句)

    4        5    birds in the park.

3. Lily has some toys in her locker. (改为否定句)

Lily     6        7     ___8___toys in her locker.

4. This is Andy and Millie’s ball. (对画线部分提问)

    9    ball is this?

5. There are not any goldfish in the fish tank. (同义句)

There are     10    goldfish in the fish tank.



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届江苏省苏州市七年级上学期期中考试模拟试卷(英语) 题型:单词拼写

单词拼写 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)

(A) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. There are two ________ (child) in my family.

2. The lovely room is the  ________ (twin), not their parents’.

3. These newspapers are yours and those ones are ________ (we).

4. There are some ________ (America) coming to our school every year..

5. The supermarket isn’t closed now. It is ________ (closed).

(B) 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。

6. ---How many ________ (堂兄弟) do you have?     ---I have three.

7. The students in our school are all ________ and helpful (有礼貌的).

8. The boy in a white ________ ( 衬衫) is my cousin Andy.

9. The little children like to play  ________ (模型)  planes in the playground.

10. Jiangyin has many ________ (图书馆). Many people like to borrow books from them.


