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Finland is a great country to visit, especially for relaxing. You can easily find peace and quiet there because much of the country is covered with forests. It also has lots of hills and thousands of lakes and islands .Depending on the season, visitors can enjoy themselves in bird--watching ,hiking, fishing and other outdoor activities .There is even a part of Finland where people can see the beautiful Northern Lights.
If you are a nature lover, you will discover plenty to enjoy in Finland .You will also find that the people of Finland are easy-going, This might be because they spend a lot of time having a sauna(桑拿) to relax themselves together .Finland even has a competition that is about spending time in one sauna. In the Sauna World Championships, People try to stay as long as they  can in sauna .This is really a hot competition! Finland is always considered as one of the best places in the world to live, from its capital ,Helsinki .,to its great number of lakes and forests.
Finland is truly one of the world’s greatest treasures.
小题1:Forests cover much of Finland.
小题2:Visitors can enjoy hiking and fishing whenever they visit Finland.
小题3:The Northern Lights can be seen in a part of Finland.
小题4:The people of Finland are serious and hard--working.
小题5:Havimg a sauna is a popular way for people to relax themselves in Finland.


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第一段中You can easily find peace and quiet there because much of the country is covered with forests.可知,芬兰这个国家大部分都覆盖着森林。故这个句子是正确的。
小题2:细节理解题。根据短文第一段中 Depending on the season, visitors can enjoy themselves in bird--watching ,hiking, fishing and other outdoor activities可知,游客们在芬兰可以看鸟、徒步旅行、钓鱼,还可以做其他的户外活动,这些要取决于季节的不同。由此可知,这个句子是错误的。
小题3:细节理解题。根据短文低第一段的最后一句话There is even a part of Finland where people can see the beautiful Northern Lights.可知,在芬兰的一个地方可以看见北极光。由此可知这个句子是正确的。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文第二段中You will also find that the people of Finland are easy-going,可知,当你去了芬兰的时候,你会发现芬兰人是非常随和的。不是像这句话中所说的严肃。故这个句子是错误的。
小题5:细节理解题。根据短文最后一段的描述they spend a lot of time having a sauna(桑拿) to relax themselves together可知,芬兰人非常喜欢洗桑拿,他们花费很多时间洗桑拿来放松自己,甚至还有桑拿比赛。根据这些我们可以知道这个句子是正确的。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People visit other countries for many purposes. Some travel on businesses; others travel to visit interesting places that are only found in other countries.
Wherever you go, and for whatever purpose, it’s important to be safe. A tourist can attract a lot of attention from local people. While most people you meet when travelling are sure to be nice, there are dangers—theft being the most common. So prepare for your trip in advance.
As you prepare for your trip, make sure you have the right paperwork. You don’t want to get to your destination (目的地)only to find you have the wrong visa, or worse, that your passport is about to expire (到期). Also, make sure you travel with proper medical insurance, so that if you are sick or injured during your travels, you can be treated. If you want to drive while you are abroad, make sure you have an international driver’s license.
If you need to take medicine with you—such as travel-sickness pills—keep it in its original container(容器). If you don’t, you may find yourself doing a lot of explaining to customs officials at your destination.
Buy a guidebook and read about the local customs of the country you are going to. Also, try and learn a few basic words and phrases—don’t assume that the local people will speak your language.
When you get to your destination, you’d better use official transport. Always go to the bus and taxi stands, don’t accept rides from strangers who offer you a lift. If there is no meter in the taxi, agree on a price before you get in. If you prefer to stay in cheap hotels while travelling, make sure you can lock the door of your room from the inside. If you are travelling with valuables such as jewelry, or a lot of money, you should ask about a safe for storing them in. Finally, remember to smile. It’s the friendliest and most sincere form of communication, and is sure to be understood in any part of the world!
Have a Safe Trip
Aspects of being safe
 小题1: on safety.
You must have the  小题2: visa.
medical insurance
You are able to get   小题3: if you’re ill during the journey.
driving license
You should have the   小题4: driver’s license if you’d like to drive in foreign countries.
Make sure it is   小题5: in its original containers.
If you buy one, you’ll know the local customs by  小题6: it.
You can try to learn some simple words and phrases the local people use.
Use public transport. Don’t  小题8: into strangers’ cars.
Lock the door from the   小题9: .
Form of communication
Don’t forget to  小题10: when communicating with others.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Owner, please listen to me,
My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation(分离) from you will make me sad. Remember that before you buy me.
Give me time to understand what you want of me.
Don't be angry with me for long and don’t lock me up as a punishment. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you.
Don’t forget to feed me. I’ll be happy if you give me my favorite food--bones.
Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when you’re speaking to me.
Take care of me when I get old. You, too, will grow old.
Go with me or difficult journeys. Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember, I love you.
Judge the following sentences True (T) or False (F).
小题1:Leo is probably a dog's name.
小题2:Leo can live to the age of fifty.
小题3:Leo, unlike his owner, has many friends.
小题4:We should treat old dogs well, because everyone will get old.
小题5:Dogs won't care whether you are with them or not on their difficult journeys.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Camping in your backyard is full of fun, whatever your age is. It’s great for keeping us relaxed. It offers chances to enjoy the night sky and to be noisier(更热闹) than usual. It lets us have friends over to stay who might not fit inside the house! Follow these instructions and you’ll have a night you’ll never forget!
Put up your tent
Considering the  (1)  of family members and guests, you may need more than one  (2) . Tell your friends to bring their tents if needed. Follow the instructions or check out the articles on how to put up a tent on the Internet.
Prepare your bedding
You’ll want your guests to be able to relax in comfort. Put something soft to lie on the floor: A blow-up air mattress(床垫) or thick comforters may work well. Fill the tent with soft toys and blankets. Have lightweight sleeping bags or cotton blankets. (3)They are especially important if you live where the night temperatures drop greatly.

Prepare a seating area
If you have a picnic table, that would work best. If not, set up a few chairs and a small table to set out(摆出) drinks and food. A simple choice is to lay out a blanket in the open air, so that your friends can eat and talk. Be sure the grass isn’t wet!
Make memories
Plan some activities. You’re camping in the backyard, so it’s time to make the most of being outdoors.
Have a camera nearby to take photos of you, your family members, and your friends. Take one large group shot with everyone smiling and laughing. Be sure to make copies for everyone!
______________________    _______________________
小题2:回答问题:What can we do to help remember the camping activities?
小题4:在文中找出与“Your guests are expected to relax themselves comfortably.”意思相近的句子。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?
小题1: __________. Getting angry with others can cause you to lose friends.
Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, has written My Feelings Are Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells how to stay cool when bad things happen.
The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. 小题2: __________. “Getting angry is not a natural way to act,” the book says, “It’s just a bad habit, like smoking.”
The book says you can control your anger easily – all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry.
The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry easily. 小题3:__________.
◆ Keep a record. When you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily.
◆ Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry.
◆小题4:__________. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh.
A. Here are the top three
B. Do something different
C. It can nevermake them better
D. You may ask how to use the tips
E. If you do, you need to control your feelings


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A 14-year-old British student is packing for the next day of school: textbooks, notebooks, pens, 250 grams of flour, an egg and some cooking oil. Wait, what?
It’s not a joke.
From September, cookery will be a compulsory (必修的) course for kids aged 7-14 in the UK.
Primary school students will learn how to put things together and make simple, healthy food.
At high school, students will then master a number of different meals. They will also learn some cooking skills including baking.
Britain is sometimes known as a country with bad food and unhealthy eating habits. These new courses are part of the country’s effort to bring healthy food back onto the table.
“One in four British families no longer has a table that everyone can eat around. One out of every two meals we eat is eaten alone. Only four out of ten of us enjoy eating meals with our children,” British writer Joanna Blythman wrote in her book Bad Food Britain: How A Nation Ruined Its Appetite (食欲) in 2006.
Instead, ready meals have become the first choice for many British kids, because their parents are often too busy to cook a proper meal.
The Department for Education hopes that the cookery courses can introduce children to good food and reduce childhood obesity.
“It’s important that children can develop an interest and understanding of good food,” said a spokesman for the department.
“We want to encourage them to develop a love of food and cooking that will stay with them as they grow up.
小题1:Students under 14 in the UK _______.
A.are fond of cooking
B.love to eat junk food
C.will learn how to cook at school
D.have to prepare breakfast by themselves
小题2:From the passage, we can learn that _______.
A.many British people have unhealthy eating habits
B.people in Britain don’t love to eat around the table
C.parents cook meals for their kids although they are busy
D.many British people don’t like to eat with their families
小题3:The aim of the cookery course is to help children _______.
A.have a good appetite B.learn more life skills
C.learn to do housework at home D.enjoy eating and cooking healthy food
小题4:The underlined word “obesity” in the passage means _______ in Chinese.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Brown’s house was less than two miles from his office, so he could drive home every day for lunch. Every time he drove home at noon, he found many cars outside his house and there was no room for his own car. He had to drive somewhere else to park his car. Then he walked back home. This made him very angry.
He put up a board in the garden facing the road. The board said, “No Parking”. But nobody noticed it. People seemed to obey only a police notice with white letters on a blue board:
Mrs. Brown asked his husband to steal a police notice but he was afraid to do so. Then she asked him to make one just like a police notice. Mr. Brown said he was not the police and couldn’t use the word “police”. Several days later, Mr. Brown made a blue board with white letters.
“Oh!” Mrs. Brown said. “You told me you weren’t going to use the word ‘police’, but why do you use it now?” “Really?” he asked.
“Look again,” she started to laugh. “You are really clever”.
小题1:Mr. Brown’s office was ______ his house.
A.next toB.not far fromC.2 hours’ drive fromD.5 miles from
小题2:Mr. Brown was angry because ______.
A.he found no room to park his car outside his house
B.he had nothing to eat for lunch at home
C.he lost the way when he drove back home one day
D.he couldn’t make a police notice outside his house
小题3:Mr. Brown made ______ notice board s altogether 总共。
小题4:In the end, Mr. Brown made a notice board and it _____.
A.was just the same as a police notice
B.was different in color from a police notice
C.just looked like a police notice
小题5:We can infer推断 that ______ after he put up the blue board.
A.more people will park their cars outside his house
B.more policemen will park their cars outside his house
C.fewer people will park their cars outside his house
D.fewer people will visit him at noon later on


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You are watching a film in which two men are having a fight. They hit one another hard. At the start they only fight with their hands. But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs. And so it goes on until one of the men crashes (撞击) through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below. He is dead!Of course he isn't really dead. With any luck he isn't even hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, who crash cars of even catch fire, are well trained. They do this for a living. These men are called stuntmen. That is to say, they perform tricks (花招,手段). Here are two sides to their work. They do most of the things you see on the screen. For example, they fall from a high building. However, they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress (床垫). Again, when they hit one another with chairs, the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows, the glass is made of sugar! But although their work depends on trick of this sort, it also requires a high degree of skill and training. Often a stuntmen’s success depends on careful timing. For example, when he is "blown up" in a battle scene, he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment.
Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work, but they lead dangerous lives. They often get seriously hurt, and sometimes killed. A Norwegian stuntman, for example, flew over the edge of a cliff (悬崖) a thousand feet high. His parachute (降落伞) failed to open, and he was killed. Although it is full of deadly dangers, this is no longer the work for men only. Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous actions. For nowadays there are stuntwomen too! (357)
小题1:Stuntmen are those who ______.
A.often dress up as famous actors
B.prefer to lead dangerous lives
C.often perform dangerous actions
D.often fight each other for their lives
小题2:What’s the meaning of the underlined sentences in the first paragraph?
A stuntman should _______.
A.crash bravely though a window made of sugar
B.do the well-planned activity at a very moment
C.open his parachute when he jumps down the cliff
D.have got a high degree of skill and training
小题3:Which could probably the best title of this passage?
A.Fights in the Movies.B.Crashing Out of the Window.
C.Exciting Films Today.D.Most Dangerous Work.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hi, I’m Nick. I am very busy from Monday to Friday. In the morning, I always get up and take a shower at six ten. After half an hour, I have breakfast. After I finish eating, I get dressed and go to school by bike. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to school.
After school, I go to the English club. Because my English is not very good, I join the English club at school. The students in the club get together to practice speaking English at half past five. We can talk in English and we can tell English stories in the club. It is good for us to improve our English.
小题1:When does Nick have breakfast?
A.At 5:45.B.At 6:10.C.At 6:40.D.At 7:00.
小题2:How does Nick get to school?
A.By bus.B.By bike.C.By subway.D.By train.
小题3:What do students get together to do?
A.To talk with each other.B.To do homework.
C.To practice English.D.To listen to the stories.
小题4:Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.It takes Nick about thirty minutes to get to school.
B.Nick’s English is good.
C.The students in club can’t tell English stories.
D.Nick thinks the English club is good.

