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Population is ________ big problem for cities.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

China has a ________ population and long history.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

、阅读与表达 (共10分,每小题2分)
阅读短文, 根据其内容回答问题。
A type of bird that is now extinct (消失) is the passenger pigeon. The passenger pigeon lived in the eastern part of North America. Scientists believe that in the year 1500 there were as many as five billion of these birds living from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. They flew at great speeds and would travel to many places to look for food. Passenger pigeons grew to be about 16 inches long.
Settlers who came to North America killed the passenger pigeon for food and for its feathers. The forests where they lived were cut down to clear the land for farming. Because the passenger pigeon laid only one egg at a time, their population did not grow quickly. The last passenger pigeon died at Cincinnati Zoological Gardens in 1914.
Another type of bird that has become extint is the dodo. The dodo lived on an island called Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It had short, stubby legs and wings and a large curved beak. The dodo was about the size of a large turkey. It was acturally related to the pigeon, but it could not fly. Like the passenger pigeon it laid only one egg at a time. Dodos became extinct because they were eaten by sailors and animals, such as pigs and monkeys, that the sailors brought to the island. The dodo is believed to have died out in 1680.
Another flightless bird that has become extinct is the moa. The moa lived on the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Like the dodo, the moa’s legs were shorter, but some of these birds grew to be more than ten feet tall. And the causes of its extinction is the same as the dodo’s.   The moa is believed to have died out sometime during the 1700s.
【小题1】 Were there many passenger pigeon in the year 1500?
【小题2】 When did the last passenger pigeon die at Cincinnati Zoological Gardens ?
【小题3】 Where did the dodo live before it died out?
【小题4】 How many kinds of birds have died out in the passage?
【小题5】Why have these birds died out?


科目:初中英语 来源:2010~2011学年湖北省武汉市京山外校初二12月月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

The population of the Earth is growing faster. It is important that we look after the Earth. We need it!
The Earth gives us a lot of things. We also give the Earth a lot, but some of the things are not good.

In nature, when something dies, other animals and plants get food from it. Every animal or plant gives food for other animals or plants. However, animals can’t get food from many of the things that we ‘give’ the Earth. Animals and plants can’t eat metal, plastic and glass. These things will stay in the ground for many, many years.
Some rubbish is very dangerous for plants and animals. In some places, many animals live together. One animal makes food for many more animals. If we put rubbish and chemicals in the water, the plankton(浮游生物) can die. If there isn’t any plankton, many animals have nothing to eat.
So what can we do? Don’t leave any rubbish in the countryside! Don’t make so much rubbish!
【小题1】 The Earth gives us ___________.

【小题2】 When something dies in nature, _________.
A.water and grass are pollutedB.plastic and wood become food
C.other animals and plants get foodD.metal and glass stay in the ground
【小题3】 We must _______ to look after the Earth.
A.put metal in the groundB.use more wood
C.keep frogs in the waterD.make less rubbish


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省淮安市涟水县初三中考模拟二英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Do you know what school life is like in Singapore? In Singapore, a class only lasts half an hour, but there are no breaks between classes. The students only have a 30-minute tea break after 3 or 4 classes.
They do not do eye exercises. Yao Suyu said our eye exercises were unfamiliar(不熟悉)to her. “I’d like to introduce them to our school,” she said. “They’re very useful!”
In Singapore school ends at 1:50 p.m. But students joined other classes after school such as dance clubs and choir(合唱团). Yao says she joins dance club twice a week and it lasts from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Singapore’s population(人口)includes Chinese, Indians(印度人), Malays(马来人 )and Westerners. But there is no special school for any one of the groups. The students in Yao’s school are mainly Chinese, Indians and Malays. “The Indian students take Indian language classes when we study Chinese,” said Yao. “But if an Indian student is interested in Chinese, he or she can study it, too.”
In Singaporean schools, teachers teach in English. It’s the official(官方的)language in Singapore. Singaporean students have to take different courses after school. Like most Singaporean students, Yao took other courses in Chinese, math and English.
【小题1】How long does a class last in Singapore?
【小题2】Do the students do eye exercises in Singapore?
【小题3】When does school end in Singapore?
【小题4】What does Singapore’s population include?
【小题5】In which language do teachers teach in Singaporean schools?


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语九年级下Module 6 练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The experts think that India’s population may be _______than China’s ______ 2020.


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