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The Snowdonia
The Snowdonia Center for young mountain climbers has a mountain climbing lesson. The beginners’ costs are £57 for a week, including food and rooms. Equipment is included except walking shoes, which can be hired (租用) at a low cost. You must be in good health.
The Canary Islands
It’s a good idea to go to the Canary Islands to enjoy the winter sunshine. An interesting activity of visitors to the Canary Islands is surfing. You can also see lots of wild animals, or enjoy swimming with the sea lions.
The Alpha Resort Tomamu
The ice hotel is in Japan. Its dining room,  bedroom and bathroom are made out of ice. It provides dinner served on an ice plate. You can take your ice glass to the ice bar or the ice café. The hotel experience costs $242 per person.
小题1:If you’re interested in mountain climbing, you can go to    .
A.the Snowdonia Centre B.the Canary Islands
C.the Young Climbers’ CentreD.the Alpha Resort Tomamu
小题2:At the Snowdonia Centre, the beginners’ costs include   .
A.enjoying the winter sunshineB.walking shoes
C.food and roomsD.food and walking shoes
小题3:What can’t you enjoy on the Canary Islands?
A.Swimming with the sea lions.B.Surfing.
C.Watching wild animals.D.Having a sports lesson.
小题4:The Alpha Resort Tomamu is    .
A.a cinemaB.an ice hotelC.a museum D.an ice cream shop
小题5:Tony wants to visit the Alpha Resort Tomamu with his friend Tom. How much will they need to pay?
A.£57. B.$242.C.$57. D.$484.


试题分析:这篇短文包括了三个度假地方的信息。Snowdonia中心有年轻人的攀登课程;Canary岛上可以冲浪、游泳和观看野生动物等活动;日本的冰宾馆Alpha Resort Tomamu可以由冰块构成,人们可以享用冰咖啡等。
小题1:细节理解题。根据文中内容The Snowdonia Center for young mountain climbers has a mountain climbing lesson. Snowdonia中心有针对年轻攀登爱好者的课程。故选A。
小题2:细节理解题。根据文中内容The beginners’ costs are £57 for a week, including food and rooms初学者每周费用为57英镑,包括食物和房间;故选C。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文中内容The ice hotel is in Japan.日本的冰宾馆,故选B。
小题5:判断推理题。根据文中内容The hotel experience costs $242 per person.这个宾馆每人消费242元。题中两人就是484元,故选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Five Waiters and Ten Waitresses:
—Aged under 22.
—At least high school graduates.
Good-looking men at least 1.72 meters tall and women at least 1.65 meters tall.
—Paid 1.600-2,200 dollars per month.
One Secretary:
—Aged under 30.
—Females(女性) only.
—Good at writing and skilled at computer.
—Paid 2,000-3,000 dollars per month.
If you are interested, call 465-4768.
Fax: 6954828
Aged between 25 and 40.
—With an experience of at least two years.
With a degree and an accountant certificate(证书).
—Paid 3,000-4,000 dollars monthly.
—With a practical knowledge of computer.
Computer Salesclerk:
—Aged 25 or less.
—Basic education of 12 years or more. Good at computer.
Paid 1,800-2,200 dollars monthly.
Tel: 447-4398
Fax: 3485269
小题1:If you don’t know how to use a computer, you can work as________.
A.a secretaryB.a waiter or waitress
C.an accountantD.a salesclerk
小题2:If you want to get a job in the Fairmont Hotel, you should be________.
A.a womanB.a university graduate
C.shorter than 1.65 metersD.younger than 30 years old
小题3:If you work as an accountant, how much can you get at most monthly?
A.$ 1, 800.B.$ 2,200.C.$ 3, 000.D.$ 4, 000.
小题4:If you want to be an accountant, you have to satisfy(满足) the following conditions except___________.
A.being a womanB.knowing how to use a computer well
C.an experience of at least 2 yearsD.having an accountant certificate
小题5:Sukan is 24 years old. He can get the job as_______.
A.a secretaryB.a waiter
C.an accountantD.a computer salesclerk


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:The name of the film is__________ .
A.Where Are We Going, DadB.Humans And Horses
C.A Big FilmD.Humans And Animals
小题2:The film was shown on ____________ .
A.April 3lst, 20l4B.February 3lst, 20l4
C.March 3lst, 2014D.January 3lst, 20l4
小题3:There are________ leading actors in the film
小题4:If two adults and a child go to see the movie, they will pay for_______ .
A.¥l20B.¥60C.¥ 200D.¥ 240
小题5:The story is about ________________.
A.children and animalsB.how to drive a car
C.five children and their fathersD.how to get along with animals


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Today is Sunday, and it is a fine day. The animals in the zoo are having a sports meeting now. Let’s go and watch it. Look! Some tigers and horses are running fast. They all want to get the first place .What are elephants and lions doing? Oh ,they are playing soccer. The big elephants and the fast lions! What a funny picture it is! And some pandas are watching the soccer game happily .In the pool, a dolphin and a penguin are swimming. Near the pool, a monkey and a koala are climbing up an apple tree .They are both fast and want to get the apples on the tree. A giraffe is umpiring(裁判) the game under the tree. Who do you think can get more apples, the monkey or the koala? What an interesting sports meeting it is!
小题1:Where are the animals having the sports meeting?
A.In the forestB.In a parkC.In a zooD.In a school.
小题2:What are the tigers doing?
A.They are running
B.They are watching the soccer game
C.They are swimming.
D.They are playing soccer.
小题3:Why are a monkey and a koala climbing up the tree?
A.Because they like climbing up the tree.
B.Because they want to get the banana on the tree.
C.Because they want to get the apples on the tree.
D.Because they don’t have other things to do.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT right?
A.The elephants and lions are playing soccer.
B.Some pandas are watching the soccer game.
C.A dolphin and a penguin are swimming in the pool.
D.A giraffe is eating apples under the trees
小题5:What is the best title(标题) for the article?
A.Welcome to the zooB.The animal sports meeting
C.The cute animalsD.Welcome to the sports meeting.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

 Zijin Mountain Observation(紫金山天文台)
Price: Adults ¥50      Children ¥20
Children (under 10 years old) free
Open: 8.00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. every day
  Xuanwu Lake
Price: Adults¥ 60     Children (10 years old and over) ¥30
Children (under 10 years old) free
Open: 6.00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. every day
  Nanjing Zoo 
Price: Adults ¥40       Children (12years old and over ) ¥15
Children (under 12 years old) free
Open : 7:00 a.m.—6:00p.m. from Monday to Friday
6.30 a.m. to 6.30p.m. on Saturday and Sunday
小题1: Jim are 12. If he goes to Zijin Mountain Observation with his parents, they should spend____________. 
A.60 yuanB.90 yuanC.120 yuanD.150 yuan
小题2:You are 11 years old.. If you don’t take any money, you _______________.
A.can’t go to any placeB.can go to only one place
C.can go to two placesD.can go to three places
小题3:It is 6:35 a.m. on Sunday, you can visit ____________.
A.Zijin Mountain ObservationB.Xuanwu Lake
C.Nanjing ZooD.both B and C


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:The purpose(目的) of this notice is____________.
A.to ask people to visit the springsB.to make visitors know the area
C.to tell visitors what not to doD.to tell the visitors to have a rest
小题2:The notice is written for____________.
小题3:____________is NOT mentioned in the notice.
A.How long visitors can stay in the area
B.What visitors cannot bring to the area
C.Who looks after the visitors’ things
D.Whether smoking is allowed in the area
小题4:The Chinese meaning for “slippery” is____________.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jack is a high school student. He is seventeen years old. He is in Grade two now. he had a bad stomachache three days ago. He went to see the doctor. The doctor gave him a bottle of medicine. Here are the words on the bottle:
Stomachache medicine
You must shake(摇晃) the bottle before you take it.
You must take it three times a day.
You should take it after meals.
Age                        Dose(剂量)
More than 16                 three teaspoons (药勺)each time
8---15                       two teaspoons each time
5---7                       one teaspoon each time
Notes: the children under 4 years old CANNOT take this medicine. Please put it in a dry and cold place. Take it before Oct.31, 2009.
小题1:Jack should take the medicine __________.
A.before mealsB.after mealsC.before sleepD.after sleep
小题2:Jack should take ______of the medicine a day.
A.1 teaspoonB.4 teaspoonsC.9 teaspoonsD.2 teaspoons
小题3:Jack should ___________ before taking the medicine.
A.eat no foodB.drink no milk
C.shake the bottleD.drink some water
小题4:Children can take the medicine when they’re ______ years old.
A.under 4B.more than 4C.more than 16D.between 8and 15
小题5:Jack _______ the medicine after October 31,2009.
A.has to takeB.has to soldC.can takeD.can’t take


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:KOREA  One is the name of a _________.
A.hotelB.restaurantC.food supermarketD.museum
小题2:We can go to Korea One for lunch at ________.
A.10:30am on MondayB.3:00pm on Friday
C.11:00am on SaturdayD.2:30pm on Sunday
小题3:Korea One offers us the following information except _______.
A.locationB.telephone number C.websiteD.food price


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hi,boys and girls!Do you need good       ?Welcome to our store!Our store is very    .We have lots of clothes in it and many of them are       .Every day,        people come and buy clothes in our store. We have     clerks(店员):five boys and five girls. The      in our store are cheap.
Do you      schoolbags?We have many cheap schoolbags. We      them for only 8 dollars. We also have trousers,shoes,sweaters,shirts and shorts. They are in many        :blue,green,black,yellow and white. Do you      these things?Come to our store,please.
A.in needB.at schoolC.on saleD.on TV

