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A:Excuse me, 1 the nearest hospital, please?

B:Sorry, I don't know. You'd better 2 the policeman over there. He may know.

A:Thank you all the 3 . (To another man)

A:Excuse me, which is the 4 to the nearest hospital, please?

C:Go down this street, turn left and walk on 5 you reach the end. And you will see the hospital. It's 6 the post office and the fruit shop.

A:How 7 is it from here?

C:It's about thirty minutes' walk.

A:My daughter is badly ill. She can't walk any longer. 8 can we get there?

C:You can go there by bus. The bus stop is over there, on the other 9 of the street.

A:I see. Thank you very much.

C:You're 10 .



  1Where's. Excuse me, Where's?是问路的常用句型.

  2ask.根据前句I don't know.判断,无法指路可用You'd better ask…句型.

  3same.尽管对方不知道路,但建议你去问警察,也要同样表示感谢.应说:Thank you all the same.

  4way.由C所指的路Go down this street, turn left and…可判断出,这里是A在问路,the way to…是“到……去的路”的意思.

  5until/till.持续性动词和until/till连用表示动作的终结.walk on until/till you reach the end意思是“一直走到街道尽头”.

  6between.根据空白后the post office and the fruit shop的语境,表示在二者之间须用介词between

  7far.由C的答语It's about thirty minutes' walk.可判断出,这里是A在询问距离,应用How far

  8How.由C回答的You can go there by bus.可判断出,这里是A询问去医院的方式.

  9side.一条街道有两边,一边是one side,另一边是the other sideside常和介词on相搭配.

  10welcome.对感谢的答语常用You're welcome.意思是“不用谢”.


科目:初中英语 来源:双色笔记八年级英语(上) 题型:030



Doctor:What's wrong with you, madam?

Madam:I've got a pain here.

Doctor:How 1 have you had it?

Madam: 2 two weeks ago.

Doctor:Let me see. Do you feel the 3 here and there?

Madam:Yes, it's very serious.

Doctor:I'm afraid you'll have to stay in 4 for a few days.

Madam:Really? It 5 be quite serious.

Doctor:Don't worry. You'll be well soon 6 an operation.

Madam:Operation? Do I 7 the operation?


Madam:But my son? He's only ten. I can't 8 him at home by himself.

Doctor:Don't worry about him. Your health is more 9 than anything else now, isn't it?

Madam:Yes, I 10 with you. I'm coming tomorrow.


科目:初中英语 来源:双色笔记八年级英语(上) 题型:030



(Mum=M Son=S)

M:Jake, put 1 your warm clothes. It'll get colder.

S:How do you know?

M:I 2 to the radio last night. The radio said there 3 be windy and cloudy.

S:Look at the cloud, it 4 look thick, I think it will lift up quickly. It will be fine.

M:No, I don't think so.

S:Now the temperature is five to eight. I don't feel cold.

M:There will be a heavy rain 5 in the day. The temperature will 6 below zero.

S:What bad weather! There is going to 7 a football match between Class Two and Class Three this afternoon, we won't have it.

M: 8 you will have it tomorrow.


M:If you 9 wear warm clothes, you will have a bad cold. You will not have the football match.

S:Thank you for 10 me that. It's time for class. I must go. Bye!



科目:初中英语 来源:2013届安徽省铜陵县三中九年级上学期第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:补充句子

(Michael and Kangkang meet at the school gate.)
A: Hello, Kangkang.
B: Hi, Michael.
A: I called you just before I left home ,but you were not in. 【小题1】__________________________
B: Oh, sorry. I’ve been to the library.
A: What did you go there for?
B: 【小题2】__________________________________________________________
A: Well,【小题3】_____________________________________________________
B: It’s about 1.3 billion, one fifth of the world’s.
A: Has the government done anything to control the huge population yet?
B: Yes.【小题4】_________________________________________________and it has worked well in controlling the population growth for many years.
A: Really? However, the population problem is still serious in China, isn’t it?
B: Yes, it is. Oh!【小题5】_________________________________________Let’s go to the classroom.
Hurry. Let’s go.
A.A. What’s the population of China?
B.B. Where have you been?
C.C.What’s wrong?
D.D. The government has carries out the one-child policy.
E.E. There goes the bell.
F.F. I went there to look up some information about China’s population.
G.G.I borrowed some story books.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语九年级下Module 4 练习卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子



A:Hi,Dave! Come in and sit down.1               ?

B:Orange juice would be fine.2           ?

A:Oh,not bad.And you?

B:Just SO-SO.3              .And I have no time to relax.

A:By the way, what do you want to do after leaving school?

B:4                          .

A:Sounds good.Do you have apart-time job?

B:Yeah,1 work as a waiter in a restaurant.5                      .

A:Wow.That’s great.


