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It ________ since two months ago,so the ground is very dry.

A.has rained               B.hasn’t rained             C.rained                 D.didn’t rain


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届云南省陇川第一中学初三上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But only one   36 was the most important.
It happened last term just after I had got a   37 result in an exam. I was sad and had lost my confidence. I decided to go to a class which can tell me how to be  38 .
The speaker walked into the room. But he did not start talking  39 a teacher. In­stead, he held up a twenty yuan note(钞票) !
“Who wants this?” he asked. Unsurprisingly,   40 of us in the class held up our hands.
The speaker smiled. Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same question. Again, we all put up our hands. The speaker smiled again, but   41 nothing. Suddenly, he threw the note onto the floor! Then he asked the same  42 a third time.
I didn’t   43 what the speaker was doing. Why was he asking the same question again and again? I didn't know what to do. I wanted the note,   44 I put my hand up again. After a while, he  45 the note and started to laugh. “You have all just told me how to be­come successful,”   46 said to us with the note in his hand.
“The note is worth twenty yuan. It is   47 worth twenty yuan, even though I throw it on the floor. You are like the note. No matter  48 happens to you, you still have your worth.”
When I heard those words, I was deeply moved. Suddenly, I  49 I was worth a lot. I may have done badly in an exam, but it doesn't   50 I can’ t do well in the future. If I believe in myself, I will be successful!

A.took outB.threw awayC.picked upD.put down


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届安徽省淮北市九年级上学期五校联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Basketball is still a young game. It’s over a hundred years old. In the winter of 1891, a certain college was having some trouble with its boy students. The weather was bad and the students had to stay indoors. As they couldn’t play outdoors, they were unhappy, and some even got into fights from time to time.
Some of the teachers at the college asked Dr. Naismith to invent(发明)a game so that the students might have something to play with. It was not easy to invent such a game because it had to be played indoors , and the court(球场)was not very large.
Dr. Naismith thought for a few days and invented a kind of ball game. It was a fast, wonderful game with much moving and passing of the ball. It was played between two teams. To make a score , the ball had to be thrown into the basket ten feet(英尺)above
the floor on the wall. At each end of the court there was such a basket. At first, Dr.
Naismith wanted to throw the ball into a box. As he could not find boxes of the right size, he had to use fruit baskets instead. That is how the game got its name.
【小题1】How long is it since basketball was invented?

A.100 yearsB.Less than 100 years
C.110 yearsD.More than 100 years
【小题2】The students felt unhappy because _______.
A.they had little time to studyB.they often got into fights
C.they had much homework to do D.they couldn’t play outdoors
【小题3】Who asked Dr. Naismith to invent a game?
A.Some studentsB.Some teachers
C.Some students’ parentsD.Some of his friends
【小题4】When a student ________, he makes a score.
A.receives the ball.
B.throws the ball to another student
C.runs quickly with the ball in his hand
D.throws the ball into the basket
【小题5】Which sentence is right?
A.The students could go outdoors when the weather was bad.
B.It was easy to invent the game.
C.Dr. Naismith had to use fruit baskets to throw the ball.
D.The ball had to be thrown into the basket five feet above the floor.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年北京市师大附中初一上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

I’m 14, a year younger than most of my classmates.
A week ago one of my classmates, Nitin, asked me for help with math homework. We ended up talking about computers and file-sharing(共享文件). As we talked I found that he was more experienced and could teach me about file-sharing and networking. We went to his room and watched a movie about robots that he’d downloaded. The math homework was forgotten.
The next day he came again for homework help “What do you do on weekends?” he asked. The truth is, when I have work to do, I do it. I have no special time to kill with friends. I was embarrassed about this. I expected him to think I was boring and said, “Get a life!” He said, “OK. You’re having trouble getting along with people I can show you. I’m old than you.”
Later, he checked my computer. He even connected me to an Internet chess server(服务器).He was becoming like a big brother.
But when I thought about it, I didn’t really want Nitin’s help” His big-brother idea began to bore me.
“I’ll get you some cool computer programs(程序)”.
“I’ll teach you how to talk to girls.”
He meant what he was saying, but I don’t know why it didn’t make me feel good. Since then he’s hardly talked to me; we seem to have forgotten each other. I don’t think he can “teach” me much, and I don’t think much of him. But I could be wrong·
【小题1】What did Mitin help me do?

A.He helped me with my homework.
B.He helped me with math problems.
C.He taught me about file-sharing and networking.
D.He introduced some fiends to me.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “kill” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】Which is NOT the reason why the writer doesn’t want Nitin’s help?
A.He has no special time to kill with friends.
B.He forgot his homework because of playing with him.
C.He thinks his ideas are not useful to him.
D.He has another big brother.
【小题4】Can you use a word to describe the writer?
【小题5】Choose a title for this passage.
A.I Don’t Want a Big Brother!
B.No Time to Kill
C.My Big Brother
D.My Life After School


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省南京市鼓楼区中考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

(One day Alice runs after a strange rabbit and comes into a deep hole. She becomes smaller when she wakes up the next day. She finds herself in a wonderland with many amazing things inside.)

The Caterpillar(毛毛虫) and Alice looked at each other for some time in silence. At last the Caterpillar took the pipe out of its mouth, and said to her in a tired, sleepy voice.

“Who are YOU?” said the Caterpillar.

This opening for a talk couldn’t make Alice at ease. Alice replied, rather shyly, “I----I hardly know, sir, just at present ----at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”

“What do you mean by that?” said the Caterpillar, “Explain yourself!”

“I can’t explain MYSELF. I’m afraid, sir.” said Alice, “because I’m not myself, you see.”

“I don’t see.” said the Caterpillar.

“I’m afraid I can’t put it more clearly.” Alice replied very politely, “for I can’t understand it myself. And being so many different sizes in a day is very puzzling.”

“It isn’t.” said the Caterpillar.

“Well, perhaps you haven’t found it so yet.” said Alice. “But when you have to turn into a chrysalis(蛹,茧)----you will some day, you know ----and then after that into a butterfly, I think you’ll feel it a little stranger, won’t you?”

“Not a bit.” said the Caterpillar.

“Well, perhaps your feelings may be different.” said Alice. “All I know is, it would make ME feel very strange.”

“You!” said the Caterpillar scornfully. “Who are YOU?” The question brought them back again to the beginning of the talk. Alice felt a little angry because the Caterpillar was making such VERY short sentences. She drew herself up and said very seriously, “I think you ought to tell me who YOU are first.”

“Why?” said the Caterpillar.

Here was another puzzling question. As Alice could not think out any good reason, and as the Caterpillar seemed to be very unpleasant, she turned away.

“Come back!” the Caterpillar called after her. “I’ve something important to tell you!”

This certainly gave Alice some hope. Alice turned and came back again.

1.Where may their talk take place?

A.In a wonderland.                        B.In the field.

C.In the tree.                            D.Outside the hole.

2.Alice didn’t feel __________ during her talk with Caterpillar.

A.shy              B.sad              C.angry             D.strange

3.Why did Alice think she was not herself?

A.Because she was too young to understand the changes.

B.Because being changed several times in a day made her feel puzzled.

C.Because she didn’t like her changes

D.Because she didn’t feel very well.

4.Put the following statements in the correct order according to the story.

① Alice drew herself up.

② Alice used an example to explain the changes to herself.

③ Alice couldn’t explain herself.

④ Alice turned away.

⑤ Alice looked at Caterpillar for some time in silence.

A.⑤②③④①                           B.⑤②③①④

C.⑤③②④①                           D.⑤③②①④

5.Which of the following sentences can be added to the end of the story?

A.“Don’t be silly. You are still yourself.” said the Caterpillar.

B.“Don’t be angry. You think you’re changed, do you?” said the Caterpillar.

C.“Don’t be sad. You’ll grow bigger again.” said the Caterpillar.

D.“Don’t be afraid. You can go home now.” said the Caterpillar.



科目:初中英语 来源:2012届海南省三亚市八年级下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

In general, it's hard to spend enough time in both concentrating on lessons and taking part in social activities. But I wanted to succeed in both. I knew this would be a challenge but I didn't realize how difficult it was until my classes in the high school began,

     I got on well with other girls. After school, I often had ice cream with them first instead of finishing my homework before it was time to hand it in, I always finished it the next day between classes.I knew it wasn't very good and the grades that I got showed I was not hard-working enough. I realized that I needed to find some kind of balance.

     So I created a timetable that would divide my time between studying and relaxing. It was a good idea but I was only able to follow it for a few days because it made me under too much pressure.

     Later, I tried another plan. Each week I listed everything that I had to get done during the week and the time by which I had to get it done. Then under the things I had to do, I made another list of things that I could do if I had time.

     It worked really well. Ever since I have never missed any important things. At the same time, I enjoyed my spare time a lot.

     Planning my time has been challenging, but I continue to do it. I'm glad that I've learned to balance things and it has helped prepare for what is coming after graduation.

   1.At first, when did the writer always finish her homework?

            A. After school was over.         B. Between classes the neat day.

            C. Before it was time to hand it in.

   2.Why did the writer follow the first timetable only for a few days?

            A. Because it had a specific list.     B. Because it wasn't a good idea.

            C. Because it brought her too much pressure.

   3.What wasn't included in the writer's second time plan?

            A. The things she shouldn't do.         B. The things she had to get done.

            C. The things she could do if she had time.

   4.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

            A. The writer had few friends because of bad grades.

            B. Learning to balance things is helpful to make plans for the future.

            C. The writer preferred to spend more time in relaxing than studying.

  5.Which do you think is the best title of the passage?

            A. Facing challenges       B. Concentrating on lessons

C. Balancing study and play


